What happens after a spiritual awakening? 15 things you’ll experience

Have you just experienced a spiritual awakening and are wondering what can happen after it?

Spiritual awakening is a moment when we suddenly see things differently and become aware of hidden truths.

And guess what?

After going through a spiritual awakening, you might feel different on the inside.

15 things that you might experience after a spiritual awakening

1) You’ll gain clarity about what’s most important to you

The first and most obvious thing that you might experience after a spiritual awakening is a sense of clarity.

It’s like you’ve just woken up from a long and deep dream. As you look around, it will be obvious what’s important to you and what isn’t.

Chances are that after experiencing a spiritual awakening, you’ll gain clarity around what’s most important to you.

This will help you to stay focused and create a meaningful life.

And you know what else?

There’s a good chance that you’ll also be more willing to take action toward what’s most important to you, as you will be less likely to be distracted by things that don’t serve you.

What do I mean here?

For instance, you may find that you’re more compassionate and loving towards yourself and others. You might feel more connected to your intuition too, and this can help you to do what’s best for you.

Or you may start to feel and exhibit qualities such as kindness, generosity, self-acceptance, gratitude, self-compassion, and patience.

As a result, you’ll eventually realize that you only have so much time and energy to go around.

And it’s now up to you to decide how you want to spend it.

2) You’ll have a greater sense of purpose and meaning

Have you already found your purpose in life?

If you haven’t, you should know that after experiencing a spiritual awakening, you may feel more connected to your purpose.

You might even feel like you’re on the right path and that everything is unfolding as it should.

Your life purpose can be anything that is meaningful and significant to you. It can be anything from creating something new to helping others or being of service in any way possible.

Or maybe you have already found your purpose in life?

If so, after experiencing a spiritual awakening, you may find yourself feeling more connected to it than ever before. You might also find yourself feeling more confident about pursuing it too.

And guess what?

If you’ve already found your purpose in life but haven’t been able to fully devote yourself to it, after going through a spiritual awakening, you’ll most likely find yourself able to take action toward what’s most important to you without any hesitation or fear.

This means that you’ll know what you’re meant to be doing in this lifetime.

You’ll feel energized, passionate, and driven to follow your purpose and help others too.

You might find yourself bursting with new ideas and inspiration and motivated to create positive changes.

Sounds impressive, right?

You’ll also be more willing to take risks and speak up for what you believe in too. You’ll probably notice that people will be drawn to you and want to follow your example.

After a spiritual awakening, it’s common to feel like you have a message to spread. And you might be eager to share it with the world.

By gaining clarity about what’s most important to you, you’ll also start to have a greater sense of purpose and meaning.

3) What would a gifted advisor say?

The signs above and below will give you a good idea of what to expect after having a spiritual awakening.

But a surefire way to know for sure is to speak with a gifted advisor.

They can answer questions like, what you’ll feel and how you will think after experiencing a spiritual awakening. They will help you understand all the upcoming changes.

The problem is finding someone you can trust.

That’s why I recommend Psychic Source. When I signed up for a reading, they provided me with a unique insight into where my life was going, including who I was meant to be with.

Having tried several online advisors, I think they’re the most caring, compassionate, and helpful network of gifted advisors out there.

Click here to get your own personalized reading.

Not only will a genuine advisor tell you what happens after a spiritual awakening, but they can reveal all your love possibilities.

4) You’ll feel more connected to others and the universe

How connected do you feel to other people around you? Do you ever feel connected to the universe and the world around you?

After a spiritual awakening, you’ll feel much more connected to everyone and everything. You’ll feel like everyone is part of the same family.

You’ll also feel more aware of the universe and how it works. You might feel like you’re more connected to some higher power too.

Most of us often feel some disconnect or separation from others and the universe. We feel like we’re on our own, separate from others, and disconnected from the universe.

We also feel like we’re separate from the rest of the world, even though we know deep down it’s not true.

However, after a spiritual awakening, you’ll start to feel more connected to everyone and everything around you. You’ll start to realize that there’s no separation between you and other people of the universe at all.

You’ll feel a deeper sense of love and compassion towards others, and you’ll understand that we’re all connected in the universe.

This can help you to feel less judgmental towards others and more accepting of everyone.

What’s more, you may also be less likely to take things personally and you’ll be more capable of letting go of painful thoughts and feelings.

You may also notice that you start to feel more gratitude for your life and everything that you have.

The result?

You’ll start to see that everything happens for a reason and has a purpose. You’ll believe that there are no coincidences and that everyone and everything is connected by subtle energy.

5) Your senses will be heightened

Believe it or not, another common experience of a spiritual awakening is heightened senses.

What I mean here is that after a spiritual awakening, you might find that your senses become more heightened.

For example, after a spiritual awakening, you may notice that you can see colors and sounds more vividly. You may also find that the sound of music or the smell of your favorite food can bring back strong memories of past experiences.

The truth is that after a spiritual awakening, certain smells or sounds immediately trigger certain emotions in you. For example, if someone is around who has a particular smell or sound, you’ll suddenly feel sad or angry.

This could happen with certain colors too – such as reds or greens – especially if they remind you of something painful in your past life.

Many people who have experienced a spiritual awakening also say that they have started to feel like they have a stronger connection with nature, animals, and even plants. They feel like they can communicate with nature too.

In fact, it’s possible that you’ll start to notice subtle energy fields and vibrations around people, plants, animals, and even buildings. You might feel drawn to nature and want to spend more time outside.

As a result, you’ll notice more details around you and this can help you to become more creative too.

But keep in mind that when you have a spiritual awakening, it doesn’t mean that you’ll have all of these heightened senses at once though!

Sometimes it happens gradually, over time, as you develop spiritually and open yourself up to the world around you.

These heightened senses can make life so much richer!

6) You’ll know that everything is interconnected and has meaning

Ever felt like things and people in the world are connected?

Well, after a spiritual awakening, you’ll understand that everything is interconnected and has meaning.

You’ll know that everything has a soul and a purpose and that we’re all connected on a subtle energy level.

One of the most interesting experiences after a spiritual awakening is that you’ll be more likely to see synchronicities in your life and may notice that coincidences happen more often than they used to.

This means that you’ll understand that negative and painful thoughts and feelings have no power over you.

They’re just energy and don’t have any meaning or purpose. You may also notice that you’re less affected by external circumstances and that you have more control over your thoughts and feelings.

You’ll start to feel this way after becoming aware of subtle energy.

So, here’s the thing, once you experience a spiritual awakening, you’ll immediately realize that everything is interconnected and has meaning.

You’ll also begin to see the bigger picture and how certain things are connected to others in subtle ways too.

For example, you might notice that something bad happens in your life, and you feel sad about it. But then, a few days later, something good happens in your life too! The universe is sending you a message – maybe that there’s more good things in store for you.

Or maybe bad things happen for a purpose too.

Whatever the case, you should know that this experience can be very empowering and encourage people not to do bad things again.


All of this is possible because when we’re awake spiritually, we’re able to see the bigger picture and how different parts of our lives are part of something bigger than us – including the world around us!

We can see how everything is interconnected and has meaning.

And this makes it easier for us to forgive others or ourselves if we do anything wrong or hurtful towards others or ourselves (and it also helps us forgive others if they’ve hurt us!).

7) You’ll start recognizing unknown people

Now you might think that it sounds a bit strange, but after you’ve experienced a spiritual awakening, you’ll start recognizing or seeing people you don’t know.

This means that you’ll be able to see people and immediately feel that they’re somehow connected to you and that they’re somehow familiar.

Why does this happen?

Well, this is because you’ll be able to see the energy they have, which means that you’ll know when someone is good or bad, positive or negative.

And the more people you meet who are connected to each other in subtle ways, the more this will happen.

And guess what?

You might even recognize your soulmate and find true love.

But how can you know that you’ve met “the one,” your true soulmate?

Let’s face it:

We often waste a lot of time and emotion on people we’re not suited for. Recognizing your soulmate isn’t always straightforward.

But what if there was a way to eliminate all the guesswork?

I’ve just stumbled upon a way to do this…  a professional psychic artist who can draw a sketch of what your soulmate looks like.

Even though I wasn’t sure at first, my friend convinced me to try it out a few weeks ago.

Now I know exactly what my soulmate looks like. The crazy thing is, I’ve known them for years.

If you’re ready to find out what your soulmate looks like, get your own sketch drawn here.

8) You’ll feel more gratitude and love

As you can see, a spiritual awakening increases the chances of experiencing love and gratitude.

But how can it be explained?

Well, the reason is that when we’re awake spiritually, we start seeing the good in others and ourselves.

And this makes it easier for us to love others and ourselves; to be more grateful, and to feel more love for others and ourselves.

That’s why you might understand that everyone and everything is here to help you learn and grow.

You’ll be less likely to judge others and more likely to see the good in people. You may also become more patient and forgiving towards yourself too.

You’ll understand that we all make mistakes and that these are necessary for us to learn and grow. You’ll recognize that everyone is on their own journey and that they’re doing their best with what they have.

And this indeed sounds like something that would be beneficial for everyone, doesn’t it?

So, use this chance to get closer to people and value them more.

9) Everything will make sense to you again

The best part of waking up spiritually is that you’ll start seeing things in a whole new light.

You’ll start seeing how everything affects you and others, and how everything is connected.

And this will make more sense to you than ever before.

Now you might think that this sounds strange, but many people experience a spiritual awakening and find that everything makes sense to them again.

They suddenly understand life and the universe in a new way and they know that there’s a reason for everything that happens.

They feel less anxious because they know that everything happens for a reason and that they’re in control of their thoughts and actions.

But this spiritual experience will help you feel less stressed and anxious as you’ll know that there’s nothing to worry about and that you can’t control everything that happens.

You’ll have a deeper understanding of the past, present, and future too. You might experience déjà vu and have vivid dreams that have hidden meanings.

And suddenly, you’ll realize that everything somehow makes sense.

You’ll feel like you have a new perspective on life and that you understand the universe and your place in it better than ever before.

10) You’ll become more spiritual and have a deeper connection to nature

Waking up after having a spiritual awakening also means that you’ll start connecting to nature more.

You’ll start connecting with the universe, the earth, and everything around you in a deeper way than before.

And this is a great thing because it will help you feel less stressed and more in control of your thoughts and actions, right?

Well, it will also help you understand that there’s nothing to worry about because everything happens for a reason and that there’s nothing to fear or worry about.

It will also give you a sense of peace, calmness, and serenity; which are all great things! When we get stressed out or anxious, we often forget how beautiful our surroundings are; but when we’re spiritually awakened, we’re reminded of just how amazing the world is.

We see the beauty in nature again and can appreciate it more than ever before too! And this is another great side effect of waking up spiritually!

So remember: when you wake up spiritually, connect with nature more! It’s good for your inner world.

11) You may also have moments of intense fear and doubt

Even though all of the possible experiences after a spiritual awakening that we’ve already discussed are positive, be ready that you may also have moments of intense fear and doubt.


Because fear and doubt are often part of a spiritual awakening.

These feelings are your ego’s way of trying to hold on to what it knows.

It’s a scary process to let go of old beliefs and ways of thinking. Ones that you’ve held on to for most of your life.

You may find that you feel more anxious and that you’re less able to cope with life’s challenges. Your ego may try to tell you that you’re going crazy and that you need to seek medical help.

But how can you overcome these negative feelings of intense fear and doubt?

If you want more clarity on this, I’d suggest speaking to a gifted advisor at Psychic Source.

I mentioned them earlier. They have helped me out in the past and I’ve always found them honest and compassionate in their readings.

So instead of trying to solve all your love problems on your own, speak to an advisor who’ll give you the answers you’re looking for.

Click here to get your own personalized reading.

12) You’ll feel more in control of your life

Have you ever dreamt of having the ability to control something that you couldn’t control before?

For example, have you ever dreamt of being able to make things happen?

Well, it might be hard to believe, but spiritual awakening is like that.

After a spiritual awakening, you’ll have a sense of calm and feel more in control of your life.

To be more precise, you’ll be less likely to be affected by negative thoughts and feelings and you’ll have the power to change your life for the better.

You’ll understand that you create your own reality with your thoughts, and you’ll know how to change your thoughts so that you can create the life that you want.

What’s more, you’ll find that you have to make less effort as you will naturally be doing things that are aligned with your soul and what’s most important to you.

And most importantly, you’ll be less likely to be driven by your ego and you’ll be more focused on living a fulfilled and meaningful life.

The simple truth is that when we’re spiritually awakened, we realize that we have the ability to control our thoughts and actions and not let anything outside of us dictate what happens in our lives.

By controlling our thoughts and actions, we can make our lives better.

That’s why you’ll feel more in control of your life when you wake up spiritually.

13) You’ll be more aware of your surroundings

Have you ever experienced a sense of peace or calmness in nature when you were walking through a forest or by the ocean?

Well, this is another side effect of waking up spiritually, and it will be a lot more intense than that.

When we’re spiritually awakened, we’ll be more aware of our surroundings and we’ll see things that others might not see.

We’ll see things like the beauty of nature and we’ll understand how important it is to respect the earth because we are all connected to it.

We won’t waste our time on trivial things, and instead, we’ll appreciate the world around us so much more.

And this is another great side effect of waking up spiritually! It will make you appreciate life even more than before.

And you know what else?

You will also be more sensitive to your surroundings.

Your senses will be heightened and more acute than ever before in your life.

14) You’ll experience synchronicities

What have you heard about synchronicities?

Synchronicities are events that seem to be coincidences, but in reality, they’re the result of your subconscious mind reacting to something.

So basically, you’ll be able to see synchronicities all around you.

You’ll see them whether you want to or not, and they’ll have a profound effect on your life as well.

And this is another great effect of having a spiritual awakening! You will experience more synchronicities than ever before in your life, so it will enrich your life in so many ways.

You might also experience déjà vu or premonitions.

And that’s why you should keep in mind that a spiritual awakening is a very powerful thing.

15) Spirituality will become an important part of your life

And finally, after experiencing a spiritual awakening, spirituality will probably become an important part of your life.

Let me tell you how this works.

When we’re spiritually awakened, we’ll start appreciating life more than ever before and feel love for all living things in our lives.

What does it mean?

It means that you should expect to realize that you can’t ignore spirituality or the spiritual side of your life anymore.

And this is why many people get into spirituality after they’ve had a spiritual awakening.

So if you’re on the fence about whether or not you should have a spiritual awakening, I’d say that you should do it because then you’ll be able to experience all these amazing benefits and it will be very beneficial for your life.

Final thoughts

As you can see, many positive things can happen after a spiritual awakening.

Still, there’s no way to predict exactly what will happen after a spiritual awakening.

It’s because it’s an individual experience and each person will react differently.

But if there’s a part of you that still wants to know more, I recommend speaking to a genuine advisor.

And there’s one company that I always end up recommending, Psychic Source. Not only did they blow me away with their accurate reading, but they were also kind and understanding of my situation.

So if you’re tired of wondering about what happens after a spiritual awakening, get in touch with a gifted advisor and take your future into your own hands. I did, and I’ve never looked back since.

Click here to get your own professional love reading.

Nato Lagidze

Nato Lagidze

Nato is a writer and a researcher with an academic background in psychology. She investigates self-compassion, emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and the ways people make decisions. Writing about recent trends in the movie industry is her other hobby, alongside music, art, culture, and social influences. She dreams to create an uplifting documentary one day, inspired by her experiences with strangers.

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