It’s not easy finding your soulmate. And even when you know who it is, it can be hard to find them.
What if they are already taken? What are you supposed to do then?
If your soulmate is married, it can be difficult to think of a way forward. You might feel like there’s no hope of them leaving their spouse and getting the life they deserve.
But don’t worry!
It doesn’t have to be the end of the world if they are married. You just need some time and creativity to come up with a plan of action.
Here are 10 tips on what to do when you meet your soulmate and they’re taken.
1) Be positive
No matter what happens, you have to try your best to stay positive and happy!
It’s hard for anyone to open up about their relationship with someone when their spouse is present.
It’s even harder for the soulmate of a married person to show a smile in front of them.
If you do meet your soulmate and they are married, the best thing you can do is try to keep it light and nice.
Don’t let the fact that your soulmate is married get you down.
Now is not the time to think about being negative! Try and focus on how awesome your life will be when you meet them.
With positivity, anything is possible.
Attracting abundance is all about how you feel. If you think they are just not going to leave, then they won’t.
But if you believe in your heart that there is hope for a relationship, then you can change your perspective and start to imagine how it could be.
2) Be the kindest, most supportive person in the world
Now is not the time to be petty or jealous.
Obviously, you don’t want to hurt your soulmate’s spouse.
But at the same time, you can’t let their relationship get in the way of yours! This is where you need to compromise and be supportive of both parties.
There are a lot of married people out there who don’t feel very loved or appreciated by their spouse.
Think about it!
It’s going to be hard for them to open up about a relationship that may never work in the first place. So don’t criticize or make them feel bad about their situation.
Be supportive and kind to them, without making them feel guilty or trapped.
If they are not ready to leave their spouse, or they don’t want to upset them by leaving, then there is nothing anyone can do to help.
3) Get a gifted advisor confirmation
The points above and below will give you a good idea of what you can do if your soul mate is married.
But a surefire way to know for sure is to speak with a real advisor.
The problem is finding someone you can trust.
There’s an abundance of fake “experts” out there, but very few genuine advisors who can offer practical life advice.
That’s why I recommend Psychic Source. They provided me with a unique insight into where my life should go, including who I was meant to be with.
Having tried several online advisors, I think they’re the most caring, compassionate and knowledgeable network of gifted advisors out there.
Click here to get your own personalized reading.
Not only will a genuine advisor tell you what to do in this situation, but they can reveal all your love possibilities.
4) Don’t feel guilty
You don’t have to feel guilty about being with someone who is married.
You didn’t do anything wrong.
Your soulmate is the one who was irresponsible, choosing to get married and be with someone they weren’t truly committed to.
Try not to feel bad about it. It’s not your fault!
You do need to be able to let go of the guilt you might have about your soulmate being with someone else.
You might feel like you’re doing something wrong by having these feelings.
But if you are in a relationship and it’s not working, then why are you continuing it?
Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty for feeling that something is wrong.
6) Trust your soul mate
There’s a reason you were placed in the situation you are in right now.
Your twin soul came to play a role in your life to help move you forward. Their role is the same as yours, and they have all of your best interests at heart.
If you’re worried about being with this person when they have someone else already, remember that there are no coincidences.
Whoever they choose to be with, whatever they wanna do, all you need to do is trusting them.
You have to believe that they are coming for you, and that there will be a happy ending.
Think about this – every single day there are people out there who wish they could be with their soulmate, too.
And they’ll just keep wishing and wishing until they run out of wishes!
Always remember that your twin flame has the same feelings as you in this situation, and is only doing what is right for them.
6) Focus on yourself
If you feel like there’s really no hope for a relationship with your soulmate, then I recommend focusing on yourself for now.
You will attract who you are meant to be with if you focus on being the best version of yourself.
So the point of this step is just to keep your head held high and do whatever you can to be happy.
It’s important not to get caught up in a negative mindset, as this will only make things much harder on yourself.
It’s not about your soulmates changing their mind, it’s more about seeing who they are and appreciating what they bring to the table.
Meditate, read spiritual books and connect with your higher self to help you heal.
You need to remember that it’s not all about love and marriage. Even if you don’t have a spouse, it’s still important to take care of your happiness and health.
7) Do some research
It may be that you already know what you’re up against. Maybe there is no real hope for a future with them.
Or maybe you want to be sure and don’t want any nasty surprises later down the line.
Either way, do some detective work to see all the facts before you start a campaign to win them back.
You need to know where they get their ideas from.
Let’s ask yourself:
- What beliefs and desires do they have?
- How valuable are they to the people around them?
- What was the spark that made them decide to get married?
The more you know about their situation, the easier it will be to think of a plan of action.
But if you want more clarity on this, I’d suggest speaking to a gifted advisor at Psychic Source.
I mentioned them earlier. They have helped me out in the past and I’ve always found them honest and compassionate in their readings.
So instead of trying to solve all your love problems on your own, speak to an advisor who’ll give you the answers you’re looking for.
Click here to get your own personalized reading.
8) Talk to your twin flame about it
You may have a feeling that they are the person you’re supposed to be with. Your soulmate.
Or perhaps you’ve been told by your higher self and mentor that it’s about to happen.
Either way, talking to them about it will give you both a sense of peace and calmness in your soul.
It’s a good chance to communicate and see if you can take things to the next level.
Another point is that it gives you a chance to find out how they feel about the situation.
Do they want an open relationship? Or do they want a serious commitment from you?
No matter what the outcome, talking opens up both of your feelings and you find out exactly where you stand with each other.
It might even help you get the answer (or hints at an answer) you were looking for before.
You can end up making some really joyful progress in your love life. And the more you talk about it, the better it’ll be for everyone involved.
9) Be respectful
Don’t pressure them into anything.
Here’s why:
If they are a well-respected and loved person in their community, don’t try and make them feel like they’re not anymore.
Many people who get divorced or separated see it as something shameful. And they are likely to push you away.
It can be a painful process for everyone in the family too.
Often husbands and wives won’t find out they are getting divorced unless they are already moving on in their lives.
It’s unfair to leave them wondering if you’ve stayed out of obligation.
If you know your soulmate is married, stay cool and quiet about it.
There’s no point in embarrassing or begging them to change their mind.
People will see this as a desperate attempt at getting in your way and it will backfire on you big time.
10) Move on
Here’s the tricky part:
If your soulmate is married, you’ll feel it more than ever.
You’ll go through a huge amount of pain and sadness.
Don’t allow this to ruin things for the rest of your life.
Above all, you need to take the high ground about this situation.
You have to face it.
Instead of being upset, why don’t you just think positively and try to get through this situation.
All you need to do is:
Believe in yourself and your gut feeling that things are gonna work out.
And if it’s not, then no worries.
You can start a new life without anything to regret – because you won’t have anything to regret if your soulmate is already married.
It’s time to make some great progress in your love life.
And when you are still upset, you want to find the way out, and get through this tough situation, there are 5 solutions that might help you out!
1) Be a better person
Try to be so good that you become lovable.
You don’t have to be perfect as a human being.
There will always be something you can improve on and do better.
So whenever you get a chance, just try to do better each day.
There are some reasons that your soulmate choose another person to get married.
Be better than that person.
Work on your self-esteem and be a happier person.
Be the best version of yourself that you can be, and you’ll attract better love into your life.
When you think you are as good as it gets, you’re ready for this challenge.
Get out there and be the best version of yourself that you know how to be.
2) Make a plan for the future
Your soulmate may not change their mind during the time you’ve been together.
And that’s okay.
But it’s still helpful for you to plan for the future.
Make a plan so that you won’t be stuck in the same place with no hope of happiness.
You can’t give up hope just because your soulmate is married now!
Start making plans with your love life so that you have a better future waiting for you.
3) Work out
Working out is great for pretty much every part of your life.
It strengthens your body and gives you better health.
And working out is also great for your love life.
For one, working out will make you stronger so that you can deal with this situation a lot better.
Secondly, it will improve your confidence to double up on working towards the future that you want.
As the saying goes: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step” – Confucius.
Take one step at a time, and you will make great progress in your love life.
When you focus on your body, you’ll be more attractive and be able to find your love more easily.
4)Find a new hobby
When you have a new hobby, your mind and soul will be free from negative thoughts.
Your mind will get occupied with something that is fun and exciting.
Besides, hobbies are good ways to pass the time in between taking care of your health.
Working out is great for improving your body and making you feel better physically.
But it’s still not the same without a hobby that keeps your interest.
However, finding a new hobby is a way for you to forget about your soulmate.
You can be more positive and get rid of bad things that upset you.
In short:
A new interesting hobby is a key to help you get out of this situation and stop getting distressed.
5) Go out with friends
When you are single, it’s great to go out and meet new people.
But when you have a soulmate, it’s hard to spend time on your best friends.
Therefore, when you need to move on from that relationship, meet or go out with your best friends more often.
You can also build new relationships with some of your friends and spend some quality time with each other.
It’s always right!
Friends are the ones who can share things with you and give you good advice, especially your best friend.
So, having a good time with your friends will help you forget the bad things and give you more positive energy.
Final thought
If you are in a relationship with your soulmate and they are married, this will be the hardest time of your life.
But it’s never too late to make a change.
The good news is that your soulmate isn’t the only person you’re going to meet in your lifetime.
You’re likely to run into them again, and it won’t be in the same way.
So be happy with what you have, and try to count your blessings.
Can a gifted advisor help you too?
If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to someone with special intuition.
I know this from personal experience…
A few months ago, I reached out to Psychic Source when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into what my future holds, and the confidence to make the right decisions when it comes to love.
If you haven’t heard of Psychic Source before, it’s a site where gifted advisors help people through complicated and difficult life situations.
In just a few minutes you can connect with a highly intuitive psychic and get tailor-made advice for your situation.
I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my psychic was.