Why do I keep dreaming about the same person romantically?

Even though we may not always remember our dreams, they can be a good way to unearth hidden thoughts and feelings.

If you’re dreaming about the same person romantically more than once, there’s probably a reason for it.

Your subconscious is trying to tell you something about your feelings toward this person. However, it’s not always as simple as “you have a crush on them”.

Keep reading to learn more about why you keep dreaming about the same person romantically, and what it could mean for you!

1) You have unresolved feelings about this person

Dreaming about someone you have unresolved feelings for can be a really common cause for dreaming about them repeatedly.

You might even find yourself dreaming about this person just before you resolve those feelings in real life.

The reason for this is that your subconscious is bringing them up to get you to process your feelings toward them.

It could be that you’ve tried to move on and forget about them, but subconsciously you still have unresolved feelings that you need to process.

If you’ve tried to process your feelings, but you keep dreaming about the same person, it’s possible that you need to go deeper.

One way to unearth these feelings is to journal about them. If you keep dreaming about the same person, you may want to journal your feelings toward them in more detail.

But this also happens if you’ve had a crush on someone for a long time, but you’ve never acted on those feelings, you may have unresolved feelings for them.

Depending on your situation, you may have never had the chance to explore these feelings, or you may have tried to move on and forget about them, but you haven’t been able to.

You may have built up a resistance to these feelings without realizing it, and they may come out in your dreams.

If you keep dreaming about the same person, it’s possible that your subconscious is trying to bring these feelings to light so that you can process them.

Your dreams are a way for your body to process any memories, experiences, or emotions you might have.

This is why, when a dream shows up repeatedly, that’s often a sign that something has not quite been processed yet in real life!

Speaking of real life…

2) You are going through the same situation in your waking life

If you’re dreaming about the same person romantically over and over again, it could be that you are going through the same situation in your waking life as you are in your dream.

If you’ve been in a relationship with this person before, and you’re dreaming about them again, it’s possible that you’re going through the same issues you had back then again in your current relationship.

For example, if you were in a relationship with your ex, and you keep dreaming about them, it could be that you’re experiencing similar relationship problems.

You might be feeling confused by your feelings for your ex, or you might be feeling as if you’re dating them again.

However, just because you are dreaming about someone romantically doesn’t mean that you actually have feelings for them, but you are experiencing feelings that you haven’t processed in real life.

Dreams are not always about the present situation, but about your past, or simply a metaphor for something else.

Your dreams are helping you to process these feelings. It could also be that you’re dreaming about an ex because you’re going through a break-up with your current partner, and you’re dreaming about your ex as a way to process those feelings.

If you keep dreaming about the same person, you may want to journal about your current relationship and your past relationship.

That may help you to unearth the source of your dreams.

It can be confusing, but usually, your dreams relate to your waking life in one way or another!

However, sometimes they also speak about a connection you have with that person:

3) You have a spiritual connection with this person

Dreaming about the same person over and over again can be a sign that you have a spiritual connection with this person.

If you keep dreaming about the same person, it could be that you feel a deep connection with this person that goes beyond a normal relationship.

Your dreams are trying to bring this connection to light. You may feel an urge to connect with this person in real life, or you may want to deepen your connection with them in some way.

You could write a letter to this person, talk to them about your dreams, or journal about your feelings toward them.

You see, when someone shows up repeatedly, this could be a sign of a spiritual union!

Spiritual unions are very special connections, as they are very different from normal relationships.

Sharing a spiritual connection with someone means that you understand each other on a very deep level.

Now: if you are not sure if that is the case for you, it can be helpful to talk to someone who is an expert in that field.

The advisors at Psychic Source are amazing if you ever want some guidance on your dreams and love life.

Not only will they help you to uncover the true meaning behind your dreams, but they will also help you to figure out your own feelings a bit more.

Click here to get your own love reading.

Speaking of figuring out your own feelings:

4) Your dream is a manifestation of your wishes

If you’re dreaming about the same person romantically many times over, it could be that your dream is a manifestation of your deep wishes.

Your subconscious might be trying to bring this person into your life so that you can explore the relationship in your dream world.

Dreaming about the same person repeatedly could be a sign that you have a connection with this person, and that your subconscious is trying to bring them into your life in some way.

You may feel a strong urge to connect with this person in real life, or you may want to deepen your connection with them in some way.

You could write a letter to this person, talk to them about your dreams, or journal about your feelings toward them.

You see, it’s not a coincidence that we call the things we want in life a ‘dream’ – oftentimes, dreams show us our deepest desires.

Now: nobody else will be able to tell you for sure if you desire this person or not, because everyone’s desires are different.

However, it doesn’t hurt to write down what you feel for this person and see if there is a connection there.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be with someone, it’s a sign that you care!

But sometimes, these dreams can signal a lot of confusion:

5) You are confused about where you stand with this person

Dreams can be a helpful way to work through your feelings about someone in your life that you are confused about.

If you keep dreaming about the same person over and over again, it could be that you are trying to figure out where you stand with this person.

Your subconscious is trying to bring up this person to help you to process your feelings and move forward in your life.

You may also want to connect with this person in real life and attempt to clear up any confusion.

Think about it: if you never talk things out, you might never be on the same page!

Confusion can weigh heavy on your subconscious, which is why this person keeps showing up in your dreams!

But maybe you are not confused after all, just sad:

6) This person is not in your life anymore and you are processing grief

Dreams can be a helpful way to work through your feelings about someone that is no longer in your life.

If you keep dreaming about the same person, it could be that you are trying to process grief related to the end of your relationship.

Your dreams are bringing up this person to help you to process your feelings and move forward in your life.

You may also want to connect with this person in real life and attempt to process your grief.

Grief is a tricky emotion, and you may not think it will help you, but sometimes grief can bring up a lot of stuff in your subconscious that you need to work through.

And sometimes, grief can help you to figure out what you need to do next.

Dreams have the power to show us what really happened in our relationships. If we don’t allow ourselves to see the truth behind our dreams, we end up stuck in denial!

Now: the most important thing about grief is that you need to let it happen and you can’t suppress it!

You may not be able to get through it all at the moment, but that does not mean you are stuck.

Now: maybe you aren’t sad after all, maybe this person is simply just important to you:

7) The person is important to you in one way or another

Dreams can be a helpful way to work through your feelings about someone that you have a deep connection with.

If you keep dreaming about the same person, it could be that you are trying to process your feelings for this person and work out why you feel strongly about them.

You may also want to connect with this person in real life and attempt to deepen your connection with them.

However, even though the dreams are romantic in nature, that doesn’t mean that in real life you have romantic feelings toward them.

It’s important to use this dream information as a springboard for self-discovery, not as definitive evidence of your feelings.

Often times, if you are so confused as to whether or not you actually have romantic feelings for another person, the dream might be showing you that there is something else at play in your mind.

In order to find out what this “something else” is, it can be helpful to talk about your feelings and thoughts with others who you trust and respect.

Simply put, they might just be a good friend, or someone you never want to lose.

Speaking of never wanting to lose them:

8) You want this person in your life

Dreaming about the same person over and over again can be a sign that you want this person in your life in a romantic way or otherwise.

Your subconscious may be bringing this person up in your dreams to help you to work through your feelings toward them and gain clarity about your feelings for them.

If you keep dreaming about the same person, you may want to deepen your connection with them in some way.

The thing is, they might not be in your life right now.

Maybe you lost touch, perhaps there was a fight, whatever it is, they aren’t in your life right now, but you want them there!

This can be difficult, especially if you don’t want to accept that you really want them in your life in some way.

But if you want them in your life in any regard, it can be helpful to talk about your feelings and thoughts with others who you trust and respect.

Dreams are a reflection of what’s going on in your subconscious at the time!

Now: if there are things that bother you about that person, perhaps talking to someone else who knows them will help you see them for who they really are.

One of my biggest tips is to listen to your intuition on this one.

Do you really want them in your life? Then what is stopping you?

In either case, you love this person, which brings me to my next point:

9) You love this person deeply

Dreaming about the same person over and over again can be a sign that you love this person deeply.

Your subconscious is trying to bring this person up so that you can process your feelings toward them understand what it is you are feeling for them.

You might also want to connect with this person in real life and attempt to deepen your relationship with them.

Sometimes, relationships can get hard, and you may even feel the need to end it.

Dreams have the power to show you exactly where you stand.

The thing is, regardless of whether they are a romantic interest of yours or not, you love them profoundly, which can be difficult to deal with.

But if you want them in your life, you need to accept that there is a part of you that wants them to be in your life, regardless of the relationship you have with them.

It could be helpful to talk openly about this person in order to gain clarity on exactly why you love this person so much.

Most importantly, you need to understand that just because you love them, doesn’t mean you NEED to have them in your life.

If you know, at your core, that you’d be better off without this person in your life, then you can love them from afar and still move forward without them.

Unless they are your soulmate, of course…

10) You are dreaming about your soulmate

Dreaming about the same person over and over again can be a sign that you’ve found your soulmate.

Your subconscious may be bringing this person up in your dreams because you’re trying to process your feelings for them and figure out if they truly are your soulmate, after all.

Your soulmate is the person who makes you feel completely at home! They’re the person who makes you feel like you’re worth it and that your life is worth living.

The thing is, your soulmate might not be in your life right now.

Maybe you don’t even know the person in your dreams, yet you know deep down that they are your soulmate.

You want them in your life, but still: you don’t know how to go about it.

And even if you do know them, it can be hard to figure out if someone is truly “the One”.

In my experience, that’s when the advisors at Psychic Source can really come in handy.

They specialize in situations like this and can help you to figure out what you are feeling and if the person you keep seeing in your dreams is your true soulmate.

That’s a huge thing – once you know for sure, your entire life might change!

And if you don’t know the person in your dreams yet, they might the able to help you find them!

Click here to get your own love reading.

Final thoughts

Your dreams can mean a lot of things. In the end, it is a very personal journey and nobody can truly tell you what this dream means other than yourself.

At your core, you already know the meaning of it all, you simply need to accept it for what it is.

Don’t be afraid to take action!

Can a gifted advisor help you too?

If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to someone with special intuition.

I know this from personal experience…

A few months ago, I reached out to Psychic Source when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into what my future holds, and the confidence to make the right decisions when it comes to love.

If you haven’t heard of Psychic Source before, it’s a site where gifted advisors help people through complicated and difficult life situations.

In just a few minutes you can connect with a highly intuitive psychic and get tailor-made advice for your situation.

I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my psychic was.

Click here to get started.

Anna Scheucher

Anna Scheucher

Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. Check out my blog to find out more https://www.fullyholistic.com/!

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