10 tips to manifest your dream body overnight

Feeling insecure in your body is probably one of the worst feelings to deal with, after all, you can’t really escape, you always got yourself around.

The good news? There is a way to manifest your dream body overnight, so that you can finally feel empowered and happy with yourself.

Does that sound too good to be true?

Well, if you follow these tips, you will be manifesting your dream body starting today!

1) Get very clear on why you want this

If you want to manifest your dream body, you need to get really clear on why you want this in the first place.

Because if you don’t know why you want something, then chances are you won’t really put in the work to get it.

For example, if you just want to lose weight because you feel like you should, that’s not a strong enough reason to actually push through and see it through to the end.

Or if you want to lose weight to please other people, that’s not a strong enough reason to actually stick to it, either.

Well, let me tell you, if you don’t have a deep enough reason to want this, you won’t be able to manifest your dream body overnight.

The thing is, manifestation requires you to have a very strong idea of why you want something and to have a very strong feeling of positivity about it.

Now: when it comes to wanting to change your body, I’m sure in the past you might have been focused on external factors, like wanting to look a certain way or wanting approval from your peers.

In reality, it is much better to focus on other things, like the way this will make you feel more confident, or how strong and healthy you will feel from exercising.

The whole idea behind focusing on your why and not your how is that when you focus on things that are good for you, you will be able to tap into a deeper desire and motivation to manifest your dream body overnight!

The more motivated you are about something, the stronger your feelings about it.

And when it comes to manifestation, the stronger your feelings, the more likely it is to work!

Now: speaking of making it work, why hasn’t it so far?

2) Find out what is stopping you from achieving your goal

If you really want to manifest your dream body, you’ll have to get to the bottom of why you aren’t achieving the results you want.

Find out what is stopping you from achieving your goal. Is it your diet? Your exercise habits?

Your mindset? Your environment? Your schedule? Your genetics? Your finances? Your support system? Your social media feeds? Your motivation levels?

Find out what is stopping you from achieving your goal and you will be one step closer to manifesting your dream body.

The thing is, more often than not, it has something to do with your mindset and your approach to this journey.

As soon as your mindset changes, your body will, too.

However, you will need to get to the bottom of why you are where you are right now.

What is holding you back from reaching your goals?

Do you use food as a tool to comfort yourself? Are you lacking support? Is the idea of working out for an hour just too exhausting for you to even consider?

Once you get to the bottom of these things, you will have achieved a major breakthrough and feel much better about yourself.

Because if there is something in your life that is holding you back from improving it, chances are you will have a much easier time getting results!

Your motivation levels are key to manifesting your dream body overnight.

But now that you’ve gotten to why you haven’t been successful in the past, it’s time to focus on the future:

3) Visualize your perfect body

This may sound a bit woo-woo, but it works. And I’ve seen proof that it works.

When you visualize yourself with the body you want, you are telling your mind to create it in the real world.

Simply put, when you visualize yourself with the body you want, you are telling your brain that it is real and can be achieved.

You see, when you visualize yourself with the body you want, you are giving yourself an end goal to work toward.

Visualizing the body you want, gives you a picture of what success looks like, and you are setting yourself up for success.

When it comes to manifestation, visualization is an important part of the process.

Visualizing the body you want, helps you to align your thoughts and feelings with what your subconscious is creating for you.

In other words, it helps to get over the blocks that are holding you back from achieving success.

The thing is when you visualize yourself with the body you want, your level of positivity about it will be much stronger and so will your feelings about this goal.

What you think about a lot, you attract.

And when you visualize yourself with the body you want, it’s a step in the direction of achieving it.

Now: when it comes to visualization and manifestation, authenticity is key.

You can’t visualize things that don’t resonate with you, because then you’re just wasting your time.

So really figure out what it truly is you want at your core (not what society says you should want), and then focus on that.

Maybe you want to be thinner, maybe you want to gain some weight, maybe you want to get strong and muscular – there is no wrong choice here, what’s important is that you are authentic.

Once you’ve done that, it’s time for some more inner work:

4) Work on your limiting beliefs

If you’ve been struggling with your health and fitness for a long time, it will only get worse if you don’t work on your limiting beliefs.

Let’s say you want to lose weight and be fit but you have this thought pattern that you can’t ever lose any weight because you have a very sedentary lifestyle.

This is what we call a limiting belief. Limiting beliefs are irrational thoughts that hold us back from achieving our goals and dreams.

When you have a limiting belief like this, you may feel like you’re working towards your goal, but you’re not getting anywhere.

You see, when you have a limiting belief like this, it’s often because of something that happened in the past.

You may have had an experience as a child where you tried to lose weight and failed, so you think that you can never lose weight.

Or maybe it doesn’t have to do anything with that, maybe it’s a deeply-rooted belief that you are not worthy of love or happiness and that’s why you’re stuck in this cycle of self-sabotage.

Regardless, the first step to overcoming it is to address it!

The good news is that your limiting beliefs are not set in stone – they can be changed.

But if you don’t take the time to address what is holding you back, how will you ever get results?

Limiting beliefs are the biggest hurdles in manifesting your dream body overnight – they are literally holding you back.

The thing is, limiting beliefs tend to come and go when we awaken to our power – they are a direct reflection of how you feel.

When you feel positive about your body and what it can do, that’s when your limiting beliefs will fade away.

However, when you have any sort of negative thought about your body or what it can do, that is when your limiting beliefs are at their strongest.

Now: limiting beliefs happen at a subconscious level, so you will need to find a way to address them and then consciously tell yourself the exact opposite over and over again until it is ingrained in your brain.

Once you’ve done that, you’re ready for the next step!

5) Understand that your body won’t change overnight, but your mindset will

If you are expecting to manifest your dream body overnight, you are likely setting yourself up for failure by creating unrealistic expectations for yourself.

Your body is not going to magically change overnight because you think it will.

Now: manifesting your dream body overnight will work, but not in the way you think.

You will not wake up looking completely different, just because bodies, unfortunately, don’t work that way.

Your body is going to change as you put in the work to change it.

So if you really want to manifest your dream body, you have to change your mindset.

You have to change your thoughts, your feelings, and your emotions if you want to change your body.

The good news?

For most people, the journey to their dream body is literally only a question of their mindset and once that clicks, they can reach their goals effortlessly.

And your mindset can’t only change overnight, it can actually change in a matter of seconds!

If you want to make a real change in your life, you have to do what it takes.

What that means is that you need to commit more time and effort to improvement than ever before if you want to get the results you want.

But that doesn’t mean extra hours at the gym or less food – it can simply mean digging deep and working on those deeper issues that have caused you to not have your dream body in the first place!

Speaking of the gym and food, you might have to change your approach:

6) Know that whatever didn’t work in the past probably won’t work now, either: change your approach

If you’ve tried to lose weight and achieve your fitness goals in the past but didn’t experience the results you hoped for, it doesn’t mean that they will magically appear overnight now if you repeat the same diet or exercise regimen.

Find out what didn’t work in the past so you can avoid making the same mistakes now.

Start paying attention to what doesn’t work for you so you can change your approach to finally see results.

You have to approach things differently. You have to change your strategy. Simply put, you have to change your mindset.

Stay open-minded, and approach things from a new perspective. If something isn’t working, you need to change what you’re doing.

Now: you probably know by now that restrictive diets and crazy workout schedules have not worked for you in the past because they are simply not sustainable.

When you put your body through so much stress and restrict it from the foods it craves, you can kiss your energy levels goodbye because your brain and body will not be able to function at their peak with such extremes.

And the worst part? As soon as you reach your goals, you will yo-yo and bounce right back to where you were before.

You might be ready for a more sustainable approach to getting your dream body that is best suited to your lifestyle.

You don’t need crazy diets or workouts to reach your goals.

Moving your body more and being more mindful of your food and not overeating regularly is what will truly help you to make long-lasting changes!

And once you do, you need to celebrate every success, which brings me to my next point:

7) Celebrate your small successes and non-scale victories

If you really want to manifest your dream body, you have to celebrate every little thing that you achieve along the way.

You have to celebrate every small success and non-scale victory.

You have to celebrate the fact that you made it to the gym even when you didn’t want to.

Or maybe you have to celebrate the fact that you didn’t overeat even when you were craving that bag of potato chips and only had a few.

You have to celebrate the fact that you kept going even when you wanted to quit.

Celebrate the fact that you didn’t give up.

These non-scale victories matter and these small successes will add up over time. And they will help you stay motivated along the way.

When you are manifesting, a positive approach is key. Being grateful for the little victories on your journey will help your manifestation process go a lot more smoothly!

Be happy that you are making positive changes, even if they aren’t big ones right now.

If you want to manifest fast, you have to accept that the process won’t be easy – it’s going to require a lot of hard work and determination.

But, at the same time, if you want to manifest fast and make sustainable changes this time around, then celebrate every single step along the way.

Speaking of manifesting something fast, you might need to change your perspective:

8) Change your perspective on weight loss and think long-term

If you really want to manifest your dream body, you have to change your perspective on weight loss and think long-term.

When you change your perspective on weight loss and think long-term, you will start to notice a shift in your mindset.

You will be more patient. You will be more consistent. You will be more dedicated. You will be more passionate. And you will be one step closer to manifesting your dream body.

If you remember, I mentioned earlier how manifesting your dream body overnight won’t literally change your body, but it will help you to change your mindset instantly.

The thing is, when it comes to weight loss or any kind of change, we often get impatient because we don’t see results right away.

But inside of your body, the moment you start making healthy choices, the pendulum starts swinging the other way, even if you can’t see it on the outside.

Change your perspective, your results are beginning instantly!

If you were manifesting 1 Million dollars and right after you manifest it, one dollar after another comes trickling into your bank account, you’d be excited, because you know that even though it will take some time for that Million dollar to fully arrive in your account, it is slowly coming and getting more every day.

It’s the same with this, just that it’s not as visible.

In the meantime, you can focus on your future self for a bit:

9) Imagine what your ideal self would do in a given day

If you really want to manifest your dream body, you have to start imagining what your ideal self would do on a given day.

Imagine what your ideal self would do on a given day, and then do it.

And as you do this, you will be one step closer to manifesting your dream body.

What would they do in the mornings, how would they treat themselves?

How would they approach food and how active would they be?

How would they treat others, and how would they treat themselves?

They wouldn’t feel the need to binge or overeat. They would have the self-confidence to do everything that they wanted to do.

They wouldn’t let anyone else tell them what to eat or how to look.

They’d be able to focus on all that they are grateful for in life instead.

Once you get clear on what they would do, you get to follow in their footsteps!

And then, I have one last tip to help you stay on track:

10) Use positive affirmations to stay on track mentally

If you really want to manifest your dream body, you have to stay on track mentally with positive affirmations.

Positive affirmations are essential for staying on track mentally.

Positive affirmations will help you stay on track mentally, and they will help to improve your self-confidence and belief that it is possible, even if you don’t see it right now.

Positive affirmations can also have the power to re-program your thoughts when old habits start manifesting that keep you in the same place.

If you’ve never heard of them, positive affirmations are little sentences or phrases that you repeat to yourself that tell the story of your ideal self.

For example, “I am confident”, “I am thankful”, or “I am grateful.”

Positive affirmations will help you focus on your goals instead of your fears. They will help you focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want.

They will help to guide your path and empower you to stay on track when things start getting hard.

Some affirmations that might help you are:

I am reaching my dream body.

I feel confident in my skin.

I am beautiful.

I am thankful for what I have and what I’m working towards.

You can either use my affirmations above or you can create your own, but keep the feel the same. They should be positive and uplifting, not negative.

Repeat them throughout your day and you will see the change!

Final thoughts

Even though it’s difficult and you want your results right away, remember that you are working towards your dream body and that change in the right direction can happen overnight!

All you need to do now is be patient and wait for your results to show physically!

Trust me, you are on the right path and once you change your mindset, you will feel so much better!

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Anna Scheucher

Anna Scheucher

Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. Check out my blog to find out more https://www.fullyholistic.com/!

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