Twin flames share a beautiful and powerful connection, but did you know there was such a thing as false twin flames?
This imposter will seem like a twin flame at first sight, but there are some crucial differences!
Let’s take a look at twin flames vs false twin flames!
1) Twin flames help you heal, false twin flames destroy you
One of the first things to look for in a false twin flame is its ability to heal you.
A true twin flame can heal every wound deep inside you, including your soul wounds from childhood.
A false twin flame, however, will not be able to heal you.
This can be dangerous because false twin flames will often be drawn to those who have been through significant trauma.
Twin flames will also bring up old wounds and heal them in order to move you forward.
It will feel like an intense and almost destructive process. It will be uncomfortable, but it will also make you feel cleansed and able to move forward.
A false twin flame will maybe attempt to heal your wounds, but they will not be able to do it well and they will also not do it in a healthy way.
They will not be able to process them in the right way, so they will just push them aside and shove them into the background.
In other words, a real twin flame triggers you in the right ways for you to heal yourself, which can be difficult, but rewarding.
A false twin flame can’t hold a safe space for you to heal, which makes it incredibly difficult for you to be vulnerable and surrender to the healing process.
I mean think about it: if someone is not a safe space, how can you feel comfortable unpacking your traumas and wounds in that relationship? You can’t!
So, if you are in doubt, look at how your relationship is making you feel.
Have you healed from past wounds? If not, you might be dealing with a false twin flame.
2) Twin flames will love you how you are, false twin flames will try to change you
True twin flames understand you and they accept all parts of you, including your flaws.
They know that your flaws are not something that needs to be fixed, but they are part of what makes you who you are.
A false twin flame will want to change things about you because they do not understand who you really are as a person.
They only see the surface level and not the deeper levels of who you truly are as a person.
You see, real twin flames share unconditional love with one another. This means that they love you for who you are and not who they want you to be.
They will accept all of your flaws with open arms and they will also accept your dark side.
This is not to say that a real twin flame will let you off the hook for any actions or behaviors, but real twin flames understand that we are all human and we all have both the light and the dark within us.
We are not perfect! This is what makes us so amazing, we are always growing as individuals, which is one of the reasons why twin flames are so special.
We have such a deep connection with one another because we know how hard it can be to change yourself in order to become someone that you are not.
Real twin flames understand this, which is why when a false twin flame tries to change you, it can feel like an attack on who you truly are as an individual!
And rightfully so, because it is!
You see, when somebody wants us to change, all they are really saying is: “You are not good enough for me the way you are right now.”
I know, it sounds harsh, but it’s true.
What it comes down to is that a real twin flame will love you for who you are and they will also love you when you make mistakes.
A false twin flame on the other hand, well, will not be able to accept your flaws and mistakes.
They might say that they do, but actions speak louder than words.
If someone truly loves you for who you are as a person and accepts all of your flaws and mistakes, then that is a good sign that the relationship is healthy.
If someone wants to change you for their own benefit or gain, then it’s time to walk away from that relationship because it’s not healthy.
3) A gifted advisor confirms it
The signs above and below will give you a good idea about who is a false twin flame.
But a surefire way to know for sure is to speak with a gifted advisor.
They can answer questions like, is this person a false twin flame? What should I do now?
The problem is finding someone you can trust.
That’s why I recommend Psychic Source. When I signed up for a reading, they provided me with a unique insight into where my life was going, including who I am meant to be with.
Having tried several online advisors, I think they’re the most caring, compassionate, and helpful network of gifted advisors out there.
Click here to get your own personalized reading.
Not only will a genuine advisor tell you all about false twin flames, but they can reveal all your love possibilities.
4) Twin flames encourage growth, false twin flames discourage it
One thing that is extremely important for true twin flames is your personal growth and evolution as a human being.
It doesn’t matter if this involves spiritual growth or physical growth or emotional growth or mental growth – true twin flames want to help in every way possible so that their partner can grow and evolve in every way possible!
Seeing their partner becoming a better version of themselves is one of the things real twin flames thrive on.
Now: if you are with a false twin flame, things will be different.
You growing and becoming a better person will threaten them, and they will try to keep you small and insignificant as a person.
This is because they believe that when you become a better version of yourself, you will no longer need them for emotional support!
If your partner does not like seeing you becoming better and growing as an individual, then they are a false twin flame.
The reason why this is so important to know is that real twin flames want to see their partners grow and evolve in every way possible, while false twin flames will try to keep their partners small and insignificant.
And honestly, twin flame or not, this behavior is toxic in any kind of relationship.
Think about it: when someone loves you wholeheartedly, they should want the best for you.
It might sound strange at first, but when you truly love someone, you want them to thrive, with or without you.
5) Your twin flame is perfectly in sync, your false twin flame will reveal themselves soon
One of the easiest ways to tell if a person is your twin flame is if you are perfectly in sync with them.
You can finish each other’s sentences, you know what the other person is going to do or say before they do it, and you can feel each other’s emotions.
However, with a false twin flame, you will feel like you never seem to be on the same page as them.
You may not know what is going on inside of them and you may feel like you are always second-guessing yourself and trying to read into their words and actions.
You might even feel like you have no idea what they are trying to say or do.
Now: the thing is, false twin flames will try to be the perfect mirror for you in the beginning, but that facade will drop sooner rather than later.
I mean, you can’t really keep up that kind of act forever and they will start to reveal themselves as the false twin flame they are.
Now: false twin flames don’t do it on purpose, usually.
Meeting a false twin flame is simply a way of teaching you yet another lesson.
6) Your twin flame will have your back and protect you
Real twin flames are there for each other, through thick and thin.
They will be there to support you when you need them most, and they will be there for you when you feel like giving up.
However, with a false twin flame, it is always a one-way street.
They expect the same from you, but if you ever need help from them or need their emotional support, they won’t be there for you.
If anything, they will use your vulnerability against you and might even stab you in the back!
This may sound harsh at first glance but it is true: if your partner wants to use your weaknesses against you then they are not worthy of being in a relationship with (or anyone else for that matter).
And they are most certainly not your twin flame.
You see, twin flames are mirror souls, so they want each other to feel good and thrive.
Because of this unconditional love for one another, twin flames have a strong protective instinct.
This protective instinct is what they use to watch out for their partner and make sure they are never put in any kind of danger.
If your twin flame sees that you are going down a dark path, they will do whatever it takes to pull you back into the light.
However, with a false twin flame, they will simply let you walk down that dark path and won’t do anything to help you.
They don’t have the same protective instincts as real twin flames because their intentions are not pure.
7) Twin flame runners and chasers switch up, with a false twin flame you are always chasing
One of the easiest ways to figure out if someone is your twin flame is by looking at how you pursue them.
If you are always chasing after and pursuing a person, then they are almost certainly not your twin flame.
Your twin flame will run away from you because they want you to let go of them.
But then, the tables will turn and they will start chasing you.
With a false twin flame, it will always feel like they are being chased and pursued by you.
The roles never change and you are constantly left being in the chaser dynamic.
Now: this is not ideal, because when you have to chase someone constantly, you never get to relax and feel your feelings reciprocated.
You are always chasing.
The reason why this is so important is that it shows that you are not your false twin flame’s equal.
Your false twin flame will never chase you because they don’t feel like your roles are interchangeable.
8) A true twin flame helps you see your mission in life
A true twin flame will help you see your mission in life.
They will help you find your purpose and your passion for living.
They will help you discover what makes your heart sing and what you are here on Earth to do.
And the best part?
They will help you feel more confident and secure in yourself and your abilities.
With a false twin flame, you will not feel like you have any mission in life.
You will not feel confident and secure in your abilities and you will not feel like you have a clear path in front of you.
You see, you will feel lost and unsure of who you are and what you are meant to do in life.
The difference between a true twin flame and a false twin flame can be seen in how they help you discover who you are and what you are meant to do in life.
Your twin flame will help you feel empowered and confident in your abilities and in your path.
They will help you figure out who you are and what you want to do in life. They will help you see the bigger picture behind your life and make sense of it for you.
This is beautiful because it means that this relationship brings you closer to your passion and purpose.
You see, everybody has a purpose in life, but only a few are able to find it.
With your twin flame, you will be able to find your purpose and passion for life, which is a beautiful gift.
9) Your twin flame will help you become more authentic and real in your relationships
If you have a false twin flame, they will not help you become more authentic and real in your relationships.
They will not help you reveal the true qualities of who you are.
A false twin flame will not help you understand what makes you truly happy and what doesn’t.
They will not help you see that there is no need to hide when it comes to how happy or sad you are or what makes or breaks your day.
With a real twin flame, they will be doing all of these things.
And the result? Whether you stay with this twin flame or not, your future relationships will be healthier and more beautiful because of it.
You finally learn to be yourself and to let go of all your worries about what others might think about you.
With a false twin flame, you will feel like you need to hide your true self because it is not good enough for them.
You will feel like you have to be someone else and that your real self is not good enough for the world.
And the worst part?
You will not even realize this is happening until it is too late.
With a real twin flame, they will help you discover who you are and what makes you happy and sad.
They will help you realize that there is nothing wrong with being who you are and that it’s okay to be different from others.
But if you want more clarity on this, I’d suggest speaking to a gifted advisor at Psychic Source.
I mentioned them earlier. They have helped me out in the past and I’ve always found them honest and compassionate in their readings.
So instead of trying to solve all your love problems on your own, speak to an advisor who’ll give you the answers you’re looking for.
Click here to get your own personalized reading.
10) A false twin flame needs to be let go in order to follow your purpose
A false twin flame will not help you follow your purpose.
They will hold you back from your true potential and will not let you discover what you are meant to do with your life.
You see, they will keep you from following your passion and doing what you are meant to do.
They will make your mission in life unclear, uncomfortable, and unclear for you.
One of the best ways to tell if a person is your twin flame is by looking at how they make you feel about your life.
If they make you feel like you are meant to be doing something more with your life and you feel like you are held back, then you most likely have a false twin flame in your life.
Twin flames will help you let go of anything that is holding you back from following your purpose and being your authentic self.
They will help you feel confident in yourself and let you know that you have the power to make a change in your life.
They will also help you feel like you are meant to be doing something more with your life and will help you discover what that is.
11) When a false twin flame leaves your life, everything seems to fall into place and become easier
If a false twin flame leaves your life, everything seems to fall into place and become easier.
Simply put, you will feel like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
You will feel like you are free from all of the struggles and problems in your life.
Finally, you will feel like you are able to move forward and that you no longer need to deal with the false twin flame in your life.
With a true twin flame, however, everything seems to get harder when they leave your life.
If your twin flame leaves your life, you will feel extremely lost, confused, and unsure of yourself.
You may feel like you are drowning in your problems and that they are overwhelming and impossible to overcome.
You may feel like you are back at square one and that you are not able to move forward or progress in your life.
Of course, that is not true, as you have the power to be happy on your own, but you will definitely feel the loss of your twin flame.
With a false twin flame, while you might be sad at first, you can’t deny that something seems to have been lifted off your chest!
It’s kind of sad when you think about it, but a false twin flame truly just doesn’t bring much value to your life, quite the opposite.
So, when you get rid of them, you will feel like you can finally breathe!
And the best part?
Now you might be ready to meet your true twin flame!
Only you will know
I can tell you the signs of a false twin flame, but in the end, only you will know the truth.
Is your twin flame a real one, or are they an imposter who is holding you back from reaching your highest potential?
Hopefully, the points above will shed some light on false twin flames.
But if there’s a part of you that still wants to know more, I recommend speaking to a genuine advisor.
And there’s one company that I always end up recommending, Psychic Source. Not only did they blow me away with their accurate reading, but they were also kind and understanding of my situation.
So if you’re tired of wondering about false twin flames, get in touch with a gifted advisor and take your future into your own hands. I did, and I’ve never looked back since.
Click here to get your own professional love reading.
Can a gifted advisor help you too?
If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to someone with special intuition.
I know this from personal experience…
A few months ago, I reached out to Psychic Source when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into what my future holds, and the confidence to make the right decisions when it comes to love.
If you haven’t heard of Psychic Source before, it’s a site where gifted advisors help people through complicated and difficult life situations.
In just a few minutes you can connect with a highly intuitive psychic and get tailor-made advice for your situation.
I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my psychic was.