9 crystal-clear signs your twin flame is coming back

Are you spending your days in the hope that your twin flame will come back?

I know, the waiting time can be excruciating and all you want is to finally see your twin flame again.

But I have some good news for you! There are some signs you can look out for that will show you that your reunion with your twin flame is closer than you think!

Look out for these signs whenever you are about to give up hope!

1) You feel complete without your twin flame

This might sound strange, but when you feel complete without your twin flame, it’s a sign that you are ready to come back together.

You will feel like you are okay with being alone and not once do you feel like you are missing something or someone.

You will have found your own self-love and have healed the parts inside you that needed to be healed.

This will allow your twin flame to come back to you with less resistance because you won’t be pulling them towards yourself with your ego and you won’t be trying to make them feel responsible for your happiness.

This is a sign that you are ready to receive your twin flame once again!

You’ll also feel like you have more energy and you can accomplish so much more in your day-to-day life when you have the twin flame coming back to you again.

You see, when you are depending on your twin flame to make you happy, that’s not a very healthy relationship dynamic.

You have to be responsible for your own happiness and when you are, then you won’t need your twin flame to make you happy.

You will give him or her the freedom to live their life without feeling responsible for yours.

And that’s the best way to attract your twin flame back and make your dreams come true.

Speaking of dreams…

2) Your dreams will become more vivid and you dream of your twin flame

Have you been having vivid dreams?

If so, you can be sure that your twin flame is coming back to you.

When you dream about your twin flame, it’s a sign that you are ready to come back together. You can also dream about places you have never been to before or you can dream about your future together.

This is a sign that you are very close to having your twin flame back in your life.

Your dreams might be cryptic at first, but once your twin flame comes back to you, they will start making sense.

Your dreams will become more vivid and you will dream of your twin flame more than ever before.

You might even have dreams where you are in a relationship with them, or where they propose to you or even have dreams where you are living together with your twin flame.

You see, dreams are a great way to analyze your subconscious and these dreams can signify you are ready to be with him or her.

You are already open to the idea of being with your twin flame again and you are learning to love yourself enough so that you no longer feel like you need them to make your life whole.

These dreams can be exciting, as they carry lots of spiritual meaning.

In order to not miss any signs, it might help you to talk about your dreams with someone at Psychic Source.

They are amazingly gifted advisors who will help you to analyze your dreams and make sense of them!

Trust me, there is so much hidden meaning in your dreamscape, and analyzing all of it properly could shorten the time period in which you are waiting for your twin flame!

Click here to get your own reading.

3) You’ll have an unexplainable feeling of happiness

When you feel an unexplainable feeling of happiness and joy, it’s a sign that your twin flame is coming back to you.

These feelings don’t come from the outside world, but from within.

When you are feeling this happiness, it means that you are truly happy and content on the inside.

You don’t need anything or anyone to make you happy, you just are! When you are ready to receive your twin flame again, you will feel this unexplainable feeling of happiness from within.

This also means that you no longer feel any resentment towards your ex-twin flame.

You have let go of all the bad things they have done to you and only remember the good things they have done.

Now: your body understands that your twin flame is about to come back into your life, and it is very exciting already.

If you feel an unexplainable excitement inside of you, it’s a sign that your twin flame is coming back.

This excitement might be in the form of butterflies in your stomach or it could be something else. When you are ready to receive the twin flame again, you will feel an unexplainable excitement deep inside of you.

This can be very confusing because you might be asking yourself why you are feeling this way when your twin flame hasn’t come back to you yet.

That’s because you are receiving the energy of the universe. The universe vibrates with love and when you are ready to receive your twin flame again, you will start feeling the energy of the universe.

This inner giddiness is really nice, and something you shouldn’t take for granted. You see, really enjoying this moment and savoring it is truly the best thing you could be doing right now, believe me!

But you won’t just feel happy, you’ll also be very connected to your innermost self:

4) Your intuition is at its best

If your intuition has been at its best, then you can be sure that your twin flame is coming back to you.

Your intuition is your inner guidance and it will only lead you towards your path of self-love and wholeness.

When you are ready to be with your twin flame again, your intuition will be at its best.

You will know exactly what to do and when to do it. You will stop worrying so much about the little things and instead, focus on your inner path of self-love and wholeness.

Your intuition will also be very clear when your twin flame is coming back to you.

You will know that he/she is almost here. You will also know what you have to do to open up your heart and welcome your twin flame back into your life.

You see, your intuition is a lot more powerful than you might think.

The closer you are to your twin flame reunion, the stronger your intuition will be. You will understand exactly what you need to do in order to get closer to your twin flame.

Make sure to not ignore your intuition!

5) You feel the urge to try something new

If you feel the urge to try something new in your life, it might mean that your twin flame is coming back to you.

When you are ready to be with your twin flame again, you will begin to feel like doing something completely different in your life.

This is because sometimes, you will actually meet your twin flame again while doing something new.

When you feel the urge to try something new, it might actually mean that your twin flame is coming back to you at this very moment.

And yes, he/she could be doing something completely different from what he/she used to do when you were together before.

Now: the universe works in weird ways sometimes, so you shouldn’t ignore these urges to try new things – they might be leading you toward your twin flame!

Who knows, maybe that new hobby will connect you with your twin flame again!

6) You keep randomly seeing 11:11

When you see 11:11 on any clock, on your phone, or anywhere else, it’s a sign that your twin flame is coming back.

11:11 is a sign that you are ready to receive the love of your twin flame once again.

You might see 11:11 on your computer, on your car’s GPS, or on your phone’s clock.

All of these are signs that you are ready to receive the love of your twin flame once again.

You see, 1111 is an angel number, and it signifies new beginnings. It is an especially important number for twin flames.

I learned all of this from a gifted advisor at Psychic Source. I mentioned them earlier, they are amazing when it comes to anything related to twin flames.

If you need support, they will be able to tell you exactly what angel numbers to look out for and what they might signify in your own life.

Click here to get your own love reading.

Angel numbers are very intuitive, so you will have to listen to your inner guidance when seeing them.

Speaking of intuition:

7) You feel pulled towards a certain place

Are you drawn towards a certain place? If so, it’s a sign that your twin flame is coming back.

You might feel drawn towards the place where you first met your twin flame or you might feel drawn towards a place where you have never been before.

It doesn’t matter where you feel drawn towards; it only matters that you feel a strong urge to head towards this place.

When you feel this urge, it means that you are ready to receive your twin flame again.

You see, oftentimes, that will be the exact place where you will meet your twin flame again!

That’s why it’s so crucial to never ignore these urges and actually just go for it!

You feel like taking a different route to work? Do it! You are craving a specific donut from a shop at the other end of town? Go there!

These subtle hints can say a lot about you and your twin flame!

But sometimes, the signs aren’t as subtle:

8) You can’t stop thinking about your twin flame

Do you find yourself thinking about your twin flame often? If so, it’s a sign that your twin flame is coming back.

You will find your mind wandering back to the good times you spent with your twin flame.

You will be thinking about where you first met, your first kiss, and everything in between.

When you are ready to receive the love of your twin flame again, you will be thinking about them non-stop.

When this happens, try and be present because it is almost as if you are being called back to the relationship.

Speaking of being present:

9) You can feel their presence

Last but not least, when you feel the presence of your twin flame, it’s a sign that they are coming back to you.

This can happen in many ways, but most commonly it happens through your dreams.

When you feel the energy of your twin flame in your dreams, it’s a sign that you are very close to having them back in your life.

You might also feel their presence while doing certain activities like meditating, hiking, or simply being in nature.

This is a sign that you are ready to receive the love of your twin flame again!

You might also feel their presence in the form of an intense feeling of love coming from nowhere.

This is a really strange sign, and one that can feel a bit weird at first, but it’s an amazing indicator that you are about to reconnect with your twin flame.

Final thoughts

Like we saw above, there are many signs that your twin flame is coming back.

When you are ready to receive the love of your twin flame again, you will experience many of these signs.

You will feel more energized, your intuition will be at its best, and you will have an unexplainable feeling of happiness inside of you.

Your dreams will become more vivid and you will randomly see 11:11.

You will be drawn towards a certain place and you will feel their presence in your everyday life.

When you experience these signs, you know that your twin flame is coming back.

The only thing you have to do is be patient and wait for your twin flame to come back to you.

Don’t worry if it takes longer than you expected; the universe has its own timing, and when you are ready to receive your twin flame, they will come back.

Can a gifted advisor help you too?

If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to someone with special intuition.

I know this from personal experience…

A few months ago, I reached out to Psychic Source when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into what my future holds, and the confidence to make the right decisions when it comes to love.

If you haven’t heard of Psychic Source before, it’s a site where gifted advisors help people through complicated and difficult life situations.

In just a few minutes you can connect with a highly intuitive psychic and get tailor-made advice for your situation.

I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my psychic was.

Click here to get started.

Anna Scheucher

Anna Scheucher

Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. Check out my blog to find out more https://www.fullyholistic.com/!

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