10 signs an Aquarius woman is done with you (and what to do about it)

So, you’re dating an Aquarius woman, and recently, you noticed something in her behavior and emotions has changed.

As a result, you’re naturally wondering: has she decided to break up with you? Is she done with you?

The truth is that Aquarius women are independent, intelligent, and very focused on their future. But guess what?

It’s not easy to maintain a relationship with an Aquarius woman!

Read these 10 signs to find out if an Aquarius woman is done with you and what you should do if it happens to you.

1) She’s not talking to you anymore

Want to know the truth about the Aquarius women?

Well, they’re pretty talkative and open-minded individuals. They love to communicate and express their feelings, both positive and negative ones.

But what if they suddenly stopped communicating with you? What if she never discusses with you anymore things that were previously important?

That’s the question you should ask yourself – especially if you feel that your relationship has started to become boring or repetitive.

As a matter of fact, this could be a sign that she’s done with you.


Because, as a rule, Aquarius women are very independent and don’t like to be controlled by anyone.

If she’s not talking to you about anything that matters to her, then it means that she’s not happy with you. And if she’s not happy with you, then there’s a chance that she might want to break up with you.

But you know what?

If she’s not talking to you anymore, there could be a few reasons for this.

  • She might be busy with other things in her life, such as work or school.
  • She might also be sick or injured and unable to communicate with you right now.
  • Or she could even just not feel like talking at the moment.

Whatever the reason is, it doesn’t matter as long as it’s not because of something that could potentially damage your relationship.

The last thing you want is for your Aquarius woman to stop talking to you, right?

So, try to be mindful of this sign and fix the problem.

2) She’s not talking about the future with you anymore

You know how Aquarius women are very focused on their future?

They want to be independent and self-sufficient, so they don’t like to depend on anyone.

They want to be their own person, have their own life, and have their own career.

They don’t want to be in a relationship where they feel like they are putting all of their eggs in one basket.

Instead, they want to keep their options open and have a variety of different ways that they can go in life.

So if she suddenly stops talking about the future with you, it could mean that she’s done with you.

And if that’s the case, you should try to figure out the reasons why she doesn’t want to be with you anymore.

Did you make her feel like she had to depend on you for all of her needs? Or did you make her feel that she was trapped with no way out?

If so, chances are that this is why she has decided to leave you and move on. Being dependent on someone else is not in the nature of Aquarius women.d

And that’s why she stopped talking about your future together.

So, the first thing you need to do is to fix this problem.

You need to make sure that you’re not making her feel trapped and dependent on you.

And if that’s the case, then it means that you must make sure that she has her own space and independence in life.

Don’t be mad at her, though, because this is a natural sign of independence, and it can also mean that she has some new plans for her life.

It doesn’t really matter what the reason is, but it’s still important that you don’t take it personally because this could just be a misunderstanding of sorts.

Try to understand why she might have stopped talking to you about the future and fix the problem as soon as possible!

3) Get help from a real psychic

Do you feel you’ve reached the end of your rope in your relationship with an Aquarius woman?

I was in the same place last year out of hope of ever solving the relationship troubles I was going through.

I’d always been curious about speaking to a psychic, so I decided to go for it.

That’s when I found Psychic Source.

It was completely different from what I expected, and the gifted spiritual advisor really helped me understand the problems that kept popping up in my love life and ruining my dreams.

I was blown away by how kind, understanding, and genuinely helpful they were.

Click here to get your own love reading.

They are incredibly knowledgeable about relationship problems related to different zodiac signs, including Aquarius. Most importantly, they can also empower you to make the right decisions when it comes to love.

4) She’s distancing herself from you physically

Have you noticed that recently she’s been staying away from you?

Has she been avoiding you at home? Has she been avoiding you at work? Is she distancing herself from you in public physically?

If so, chances are that she might be trying to avoid getting closer to you.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to be with you, but a lot of Aquarius women will try to avoid getting too close because they want to preserve their independence in life.

Let me explain how this works.

An Aquarius woman might have decided to break up with you if she constantly keeps her distance from you physically.


Because when dating an Aquarius woman, you should expect a certain amount of space.

After all, Aquarius women enjoy their independence.

That’s why they don’t like making their boyfriends feel like they’re a part of their everyday lives.

When you’re dating an Aquarius woman, it’s important to give her space when she needs it. You don’t need to know where she is every minute of the day.

Instead, you need to make sure that she doesn’t feel trapped and dependent on you, and if that’s the case, then it means that she needs her own space and independence in life as well.

So, be gentle with her though, because this could just be a misunderstanding of sorts. Try to overcome this physical distance by being more affectionate with her.

5) She’s constantly saying “maybe” to committing to something with you

Let me ask you a question.

The last time you asked her to do something with you or go out with you, did she say “maybe”?

If I’m guessing it right, that’s correct! Why?

And then it means that she might be trying to avoid committing to something with you.


Because when dating an Aquarius woman, you should expect a certain amount of space.

After all, Aquarius women enjoy their independence.

So if an Aquarius woman constantly says “maybe” to committing to things with you, it’s a sign that she’s done with you.

The simple truth is that Aquarius women are super independent. When they’re dating a man, they want him to respect their independence.

That’s why they don’t like feeling as if they have to commit to things with you.

They want to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want, without having to consult you.

So, if you find yourself constantly asking her if she wants to do something with you and she keeps saying “maybe,” it might be a sign that she’s done with you.

It also means that she might be hesitant about committing to something serious with you because she’s afraid of getting hurt.

Wondering what you can do about it?

You just have to wait her out until she eventually decides on something, which might take months or even years!

In the meantime, don’t push her into things because it could make her feel uncomfortable and bad about herself.

Try being more patient and understanding with her so that she feels comfortable enough around you to want to make a commitment.

6) She stops showing interest in your activities/hobbies

Let me take a wild guess.

Your Aquarius woman always used to be interested in whatever you were doing. In fact, she always asked you what you were doing and helped you to find ways to satisfy your needs.

But now?

She’s just not interested in what you’re doing.

She seems distant and disinterested. And what’s more, she doesn’t seem to care about your hobbies or your interests anymore. She doesn’t even seem to care about you.

And whenever you do something, she’ll just look at you with a blank face and say “maybe” when asked if she wants to do it with you.

Does this sound familiar?

Well, that’s because she’s not interested in you anymore. She’s simply over you.

After all, Aquarius women are independent, and they don’t want to feel like they have to choose between their independence and their man.

They want to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want, without having to consult you.

As a matter of fact, this is a sign that she might be trying to avoid commitment with you because when dating an Aquarius woman, men should expect them to be independent and not feel the need to consult them on what they want to do in life.

So if she becomes disinterested in your hobbies or your interests, it’s a sign that she’s probably done with you.

The good news is that it doesn’t mean that she’ll never be interested again in those things or that she’ll never find someone else who will make her interested again.

It just means that at the moment, she’s not interested in those things with you. That’s perfectly natural!

It’s just a sign that something is wrong between you two.

So if your Aquarius woman starts showing no interest in whatever it is that you’re doing, just wait her out until she decides on something.

You’ll eventually see that she becomes interested in whatever it is that you’re doing again.

7) Take this quiz to dive deeper into the mind of an Aquarius woman

Before we move on to exploring the signs that an Aquarius woman is done with you, let me ask you a question:

How well do you really know  an Aquarius woman

The simple truth is that understanding the unique traits of an Aquarius woman help you better connect with her on an emotional, spiritual, and even sexual level.

And if you want to know whether  an Aquarius woman is done with you or not, I have good news.

I recently discovered a super helpful zodiac quiz from renowned astrologer Anna Kovich that will reveal what he really wants from you.

In this free quiz, you’ll learn how to make your  an Aquarius woman:

  • Pursue you
  • Commit to you
  • And love you deeply.

I was blown away when I first took the quiz. Just by answering a few simple questions, I discovered shocking details about my man (which have proven to be 100% correct so far).

Click here to take the free quiz.

8) She’s constantly arguing with you

Okay, this one is pretty straightforward.

If your Aquarius woman constantly argues with you, there might be a reason for it.

You see, an Aquarius woman can often seem like she’s not listening to you when she’s actually listening and hearing everything you have to say.

And this is because they tend to think differently than most other people.

They tend to pay attention to what they want instead of what they believe is best for everyone else.

So if you and your Aquarius woman are constantly arguing over something that doesn’t really matter, it could be because she’s trying to make a point or that she thinks that you might change your mind in the future after hearing her out on it.

This means that if your Aquarius woman is constantly arguing with you over little things, chances are high that she’s not interested in the relationship anymore.


Let me explain.

There is no relationship without arguments, but when an Aquarius woman is constantly fighting with you, it might be a sign that she’s done with you.

Aquarius women enjoy being intellectually challenged. That’s why they love dating men who are their intellectual match.

But when she finds herself constantly fighting with you, she might feel that you don’t have enough in common with her.

After all, Aquarius women don’t like to waste their time dating people who can’t give them something new to think about.

If you find yourself constantly arguing with her, you should first ask yourself: are you two on the same intellectual level?

If not, you should try to meet her halfway and find a middle ground where both of you feel challenged.

That way, you’ll both be happy, and you might end up having a much deeper relationship with each other.

9) She’s constantly dropping hints about wanting to break up

Now let me introduce the most obvious sign that your Aquarius woman doesn’t want to be with you anymore.

If your Aquarius woman is constantly dropping hints about wanting to break up, she might be trying to let you know that she’s not really interested in the relationship anymore.

She’s not sure of her feelings for you anymore or she just wants to see what’s going on in your head.

She might not know what she wants from you, so she’s trying to find out more about you by asking questions and testing the waters.

This means that if your Aquarius woman keeps dropping hints that she wants to break up, it could be because she’s not interested in being with you anymore or because she doesn’t think you’re someone who would make a good boyfriend for her.

After all, if she was really interested in the relationship, she would have said so already.

She probably feels that you aren’t able to give her what she wants and so wishes you a happy life without her.

But there’s a good chance that your Aquarius woman is just trying to get your attention and wants you to see how serious she is about breaking up with you.

The only way for her to do this is by telling you exactly what’s on her mind in a very blunt manner.

This way, when it comes time for her to actually break up with you, both of you will feel like this was an inevitable decision rather than something forced from the outside.

But you know what?

It could also mean that she still loves you but thinks that there are better options out there for her than with you right now.

And again, this relates to their independent nature.

Therefore, if Aquarius women feel like they have found something better than what they had before (you), they will leave without hesitation, even if they love the person who broke them off from them (you).

So if your Aquarius woman keeps dropping hints that she wants to break up, it could also mean that this is a warning sign that she’s going to break up with you.

10) Be aware: She’s building her independence

And finally, I’d like to talk about one more thing that might be the reason that an Aquarius woman is done with you.

Aquarius is a zodiac sign that is said to be the most independent sign. Theyare independent by nature.

That’s why when you’re dating an Aquarius woman, you should expect a certain amount of independence from her.

That’s also why when you’re dating an Aquarius woman, you should make an effort to respect her independence.

That’s not to say that you should let her do whatever she wants.

If you’re dating an Aquarius woman and she starts building her independence, it might be a sign that she’s done with you.

But instead of thinking that her sudden need for space means that she wants to break up with you, you should look at it as a positive thing.

And when it comes to relationships, you should allow her to be herself and spend time doing what she loves without having to justify herself to you.

This means that if you find yourself being clingy and putting too many restrictions on her, it’s a sure sign that you’re building her independence.

But again, this is something to be aware of because it means that your Aquarius woman might not want to settle down with you just yet but still wants your company and will likely want to hang out with you after the relationship has ended.

What to do about it?

Now you already understand the signs that an Aquarius woman is done with you and the reasons behind it.

And you’re probably wondering what you can do about it. What’s the solution to this?

Well, you can do a few things, but the most important thing to do is to show her that you’re okay with her being independent.

The reason why I say this is because if you don’t allow her to be independent, she will feel like she has no choice but to leave you.

That’s why it’s important for you to show her that you’re okay with her being independent and that it doesn’t bother you that she doesn’t want to be dependent on anyone else.

And as I mentioned before, if you’re dating an Aquarius woman, you should expect a certain amount of independence from her.

And if you don’t respect her independence and try to change her into someone that she’s not, then this might be the reason she wants to break up with you.

Final words

We hope that these 10 signs helped you understand what is going on in the mind of an Aquarius woman.

If you want to keep her around, you need to make sure that you don’t pressure her and that you respect her independence.

The best thing you can do is show her that you respect her as a person and that you can be a good companion.

But understanding an issue can be just the beginning.

I mentioned Psychic Source earlier. I recommended them because of my own positive experience, and I’m optimistic they can do the same for you.

Their spiritual advisors helped me in a real way that brought me answers I’d never been expecting.

Click here to get your own love reading.

Nato Lagidze

Nato Lagidze

Nato is a writer and a researcher with an academic background in psychology. She investigates self-compassion, emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and the ways people make decisions. Writing about recent trends in the movie industry is her other hobby, alongside music, art, culture, and social influences. She dreams to create an uplifting documentary one day, inspired by her experiences with strangers.

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