32 prayers for your girlfriend to strengthen your love

Having a loving girlfriend is truly a blessing.

And that is why apart from loving and respecting her, you should also include her in your prayers.

Not only does it have the power to improve the life and wellbeing of your beloved, it also strengthens and deepens your love for each other.

In this article, I will give you 32 prayers that are especially dedicated to your girlfriend, as well as some tips on how to do it right.

Powerful prayer if your girlfriend is experiencing a crisis

  • My love, I can feel that something is weighing you down. If something is bothering you, I want you to know that you are not alone and that I am here for you. I pray you do not feel so scared and do not hesitate to hold my hand when you need my support.
  • Dear Lord, I pray that my girlfriend sees me as the best friend she can rely on. May she trust in me to help her through her troubles, and may I have the wisdom and strength to lead her safely to calm waters. May you put her heart at ease, that she may persevere through adversity.
  • I pray that my girlfriend will have the strength to face her struggles, whatever they may be. Give her the forbearance and patience to deal with her battles head-on, to not give in to underhanded means and always choose the path of righteousness when she is confused.

Powerful prayer if you wish to protect your girlfriend

  • Lord, I know that you are one with all creation. You see all, and you feel all. I beg of you—protect my girlfriend, whatever she might be doing at this moment, and wherever she may go. I trust that she’s safe in your hands.
  • I come before you again today, my Lord, to ask a boon of you. Please offer me and my girlfriend your divine protection that nothing may happen to either of us—but most especially my girlfriend. Please watch over her and keep her safe from harm.
  • I know some people choose to live a life of evil, but I pray that my girlfriend will be guided by you, my Lord, away from such evil. May she not be taken advantage of, for she is kind and caring and innocent and unsuspecting of people’s bad intentions.

Powerful prayer if you want her to succeed in her career

  • Lord, please watch over my girlfriend as she strives to build her career. May it be that she has found her life’s calling, and that she will find satisfaction in what she does. Clear her mind of the fog of doubt that her determination may not falter.
  •  I pray that you bless my girlfriend at work so that she will have many opportunities to succeed instead of obstacles to hinder her growth. May her colleagues have their goals aligned with her so they can work in harmony together.
  • Bless her, Lord, so that people will see all the good she has done and the hard work she puts in every time. She deserves all the attention and praise for she is dutiful and dedicated. May she be rewarded for her diligence and perseverance.

Powerful prayer if you wish for her friendships to flourish

  • Dear God, surround my girlfriend with wonderful people that she is comfortable spending time with. May she enjoy moments with her friends so that she can grow to be a happy and loving woman. I pray these friends are like-minded in their pursuits to achieve good things in Your name and that they bring each other up and inspire one another.
  • Lord, today I pray that you bless my girlfriend. May her friends treat her well, and may she find all the good people she deserves to know and befriend. May she be spared the bitter sting of betrayal and hate, for I loathe to see her hurt.
  • My Lord, may my girlfriend mend her strained relationships and rebuild broken bridges. Please heal her heart and guide her down a path of reconciliation with her friends, past, present, and future. May she be the light in their lives, as she is in mine.
  • Father Almighty, may my girlfriend be loved and adored by her friends, and held in high regard by her family. May they see her for what she’s worth, and love her as I do. May they pray for her happiness and safety as I am doing right this moment, that together we might see her flourish.

Powerful prayer if you want to pray for her spirituality

  • Lord, send your angels her way so that they may guide her to a path away from temptations that will cause her heart to waver. Show her the light so that she may know what she needs to do, should she face a crisis in her life.
  • Please enlighten my girlfriend so that she will realize her role and do her part in the universe. Show her… her true purpose and her true direction in life so that she will act in accordance to Your grand plan.
  • May she always be respectful towards all living creatures and the nature that surrounds her, for she is your steward who should take care of Your creation. Rest assured I will be with her to fulfill this role as it is our duty to be kind and nurturing to all beings.

Powerful prayer if you’re having disagreements

  • Lord, me and my love haven’t been seeing eye to eye. Please, I implore for You to heal our hearts and minds. Help give us the patience to listen to one another and the wisdom to understand each other’s point of view. Stay in our midst so that we may not drift apart.
  • Dear God, make me more understanding of my girlfriend’s side and open my eyes so that I may see what she sees. I pray to become more merciful and compassionate so that I can find it in my heart to forgive.
  • God Almighty, I can see that my girlfriend is hurting. Please help us see the light, so that whoever is at fault would understand and admit to their wrongdoing. Guide us down the right path, that we may soon find common ground.

Powerful prayer if your girlfriend is suffering emotionally

  • Sweetheart, I can feel your pain. May the Lord grant you with peace of mind so that your heartache may mellow and you may be able to withstand it. May you hear soothing sounds to calm your torment and swim to your place of comfort.
  • Please grant my girlfriend peaceful slumber so that she may rest her weary soul. I pray her sleep will be free from nightmares and dark dreams and bring her safely back to the morning light so that she may start the following day renewed and refreshed.
  • Free my girlfriend from ghosts of her past that haunt her and hold her back whenever she is trying to do something to challenge her experiences. Extend out your hand to her so that she has a guiding light to help her move on and break free from trauma of the past.

Powerful prayer if you need more quality time

  • I beg of ye, O Lord, that I may have more time to spend by my girlfriend’s side. May you guide our fates such as that our schedules may align, that we are free to spend our free time in each other’s presence. That we may be joyous then, and learn even more about one another.
  • I pray that my girlfriend learns to trust in me a little more each day so that she will be comfortable around me. May she reveal her true self to me, unguarded and with her defenses down, so that she feels safe and secure as we become more intimate with each other.
  • Lord, as we venture together today on our date, keep us safe and worry-free. May our day come and go without incident, that the two of us may pour all our attention into fostering our love. Let us show to one another just how much we care for and treasure each other.

Powerful prayer if you want to pray for her health

  • My love, I am thankful that the Lord has brought you into this world to meet me. I pray that you will have the best of health, that you may keep being your wonderful self, free to spread your love and kindness to everyone around you.
  • God I have been offering my time and energy to help my sick girlfriend get better. But I can’t take this on all by myself. Please help us, please give her strength to break free from her illness. Free her from her misery, for she does not deserve to suffer like this.

Powerful prayer if you feel you’re about to break up

  • Dear Lord, I love my girlfriend and I want to preserve whatever we have together. So many things have gone wrong, but please give me this one last chance to mend our troubles. Help us see eye to eye, understand what aggrieves the other, and find a compromise that both of us are willing to settle on. And should we still fail, and if we truly are not meant to be, I pray that my girlfriend will find someone who will love her as I have.
  • Almighty Father, my girlfriend and I are facing a storm in our relationship. I pray that though we might disagree with one another, we do not fall further apart. In this time of weakness, many will tempt us to stray from the loving path. Help us be faithful to one another and keep our hearts strong to get over this hurdle in our relationship.

Powerful prayer if you want to maintain a happy relationship

  • Lord, I am very grateful for this wonderful and loving relationship I have with my girlfriend. May we spend our days full of unwavering love for each other and find contentment in each other so we may not desire and look to others for more.
  • My dear girlfriend, I am so blessed to have you in my life. I promise to do my very best to become the perfect boyfriend that is just for you and you alone. I pray that I will always keep my heart, body, and spirit open to you so that love flows between us freely and perpetually.
  • God Almighty, what I have with my girlfriend right now is beautiful. But I know we can still be better versions of ourselves and this relationship will grow more bountiful. I pray that You stay here in our midst to keep our love pure and so that it will flourish and we can become a bigger family as part of Your plan for our future.

Do prayers really work?

Whether you’re a believer or not, there are studies that highly support the positive effects of prayer.

It’s hard to get precise numbers because prayer is in the realm of faith, not science. But then again, it’s not like love is a scientific matter either, is it?

The most important things in life—your love, your joy, and all your hard work to keep your relationship thriving—can’t be quantified in numbers.

That’s why you should just trust and put your faith in God and the Universe to guide your way. The more you trust, the more likely you’ll reap its benefits.

The power of prayer in enhancing relationships

Before you can begin to say your prayers, it is important to know what prayer is and its role in your life and ultimately, your relationship with your partner.

The whole act of praying can be daunting for some and feels like an added responsibility on top of your usual day-to-day routine. But this should not be the case.

One should not be burdened with the thought of prayer because it is the exact opposite: Prayer is a freeing activity—it is simply a conversation with God.

So why pray?

You could say that conversation and opening up to someone is liberating and even therapeutic.

If you devote yourself to it, just a few minutes each day, you can be sure there will be favorable results.

Here are some benefits of prayer in relationships:

1) It humbles you

As you converse with the Almighty, you are drawn into a moment of self-reflection. You pour out your deepest desires, traumas and worries that concern you and your relationship.

In doing so, you are reminded of your human nature, your limits, and your flaws.

You are made to accept these flaws of yours, and to acknowledge the fact that you’re only human.

2) It encourages change

When you pray and self-reflect, you are able to understand yourself more.

When you admit to your faults, prayer actually inspires you to change for the better.

You only want what’s best for your girlfriend, and you try your best to fill the role of the ideal boyfriend. You want to become the best version of yourself.

3) You become sensitive to others

By tuning in to prayer, reach a state of enlightenment, and be hyper-aware of your bond with your partner, as well as the state you relationship is in.

As you meditate, your spirituality improves and you can see the bigger picture of things.

Because of this, you are more understanding, especially because you can see from their perspective too.

4) It makes forgiving easy

Praying to a Supreme, All-knowing being, you are reminded that you are but a speck of dust in the universe.

It makes you think that your grudges and transgressions are insignificant. There are more important things to value in your relationship.

Because you also see more from others’ perspective, you are more compassionate and merciful. Feelings of vengeance, aggression, and hostility fade away as you step into the grace of light.

5) It gives you fortitude

In times of pain and adversity, when you think all is hopeless or there is no way out, you turn to God.

Praying teaches you the value of fortitude—the courage to fight for what is right and just, the endurance so as to not give up easily.

Instead of choosing rough ways to break free, conversing with the Lord gives you faith that you are not alone and find peaceful solutions to your problems. You have a powerful ally so you can rest easy.

6) It improves intimacy

Praying bares your heart and soul. You make known your desires, your thoughts and wishes. You become vulnerable.

Prayer is made more effective when you do it with your girlfriend. The both of you will know more of each other. Your trust will deepen as you share your secrets and you will deepen your connection.

Tips to keep in mind when praying for your girlfriend

1)  Shift your focus away from yourself

It isn’t that easy to put someone else first. Most of the time, we’re putting ourselves front and center, even at times we thought that we were thinking of someone else first and foremost.

But this is important, and just because it is hard doesn’t mean it’s impossible—so try. Try to take yourself out of the picture and think of your girlfriend’s wellbeing alone.

2) Surrender your fates to His grand plan

Everything that happens does so at His command.

You probably have many big plans for your relationship with your girlfriend, and can’t help but worry if you’ll ever see any of them come to fruition.

But as good as ambition may be, it’s important to avoid overthinking things. So surrender your future to God, all the while doing your best to make your relationship work. What will be, will be.

3) Don’t take your love for granted.

Always be thankful for the love in your life and the presence of your girlfriend.

Keep in mind that emotions can change easily if not nourished properly. A love will only grow healthy if it is always given the proper care so do your part as a thoughtful and loving partner while offering your prayers.


There are many different prayers you can say, depending on your specific situation.

No matter which ones you’ve chosen to dedicate in honor of your relationship, prayer is a beautiful and selfless act that will cause great things to happen in your relationship.

Through them, you have involved the divine in your relationship.

That said, prayer alone can get a bit slow. You also need to find ways to help keep her happy outside of prayer—like actively helping her with her issues and letting her know that you’re always there for her.

Still, these prayers, together with pure-hearted acts of love to match, would go a long way to strengthening your love.

You will see its effects very soon and you’d be glad you started praying for your relationship.


Can a gifted advisor help you too?

If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to someone with special intuition.

I know this from personal experience…

A few months ago, I reached out to Psychic Source when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into what my future holds, and the confidence to make the right decisions when it comes to love.

If you haven’t heard of Psychic Source before, it’s a site where gifted advisors help people through complicated and difficult life situations.

In just a few minutes you can connect with a highly intuitive psychic and get tailor-made advice for your situation.

I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my psychic was.

Click here to get started.

Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown

I'm been through a lot, come out the other side, and I'm here to reveal everything I've learned. If I can help even one soul from my spiritual reflections, then my work here is done. Some people call me a spiritual warrior or an enlightened soul, but I'm just a humble guy that wants the best for humanity. If you want to get in touch with me about my writings, don't hesitate to hit me up on my Twitter (@lachybe). Namaste.

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