11 tips for using the law of attraction for weight loss

The law of attraction is a powerful principle that can help you improve your life in many ways.

This includes shedding a few pounds.

But if you are trying to use the law of attraction for weight loss, there are some things you should keep in mind!

Here are 11 tips for when you want to lose weight using the law of attraction:

1) Keep your intentions clear

Before you begin any journey, you must know where you are going.

The same is true for the law of attraction. You need to have a clear vision of what you want to attract into your life.

If you want to lose weight, make sure that this intention is very clear in your mind.

Keep it on your mind, and write it down if you have to. This will help you to stay focused and committed to achieving your goal.

Now: when it comes to intentions, you need to get as clear as possible, that is the only way the law of attraction can actually work!

So, what do you want to achieve?

With this, I would also be careful to keep your intentions focused on healthy weight loss.

There are many unhealthy reasons why you might be dropping the pounds, so keep your intentions clear.

This could mean: “I am fit and healthy and finally at a weight that feels comfortable for my body.”

With this, also make sure to keep your intentions positive.

Don’t say “I am not fat” or “I don’t want to be chubby”, but say positive affirmations, like “I am healthy, I am fit, I am the best version of myself”.

You need to be specific about what you want to attract.

This means that you need to get very clear on your intentions.

This is very important in the law of attraction. If you just have a general idea of what you would like to attract into your life, then the law of attraction will not work for you!

If you don’t know exactly what it is that you would like to attract into your life, then it is impossible for the law of attraction to help.

So make sure that every statement about weight loss is very specific.

For example: “I want to be able to fit my old clothes again.” or “I want to feel comfortable in my own skin”.

2) Focus on the feeling, not the outcome

The law of attraction is not about achieving a certain result.

In fact, it is much more effective when you focus on the feeling you want to attract rather than the outcome.

Focus on the feeling of being fit, healthy, and full of energy.

What does it feel like to be fit? What does it feel like to be healthy? How does it feel to have abundant energy?

You will find that focusing on the feeling is more effective than trying to force the result you want.

The law of attraction is based on energy, and energy is based on your emotions.

So, instead of just thinking about what you will look like, you need to really feel into what it will feel like to reach your goal.

I know, this can be tricky, especially when you don’t feel good about yourself at the moment at all, but visualization can really help.

You need to focus on the feeling of being healthy and happy, and you can use visualization to help you get there.

For example, if you are trying to visualize yourself looking fit and healthy, then imagine what it would feel like to be that way.

Imagine how it would feel like to have a toned body and strong arms.

Imagine how it would feel like to be able to wear your favorite clothes again and feel confident and happy with your body.

The law of attraction is all about focusing on the feeling of being ready for whatever comes your way.

And remember – the law of attraction only works when you are focused on what you want! So stay clear about what you want, and focus on how it feels good!

In my experience, it works best if you focus on your desired reality as often as possible, dropping into these feelings of gratitude and happiness multiple times a day.

Sure, it works well while you meditate, but you can also visualize it at random times, such as while looking in the mirror or going to the bathroom.

The more often you visualize, the more likely you are to reach your goals.

3) Get help from a gifted advisor

The tips above and below will give you a good idea about how to lose weight using the law of attraction.

But a surefire way to know for sure is to speak with a gifted advisor.

They can answer questions like, how can I lose weight? Am I on the right track?

The problem is finding someone you can trust.

That’s why I recommend Psychic Source. When I signed up for a reading, they provided me with a unique insight into where my life was going, including who I am meant to be with.

Having tried several online advisors, I think they’re the most caring, compassionate, and helpful network of gifted advisors out there.

Click here to get your own personalized reading.

Not only will a genuine advisor tell you how to lose weight using the law of attraction, but they can reveal all your love possibilities.

4) Keep track of your thoughts

As you are trying to lose weight with the law of attraction, you must be aware of your thoughts.

This is because your thoughts are the building blocks of your reality.

The more you focus on your goal, the more you will attract it into your life.

If you want to lose weight, make sure you are not sabotaging yourself with thoughts like: “I will never get there” or “I can’t be healthy”.

Pay attention to what you are thinking about your weight loss journey.

If your thoughts are negative, make an effort to shift them to more positive ones.

If you find you are constantly thinking about past failures or struggles when trying to lose weight, try to think about your successes instead.

Affirmations can really help with this.

Keep thinking about how you want to be healthy and fit, and how it feels to be that way.

If you find your thoughts becoming negative, try repeating positive affirmations to yourself, such as “I am healthy and fit”, or “I am happy with my body”.

Focus on the feeling of being in control of your life and your weight loss journey.

You will often find that after a while, you will start to see results. You may even find that achieving your goals is easier than you thought!

Because you are building your reality with your thoughts, negative thoughts can really hinder you from seeing any success!

5) Be grateful and celebrate your progress

When you are trying to lose weight using the law of attraction, it is easy to focus on what you don’t have.

We do this because we are so used to what we have now. We take things for granted, but that is not helpful when using the law of attraction to lose weight!

Instead, be grateful for what you have now. If you are trying to lose weight, you have made progress!

You may have started your journey at a certain weight, but you are now healthier.

Being grateful for your progress will help you attract more progress.

It will also help you to be more positive. And positive energy is what you want when trying to lose weight with the law of attraction!

Now, I know it’s hard to celebrate your progress when you can’t come to terms with how you look or feel.

However, there are so many things to be grateful for.

Maybe you don’t like the way your body looks, but can you be grateful for the fact that your legs can carry you every day?

Or that your mouth allows you to taste amazing food?

Or that your arms are strong and can hold your loved ones?

You can be grateful for all of these things.

Your body is a great place to start!

Positive thoughts are important when trying to lose weight with the law of attraction.

They will help you to see the positive in situations, even when they are not so positive.

6) Identify the root cause of your desire to lose weight

When you are trying to lose weight with the law of attraction, it is important to identify the root cause of your desire to lose weight.

Why do you want to lose weight? Is it because you are healthy and want to feel good in your body?

Or is it because you want to look a certain way?

If you want to lose weight to look a certain way, you will want to make sure you are doing it for yourself.

You see, the only sustainable source of motivation comes from within.

So, if you are not sure why you want to lose weight, it will be really hard to stick to your goals.

When the only reason to lose weight is because of other people, you won’t stick to it.

But if you want more clarity on this, I’d suggest speaking to a gifted advisor at Psychic Source.

I mentioned them earlier. They have helped me out in the past and I’ve always found them honest and compassionate in their readings.

So instead of trying to solve all your love problems on your own, speak to an advisor who’ll give you the answers you’re looking for.

Click here to get your own personalized reading.

And if you need some reasons that may inspire you:

You will live longer for your loved ones or children.

You will have more energy to do the things you love.

Your body will not be a reason not to do things you want to do.

You will prevent certain diseases.

7) Identify the root cause of why you are craving unhealthy food

If you find that you are constantly craving unhealthy foods when trying to lose weight, it could be because you are trying to fill a void.

You might be craving unhealthy foods because you are looking for some connection with food.

The thing is, you may want something to fill the void in your life.

If this is the case, you need to identify the root cause of your desire for unhealthy food.

Once you know why you are craving unhealthy foods, you can take steps to help shift the craving.

You see, we crave unhealthy foods because they are addictive, but we overeat them because something isn’t quite lining up within us.

Some people fill a void, while other people use it as a way to eat away their sadness or anger.

Other people distract themselves with food because they don’t want to face their innermost thoughts.

Whatever it is, identify the root cause and you will feel that losing weight is a lot easier.

8) Surround yourself with people who support your goals

When you are trying to lose weight using the law of attraction, it is important to surround yourself with people who support your goals.

This can be difficult if everyone around you is eating unhealthy foods.

But it is important if you want to succeed with the law of attraction and lose weight!

Find people who are also trying to lose weight and who are committed to eating healthy foods.

People who are also trying to lose weight will be more likely to support you and help keep you accountable.

You see, when people around you constantly ask you to go eat fast food with them, chances are that you will eventually give in or fall back into old habits.

So, have people around you who will lovingly support your journey.

This also means having junk food every once in a while and just enjoying it guilt-free, by the way.

Losing weight doesn’t mean you have to cut out anything from your diet forever.

9) Find activities that make you feel good

If you are trying to lose weight, it is important to find activities that make you feel good.

Find activities that help you connect with your authentic self and that make you happy.

This can be anything from yoga to rock climbing. The important thing is that the activity makes you feel good.

Why is this important when trying to lose weight with the law of attraction?

Because being happy is the best way to attract happiness into your life!

Doing activities that make you happy will help you stay positive. This will help you to lose weight with the law of attraction even more!

And the best part?

The more you enjoy an activity, the less you will have to motivate yourself to go and do it.

So, instead of fighting yourself every day to go to the gym, maybe you find that you love doing yoga and going on walks.

You see, there is no “right way” to exercise in order to lose weight.

And doing something you love consistently will always beat doing something you hate sporadically.

It’s all about consistency, and you can only achieve that when you love what you do.

10) Be proud of who you are right now

When you are trying to lose weight using the law of attraction, it is important to be proud of who you are right now.

No matter what your current weight is, you are a beautiful human being.

You are worthy of love and respect just as you are.

Being proud of who you are right now will help you stay positive and focused.

You don’t need to compare yourself to others or beat yourself up for being where you are at in your journey. You are where you are supposed to be!

When you can accept your body for what it is right now and when you can see the beauty at this exact moment, losing weight will become much easier.

You see, the thing is, if you hate your body now, losing weight will not change that.

Body dysmorphia is a real thing and you will never be satisfied until you learn to love your body.

If you are not happy with your body, you will most likely never be happy with your weight.

You see, the thing is, being proud of yourself is not about the number on the scale. It’s about being proud of who you are right now.

When you can accept and love yourself at this exact moment in time, you will never be unhappy with your weight again.

You will always be able to find beauty in your body because you will love it for who it is right now.

And the best part?

Once you can be proud of yourself right now, the pounds will be shed almost by themselves!

11) Listen to your intuition

As you are trying to lose weight with the law of attraction, it is important to listen to your intuition.

Your intuition is a powerful sense that can help you to stay on track and be successful.

You may even want to make a decision that is contrary to what people always talk about when trying to lose weight.

Your intuition will always guide you towards your highest good.

And it will help you to stay focused on what is truly important to you!

The thing is, especially when it comes to your body, your intuition knows best.

So, if you learn to eat and exercise intuitively, losing weight will suddenly feel effortless!

You got this

By following these tips, you will be able to successfully lose weight with the law of attraction. You will be happier and healthier in no time!

Hopefully, the tips above will shed some light on how to lose weight using the law of attraction.

But if there’s a part of you that still wants to know more, I recommend speaking to a genuine advisor.

And there’s one company that I always end up recommending, Psychic Source. Not only did they blow me away with their accurate reading, but they were also kind and understanding of my situation.

So if you’re tired of wondering about how to lose weight with the law of attraction, get in touch with a gifted advisor and take your future into your own hands. I did, and I’ve never looked back since.

Click here to get your own professional love reading.

Confused about what to do next?

A weird, new way to figure out what to do next is to get advice from the Psychic Love Robot.

This is a very sophisticated tool using advanced artificial intelligence and neural network modeling.

You ask a question and then share additional information about your situation.

The Psychic Robot then tells you exactly what to do.

It’s honestly mind-blowing. And it’s free for a limited time.

Check out the Psychic Love Robot here.

It may tell you exactly what you need to know.


Anna Scheucher

Anna Scheucher

Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. Check out my blog to find out more https://www.fullyholistic.com/!

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