Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with your tongue really aching from biting it too hard?
I have been there, and let me tell you, it’s not fun.
I started developing this habit out of the blue and I really didn’t know what was going on, so I started to do some research.
What I found was quite surprising! I’m not one to gatekeep info like this, so if you are struggling with the same habit, I have some answers for you.
Here are 10 spiritual meanings of biting your tongue in your sleep:
1) You have a conflict with a spouse or partner
If your spouse and you are having a conflict, that can very much affect your dreamscape, as well.
You see, fights and arguments can mess with our subconscious mind, and they can manifest themselves in dreams.
If you have a conflict with a spouse in real life, then chances are you will have some sort of dream about it.
The reason for this is that dreams are a re-creation of our experiences and emotions.
If you have a conflict with your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend, then it will show up in your dreams.
So, if you have a conflict with your partner, biting your tongue in your sleep may serve as a subconscious attempt to keep the peace.
You see, you might be working through anger, resentment, or simply heightened emotions by chewing down on your tongue.
Trust me, the best way to resolve this situation is to simply talk to your partner, and you will see the conflict fade away.
Maybe you are biting your tongue because you are quite literally “biting your tongue” in the relationship.
Is there something you’ve been wanting to say for a long time but haven’t due to fear of how your partner might react?
Maybe you have some unresolved feelings about a past relationship.
Whatever the case, you can get through this situation by simply talking to your partner, and I’m sure they will understand.
I know it sounds like a cliché, but communication is really the key to a healthy relationship.
As long as you can’t be fully honest with your partner, there will always be some sort of conflict.
And guess what? You might keep biting your tongue in your sleep!
2) You’re pushing yourself too hard
If you are biting your tongue in your sleep, it may be because you are pushing yourself too hard.
It is important to remember that you can’t do everything perfectly.
You don’t have to be the best at everything and it is okay to ask for help.
Let go of the need to prove yourself because you are worthy just as you are.
You don’t have to be perfect.
For example, you might be in the middle of a career transition or going back to school to get a new degree, which requires a lot of energy and focus.
You may be struggling financially and just trying to make ends meet.
Maybe you are trying to balance a relationship, kids, and a demanding job.
Anything that puts a lot of pressure on you can cause you to bite your tongue in your sleep.
So, if this is happening to you, try to lighten the load a little bit.
Put yourself first, set some boundaries, and prioritize what needs your attention the most.
Now: sure, there are some difficult times in life where the pressure just seems more than usual, but if you feel like that’s not the case and still, you feel tense all the time, it might be time to ask yourself why.
You see, even when there is no obvious cause of stress in your life, some people really put a lot of pressure on themselves.
If you are one of those people, it may be time to ask yourself why.
What is going on in your life that is stressing you out?
Maybe it’s just a natural reaction to stressful situations.
Maybe there is something else going on that you haven’t yet recognized.
And if biting your tongue in your sleep has been happening frequently, or even daily, then maybe there is a deeper issue at hand.
You see, for me, I realized that for some reason, I thought I needed to be perfect in order to be accepted.
I would bite my tongue in my sleep because I felt like I couldn’t let people down.
I would bite my tongue in my sleep because I felt like I couldn’t be myself.
And of course, that’s a lot of pressure over time.
Once I learned to let go of my constant need for perfection, I quite literally “eased up on myself” by not biting my own tongue any longer.
3) You need to be more careful about what you say
Biting your tongue in your sleep may be your body’s way of being more careful about what you say.
If you are biting your tongue and you are aware of it, try not to be so hard on yourself. You might be dealing with some unresolved issues or feeling angry or frustrated.
These emotions can be normal in certain situations.
However, you shouldn’t let them build up inside of you to the point where you are physically harming yourself.
If you are biting your tongue and you are aware of it, it may be because you feel the need to be more careful about what you say.
Try to develop a thicker skin and learn to let things roll off your back.
Don’t let other people’s negative opinions or words get to you. Let them be, and don’t take them personally.
You see, it’s definitely important to speak your truth, but maybe you have been saying things that haven’t been true for you lately.
Whether it’s lies or simply words that you don’t really believe, maybe it’s time to change what you say.
Personally, I really struggled with finding my own voice and knowing what was actually true for me and what wasn’t.
When I struggled with biting my tongue a lot, I really didn’t know where to begin and what was actually the problem.
That’s when my friends actually told me about Psychic Source.
Psychic Source is an online service that connects you with a gifted advisor.
I know, I had my doubts at first, too.
I had never been to a psychic before, I honestly just didn’t really believe that it would do much for me.
Well, long story short, they gave me amazing advice and helped me to analyze my patterns which were leading to me biting my tongue in my sleep.
They had so much knowledge about not only spirituality but also psychology.
After that, I knew how to approach my problem and I could finally help myself!
So, if you are struggling, too, Click here to get your own reading.
4) You should keep your secrets to yourself
If you are biting your tongue in your sleep, it may be a sign that you should keep your secrets to yourself.
Secrets usually stem from shame or guilt and are often a result of poor self-worth.
You might be biting your tongue because you feel that you have done something wrong or made a mistake, or you are ashamed of something you did or said.
If this is the case, try to forgive yourself and let your secrets go.
But you see, secrets can often cause a lot of stress and weigh you down.
Keeping secrets can also be an indication that you are hiding your true self.
You may want to try journaling, which can be a great way to get your feelings out and release any pent-up emotions.
Now: while all that is true, biting your tongue can also signify that certain secrets are not meant to be shared with all of your friends and family.
Your tongue biting might be an indicator that you should keep certain things to yourself instead of blurting them out.
5) You’re holding on to resentment or anger
Biting your tongue in your sleep can also be a sign that you are holding on to a lot of anger or resentment.
Anger and resentment are very toxic emotions if left unchecked, which can build up inside of you and cause tremendous harm.
Now, don’t get me wrong, anger itself is nothing bad – it’s normal and healthy to feel it.
If you are not letting yourself feel it, however, it becomes toxic.
If you are biting your tongue but you are aware of it, try to let go of these emotions.
Anger and resentment can be very difficult to let go of.
You might find that you have to work up to letting go of these emotions.
You may want to try journaling, meditating, or going for a walk to help you let go of these emotions.
Once you have let go of your anger and resentment, you should be able to stop biting your tongue.
6) You are releasing negative energy
If you are biting your tongue in your sleep, it may be because you are releasing negative energy.
You may be feeling emotionally overloaded and just need to get those negative emotions out of your system.
This may be your subconscious mind’s way of helping you let go of these emotions.
Try to find a way to let go of that negative energy.
Maybe you want to go for a walk, journal, work out, or meditate.
Whatever you decide to do, try to find a way to let go of those emotions. Try not to bite your tongue too hard.
You see, when biting your tongue is a sign of letting go of negative energy, that simply indicates that you are not letting go of your emotions effectively in your day-to-day life.
There are countless ways to release energy, you just have to find a way that works for you.
Whether that is exercise, scream therapy, writing, dancing, or something else, find a way to release that negative energy.
That way, you will have no more reason to actually bite your own tongue!
If you need help with this, I recommend speaking to a gifted advisor at Psychic Source.
They know a lot about this kind of stuff and can help you to find the perfect outlet for your emotions that will work for you.
Trust me, they are a lifesaver when it comes to this!
7) You need to speak your truth more
If you are biting your tongue in your sleep, it may be a sign that you need to speak your truth more.
You may feel that you are being pushed into a corner and need to speak up or need to let go of some emotions or be more assertive.
This may be your subconscious mind’s way of telling you that you need to start speaking your truth more.
If you’ve been bottling up your feelings, you may have been biting your tongue out of fear of confrontation.
Try to be more assertive and don’t be afraid to let others know what you are feeling.
Try journaling, meditating, or going for a walk to help you release any emotions you may be holding back.
I know, that speaking your truth can be really scary, especially if you haven’t done it in a while.
But one thing I know for sure is that it is so incredibly important!
You see, speaking your truth lets your body know that you respect yourself and that you have the right to have your feelings.
It lets others know that you respect yourself and that they should not take advantage of you.
If you are being pushed into a corner, it may be because your subconscious knows that you need to speak your truth more.
Maybe you need stronger boundaries or simply more honesty.
Either way, you can do this.
Start very small by just being a bit more honest throughout the day.
But this can be a bit tricky, especially when your truth is not always just sunshine and rainbows.
There are many toxic ideas in the realm of spirituality, one of which being that you need to be positive all the time.
The good news?
None of that is true!
I learned that from an eye-opening video in which the shaman Rudá Iandé explains how so many of us fall into the toxic spirituality trap.
I don’t know about you, but I really needed to see this video and remind myself that spirituality should only be about empowering myself, nothing else.
Does that sound like good advice to you, too? Then you can click here to watch the free video.
8) You lack self-control
If you are biting your tongue in your sleep, it may be a sign that you are lacking self-control.
You may find yourself biting your tongue out of anger, frustration, or impatience.
You may be feeling like you don’t have control over your emotions and are just letting them take over.
If this is the case, try to calm yourself down and relax.
Take a deep breath and find your center.
Try to avoid letting your emotions take control of you and make you bite your tongue.
Find ways to calm yourself down, relax, and take control of your emotions.
Journaling, meditating, going for a walk, or practicing yoga may all help to calm you down and give you a sense of control over your emotions.
The thing is, self-control can be difficult to develop.
You may need to work on it every day for a while to get more control over your emotions.
But it is so important that you do this!
If you are biting your tongue out of anger, frustration, or impatience, then you may need to work on developing more self-control.
How can you do this?
Well, self-control often comes automatically as soon as you respect yourself.
So the first thing is to start respecting yourself.
You see, when you respect yourself, you automatically have more self-control.
So respect yourself and start working on building up your self-control.
9) You lack self-confidence
If you are biting your tongue in your sleep, it may be a sign that you lack self-confidence.
This could be caused by a number of different factors.
You may have had a traumatic childhood experience, a lack of self-worth, or feel overwhelmed by life.
This can cause you to be very self-critical and critical of others.
You may feel as though you don’t deserve better.
You may also have a very high standard for yourself and feel like you will never measure up.
If this is the case, try to be a little kinder to yourself and others. Learn to accept yourself and others as they are.
I have been in the same situation, and believe me, I understand how difficult it can be.
My advice? Look for the root cause of your low self-esteem.
This is where things like shadow work can come in really handy.
You see, you may have a lot of negative feelings about yourself and others, but you may not even know exactly what is causing them.
You may have to look deep within yourself to find out what is causing your low self-esteem.
If you are feeling very low and don’t know why it may be time for you to do some shadow work.
Shadow work can help you discover the root cause of your low self-esteem and the things that are making you feel this way in the first place.
10) Someone is gossiping about you
If you are biting your tongue in your sleep, it may mean that someone is gossiping about you.
You may look for patterns in your behavior or dreams to give you a better idea of what could be causing this.
If you dream of talking to someone and it is positive but you are still biting your tongue, it may mean that what that person says is good advice but you are just ignoring it.
Dreams are very tricky and you shouldn’t take one singular event and think it means something specific.
However, this is something you can look out for and keep an eye on.
If you are dreaming of gossiping and being gossiped about, it could be a sign of self-esteem issues, but sometimes, the subconscious truly does recognize when you are being talked about.
The best way to handle gossip is to ignore it and focus on your own life.
And now what?
You might be wondering what to do with all of that information now.
Well, if any of the points above resonated with you, you probably already know where to start.
However, sometimes, you might require a little extra assistance.
In that case, I can only recommend Psychic Source.
I mentioned them earlier, and they truly helped me to deal with my habit of biting my tongue in my sleep.
Not only will they help you to get rid of that habit, but they will also give you a ton of tips on how to live your best life.