10 surprising spiritual meanings of headaches (and how you can tackle them!)

We’ve all had them: headaches.

Some of them can last for hours and make you feel like you’re going insane. The kind that feel like a never-ending pain in the head.

Sometimes we can’t seem to get rid of them.

Headaches can be a huge pain to deal with. They make it difficult for you to focus and think clearly, which is why it’s important to find a way to relieve them.

But what if I told you they have a spiritual meaning?

They can signify many different things, from a lack of meaning in your life to guilt and resentment. They also represent the need to synchronize yourself with your soul.

And more importantly, what if I told you there was a way to deal with them?

It might sound crazy, but there is.

Keep reading to discover ten mind-blowing spiritual meanings of headaches, and learn how to tackle them!

10 surprising spiritual meanings of headaches

1) You are not allowing yourself to be what you are supposed to be

Headaches have a direct correlation to the “I AM” of the person experiencing them.

In general, migraines manifest in people who don’t give themselves the freedom to be what they want.

For example: a teenager who wanted to be an artist, but he allowed himself to be convinced by his parents to study another career. He suffered from migraines to the extent that he had not given himself the right to go in the desired direction.

Also, people who feel guilty for daring to question those who have much influence over them can suffer from migraines.

Many people live in the “I can’t” mindset to the point of living in someone else’s shadow.

2) Headache is a sign that your physical and spiritual self are out of sync

We all have a higher purpose for being here, and if we don’t listen to our inner self, we will feel like this is not where we are meant to be.

This can lead your physical and spiritual selves out of sync with each other.

You may lose the right direction in your path as a result of this disconnection.

Headaches can also indicate that you are not listening to your intuition.

For example, when you are doing something you know is not right, your body will respond by experiencing a headache. Such a response is coming from the inner self which has manifested through the body.

3) The universe is trying to warn you about something

Having a headache (usually at the top of your head) means that you are hitting yourself with self-deprecating thoughts. And your higher self is warning you about it.

You are criticizing yourself for not being this or that and, above all, for not being smart enough. You have unrealistically high expectations for yourself.

Reflect on your use of the following expressions:

  • “It breaks my head”,
  • “My head is in the clouds”,
  • “I don’t know where my head is”,
  • “I’m off my head”,
  • “I have lost my mind”

The primary message here is that you should stop accumulating so long, complicated thoughts in your head, for fear of being judged by the people around you.

You also might not be accepting yourself and accusing yourself of being thoughtless.

Or: It could be that you are not accepting yourself, which leads to blaming yourself for being too dependent.

A headache can be a sign from the universe, showing you that you are afraid of going ahead. That is to say, in front, being first, or giving direction.

4) Too much stress and anxiety

Stress can happen when you push yourself too hard to “be” a certain way, do something or when you are obsessed with what is coming and worried about the future.

For example, anxiety and worry may be present if you’re trying really hard to do something but it’s not working out well for some reason.

You can also experience headaches from things like stress, which often comes from the amount of pressure on your brain to perform a task well.

In this way, you can react to things that happen around you.

You might feel intense feelings of failure, doubt, and self-hatred that give rise to criticism and relentlessly judging yourself harshly.

This is the case when you get so entangled in your head that it becomes almost unbearable for you or for others. It’s like “headbutting”.

Having a headache, especially in the forehead, also tells you that you are trying too hard to understand everything.

You must give the intellect time to accumulate enough data in its memory so that its intelligence can make a synthesis and understand.

5) Carrying too much responsibility

It could happen that you are carrying too much responsibility on your shoulders and your head.

Headaches can also be caused by negative emotions that are “trapped” in your head, such as insecurity, torment, excessive ambitions, and the obsession with being perfect.

All of these things cause dilation of the blood vessels which worsens headaches.

Headaches at the level of your forehead can be related to a situation in your work or linked to your social role but if it is located laterally (near the temples) it is more likely that you are experiencing emotional trouble as well – concerning family, or your partner, for example.

6) Fearful thoughts entering your mind that you cannot get rid of no matter how hard you try

Sometimes the cause of a headache is the presence of thoughts or memories that are difficult to get rid of.

You may have forgotten about something important and it has become a burden for you to deal with.

Or if you are facing a feared reality, you will find in the headache an excuse to turn your attention and run away. Consider if it is time to solve what needs solving.

7) Headache means there’s an imbalance between the right and left hemispheres of the brain

There are many people who experience headaches which are located in specific parts of the head.

In this case, it is important to know that the “right” side of the brain is responsible for logical thinking, while the “left” side is responsible for emotional thinking.

You need to decide if there are any matters that are making you feel anxious and figure out whether they’re related to the emotional or rational side of things.

8) Headache is your body’s way of expressing anger or sadness

If you are experiencing headaches often, it is a sign that you might feel angry or sad.

Or if you have a headache, it is a sign that your body needs to be healed and treated.

It is important to know that the body has its own language and we should all listen to what the body tells us.

You can use this knowledge to help yourself heal faster.

Let’s say you are feeling sad, for example, your migraine headaches can be an expression of sadness but in reality they are caused by some other cause. This will make you feel better because it lets you know that there’s something else behind your pain.

9) A headache can be caused by overthinking

It is true that if you have a lot of things on your mind, it is likely that you will experience headaches.

However, if the main cause of the headaches is overthinking, you can make a change in your life to prevent them from occurring.

For example, if you are stressed out because you have work issues or family problems, it can be helpful to learn how to relax.

The shaman Rudá Iandê teaches how to learn to relax by practicing breathing exercises. Check his amazing masterclass and get back your personal power.

10) You are emotionally overwhelmed

When you are emotionally overwhelmed, it is normal to feel tired and have headaches.

However, if you experience a headache all the time and you can not get rid of it, it is important to know that this is a warning sign that there is something else behind your pain.

It can be a sign that there are some things in your life that you do not want to face.

In this case, it is important to seek help from someone who has the experience and knowledge of how to heal yourself.

You need someone who knows how to guide you through the process and take care of your body at the same time.

In order for your body to heal properly, you must first understand what needs healing and then perform some rituals so your body will be able to adapt itself according to what you need.

For example, if we want our heart to heal we must give it love and support so our body will be able to adapt itself accordingly.

Why the head?

The head, in your body’s case, is your communication center. It is linked to individuality and it is kind of like a “command center.”

All the emotions you have and all communications that go on pass through it- via senses (five) to be precise.

Furthermore, if you experience difficulties or illnesses in this area of the body, ask yourself if these are due to some conflict with thoughts about your spiritual life or personal growth.

When you are in balance, there will be a fusion of your body and your mind.

However, if the blood that circulates in the brain does not circulate well or exerts pressure, this indicates that you have difficulty expressing or receiving love. This is because blood carries feelings throughout our bodies (the feeling of love).

In order to receive and express the different aspects of your communication as well as the sensations and impressions that manifest externally, you must learn to stay open in front of your environment.

In this way, you will be able to accept all messages that reach your senses. Through practice, you can achieve a greater spiritual awakening.

Are some headaches bad and others good?

The headache might be the result of some spiritual event or connection.

For instance, there was a time when I had a headache for about three hours and then it suddenly disappeared. I thought it had just been a regular headache, but later that night I found out my grandmother had passed away from liver cancer.

Some headaches are bad because they signal an issue with energy, while others are good because they signal an opening to new and better opportunities.

The difference between a bad headache and a good one could be manifested by its intensity.

A bad headache is when you have constant pain that doesn’t go away, or it lasts for more than three days. A good headache is when the pain goes away after one day, or if it’s a dull pain that is only there periodically.

Why is it important to know the meaning of our pain?

When we experience pain, it’s important to know the meaning of it.

That way we can start to understand why we are feeling this way and how to make that connection with our spiritual side.

Knowing what’s causing your pain can make it easier to find a way to get rid of it. For example, if you have a headache, and are trying all sorts of over-the-counter medications and home remedies, but nothing seems to work, maybe it’s time to explore other possibilities.

How to tackle your headaches?

The first step is to identify what type of headache you have.

Some headaches are caused by things that you can fix, while others are caused by things the only cure is time.

For example, if you are prone to migraines, it’s important to lower your stress levels and avoid foods that may trigger a migraine.

But if headaches are not due to an illness or extreme stress, then it might be the result of your third eye chakra.

This can mean that you need more discipline and self-control in order to achieve enlightenment.

All you need is a little awareness and adjustment of your behavior.

You just need to realize that we all have headaches for a reason. We should try and learn from them as they happen, instead of counting down the minutes until they go away!

Whatever the cause, the headache is directly linked to your individuality and you must learn to be more patient and more flexible towards yourself and others.

8 ways to tackle your headaches

1) Establish contact with your true self

You must establish contact with your true self, who you are at this moment. It is impossible to be what others want you to be.

Nobody in the world can manage that feat of being exactly how everyone else expects them to be all the time.

Your head tells you to relax your mind, to stop trying to understand everything mentally and allow yourself the freedom of being more who you are.

2) Ask yourself who you really want to be (and be honest)

Ask yourself this question: “If all the circumstances had been or were perfect around me, what would I have wanted to be and what do I want to be?”

Next, observe what has prevented you from manifesting it until now. You will discover your way of thinking that harms you- that prevents you from being yourself.

You no longer need to believe that depending on others for approval will make them love you more- instead give yourself permission for those fears and take the time necessary in order to reach your goal.

3) Staying away from technology can relieve a headache

Staying away from technology while having a headache can help to relieve some of the stress that causes your headaches.

This means turning off your phone, not checking social media or email, and leaving all distractions behind.

4) Eat a healthy diet and drink more water

Eating a healthy diet is important for your head and body.

The brain needs water to function properly, so it is important to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Also, eating foods high in antioxidants are good for your brain as they can protect it from free radicals and toxins like pesticides, heavy metals and even drugs.

5) Be more mindful of your thoughts and feelings

Your thoughts and feelings are being transmitted through a series of vibrations that go directly into the physical body.

This can be stressful on your physical body if you are not being mindful of them. The more you are aware of them, the more they will stop affecting you physically too!

You can do this by being present and paying attention to them.

For example, if you are feeling angry, you can be mindful of that emotion, notice where it is coming from (e.g. your head or heart) and where it is going (e.g. out of your mouth).

Then you can choose to either let the emotion go or direct it in a more positive way, like thinking about how you want to feel instead of being angry with yourself or others for what has happened in the past.

6) A good night’s sleep can bring relief from a headache

Studies have shown that a good night’s sleep can aid in the relief of headaches.

A study by the University of Michigan found that an average of 8 hours of sleep is needed for the symptoms to subside.

Sleep is a time for your body to heal and restore itself, but many people today don’t get enough rest.

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day so that you can get a good night’s sleep and feel refreshed.

When you are well-rested, your body is more able to do its job and you will notice a difference in how your headaches affect you!

7) Get more exercise

A study conducted at Stony Brook University found that people with chronic headaches were less likely than others to be physically active.

The researchers believe this is because chronic pain makes it hard for people with headaches to exercise regularly, so they become less active.

They also found that people who were more active had less headaches and felt better when they did exercise.

So getting more physical activity is a good way to help reduce your headaches.

8) Meditate

Meditation can help you manage your headaches because the mind and body are connected, so when you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, you can learn to control them instead of letting them control you.

One way to meditate is to sit quietly and focus on your breathing or on a mantra or sound.

You can also try a guided meditation.

This will help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, which will help with reducing headaches!


Headaches are an extremely common occurrence and the most common type of pain experienced. But why are some headaches bad and others good?

Understanding the spiritual meaning of headaches can help you better manage the pain you experience.

A good way to deal with a headache is to seek professional medical help.

However, if you want to explore the spiritual meaning of a headache for yourself, take a moment to think about the following questions:

What does your headache mean?

How can you tackle your headache?

How can you avoid getting a headache in the future?

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Pamela Kirchheimer

Pamela Kirchheimer

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