15 signs a Cancer man is done with you (and what you can do about it)

Are you in love with a Cancer man but notice that your relationship has come to an end?

Maybe your Cancer boyfriend has become so distant. Or you notice he just isn’t that into you anymore.

If this sounds familiar, you might feel that your Cancer man is holding back, not showing his true feelings, or just not ready to take things to the next level with you yet.

What you might not be aware of, however, is just how much of an effect that has on your relationship.

The truth is that it could have something to do with him being a Cancer man.

Keep reading to learn 15 signs a Cancer man is done with you and how you can save the relationship before it’s too late.

1) He isn’t always honest about what he’s thinking

Recently, your Cancer man stopped talking to you. He doesn’t seem interested in what you have to say anymore.

And what’s worse, he stopped being honest is what he was thinking.

Does this sound familiar?

If this sounds familiar, he might be hiding his true feelings from you.

This is because the truth is, he doesn’t really want to hear anything from you.

That means that if he isn’t being honest with you, it could mean one of two things:

But why is he acting like this?

Well, a Cancer man is known for expressing himself with honesty, even if it hurts.

He might be honest and say something like, “I don’t think we should move forward with this. I just don’t feel the same way as I used to.” Or, “I really enjoy spending time with you but I can’t see things going further than this.”

But what you might not realize is that his honesty doesn’t always mean he wants to end things right away.

He may not want to hurt you by saying anything too soon, but he could also be giving you a heads up that he just isn’t sure where things stand anymore and wants to take his time before making any rash decisions.

But sometimes the fact that he stopped being honest simply means that your Cancer man is done with you and you need to move on.

2) He has unrealistic expectations of you

Did you notice that recently he expects things from you that you have never even thought about?

  • He expects you to always be available for him, no matter what time of day or night it is.
  • He expects you to always be completely on board with everything he does and says.
  • And he expects you to always be happy and smiling when he’s around.

But these are all things that are way out of your control, so who is responsible for making them happen? You!

This might seem unfair on your part, but it isn’t really.

Okay, a Cancer man loves being around people who are happy and smiling all of the time.  It makes him feel more secure in himself.

But it doesn’t mean that he should have unrealistic expectations of you, because then it’s really up to you to make that happen.

And what’s worse, his unrealistic expectations are only going to make you feel even more tired and frustrated. If he doesn’t understand that, he is completely missing the point.

That’s why having unrealistic expectations is a sign that a Cancer man is done with you. It might sound sad, but it’s true.

3) He’s not showing interest in you anymore

He used to be all over you, but now he barely even notices that you’re around.

He used to make an effort to talk with you and ask about your day every hour of the day, but today he doesn’t even give a hoot about what’s going on in your life.

And when he does talk with you, it isn’t about anything that is actually important or meaningful.

It’s all about him and his problems. He puts you on the back burner again and again.

Sounds like you?

If so, then your Cancer man is probably done with your relationship and has decided to move on.

And guess what?

You might be able to deal with this for a while if his recent behavior is just a phase, but eventually, it will get old and he will stop caring about the person who has been there for him through thick and thin for so many years now.

And then it’ll be game over…for good!

Now you might think that this behavior is totally normal because everyone has their bad days, right?

Well, not really.

Because when a Cancer man suddenly stops being interested in you and his life, it’s a sign that he is about to leave you for someone else.

His recent behavior is actually a red flag that he is going to move on from you. He’s just not ready yet.

He needs some time to think everything over and figure out if he really wants to go through with it or not. But eventually, he will end up choosing the latter option.

But what can you do about it? How can you prevent him from moving on?

Well, let me recommend someone who can change your life.

Get advice from a gifted advisor

The signs above and below will give you a good idea of the problems in a relationship with your Cancer man.

But a surefire way to know for sure is to speak with a gifted advisor.

They can answer questions like: Is he really done with me? Did he decide to move on? How can I bring him back or prevent him from moving on?

The problem is finding someone you can trust.

That’s why I recommend Psychic Source. When I signed up for a reading, they provided me with a unique insight into where my life was going, including who I am meant to be with.

Having tried several online advisors, I think they’re the most caring, compassionate, and helpful network of gifted advisors out there.

Click here to get your own personalized reading.

Not only will a genuine advisor tell you whether your Cancer man is done with you, but they can reveal all your love possibilities.

4) He’s not optimistic about the future anymore

Let’s be honest.

If a Cancer man is not optimistic about the future, then there are some very good chances that he will leave you for someone else.

He might be able to hold off until his life is more stable and he has enough money to support himself and his family, but sooner or later, this guy will move on to someone who has more hope for their future.

He might think that if he were to stay with you for a little longer, then things would change for him…but they won’t.

And eventually, his optimism will fade away and disappear altogether. If this sounds like your man then it’s time for you to move on…before it’s too late!


Because it’s one of the biggest signs that he’s done with you.

The truth is that he stopped being optimistic about your future because he doesn’t see you in his life.

He doesn’t see you in his future anymore because he’s made up his mind that he will be moving on.

But you know what?

You don’t need to talk with him about your mutual future in order to bring him back. Instead, you can bring him back by bringing his future back to him.

You can do that by helping him see that he needs you and that he isn’t going to feel better after breaking up with you.

That way, he will feel a need to have you in his life.

You can help him see that he needs you by telling him that you still care for him and that your future together is bright.

5) He doesn’t want to talk anymore or wants to change the subject

Have you noticed that your Cancer man doesn’t want to talk anymore?

Does he avoid your calls?

Does he keep you at a distance when you see him?

Or does he just not want to talk about anything anymore?

If so, then the chances are that he’s done with you.

You know why?

Because he doesn’t see you in his future anymore!

He’s made up his mind that he will be moving on.

But first, you need to find out if he really wants to end things or if it’s something else.

If it’s something else, then bring him back through the following steps:

Ask him straight out whether or not they want to break up. If they do, then bring them back by telling them that they have no reason to end things because there are lots of reasons why you should stay together.

But one thing is for sure:

If your Cancer man isn’t answering your calls or returning your texts, then he might be done with you.

He might be thinking about moving on with someone else or he might just not have time for things like texting and calling anymore.

Either way, the signs are clear that he’s done with you…and it’s probably best if you move on before it’s too late! Why am I saying this?

Because Cancer men are so self-assured that sometimes it’s hard to do something that would change their minds.

But, if your Cancer man doesn’t want to talk anymore, then you need to know that it’s time for you to move on.

If he’s not willing to talk about the future with you or if he just doesn’t want to talk anymore, then it’s time for you to move on before it’s too late!

6) He is starting to get bored with you

Did you notice that your Cancer man started getting bored with the things he used to enjoy doing with you?

For example, did he recently stop hanging out with the same friends, going out for drinks, or watching movies as much?

Or did he recently start spending less time at home by himself?

Or did he stop playing video games as much as before?

These are all signs that your Cancer man might be getting bored with things in your relationship, but they don’t necessarily mean all is lost.

What I mean here is that he might still want to stick around if there is something special about the relationship that has him wanting to stay around. But if he’s just bored with you, then it’s time to start thinking about moving on.


Because being bored with you is one of the biggest signs that your Cancer man has decided that your relationship has come to an end.

7) He doesn’t feel the same anymore

Now I’m going to tell you the most certain sign that your Cancer man is moving on with you.

It’s when he doesn’t feel the same way about you anymore.

What I mean by this is that he no longer cares about certain things in your relationship anymore.

For example, if he can’t stand being near you or having you around him at all times anymore. Or he no longer wants to do the things that he used to enjoy doing with you.

And even though you think he may still want to be with you, he’s not feeling the same way about your relationship anymore.

So let me ask you a question.

Does he feel like the same person anymore?

He probably doesn’t, right?

Well, you may have noticed recently that your Cancer man seems to be struggling with something.

Maybe he has stopped liking the things you used to like or don’t even like anymore.

Or maybe he’s lost interest in spending time with you as much as he used to.

It could be anything, but it’s something that is definitely happening to him.

The problem is that your Cancer man isn’t quite sure how to go about fixing this problem, so he might just be avoiding it for a little while before deciding what to do about it.

That’s why he seems so distant. And that’s why you feel like he’s done with you.

But sooner or later, he will have to deal with this issue, and it will probably have a big impact on his relationship with you.

This could mean that it’s time for him to move on from you and get some space from you again because he still isn’t sure what the best thing for him would be at this point in time.

Is there something you can do about it?

Well, what you need is clever psychology.

That’s where dating expert Brad Browning comes in.

Brad is a best-selling author and has helped hundreds of people get back with their ex via his extremely popular YouTube channel.

He’s just released a new free video that will give you all the tips you need to get back with your Cancer man.

Click here to watch his excellent video.

8) He is always making excuses to spend more time with his friends

Did your Cancer man recently stop talking to you as much as he used to talk? Or has he been spending less time at home doing things with you? Or have his habits changed lately so that he no longer wants to be around you?

Even if all of these are right, the surest sign that he’s done with you is that he is always making excuses to spend more time with his friends instead of spending more time with you.

Why does this happen?

It’s probably because there are some changes taking place in your relationship that are making him want to spend more time with his friends instead of spending more time with you.

This is probably because of something that has happened in your relationship. And since there are no secrets between the two of you, I’m guessing that whatever has happened must have made him not feel as close to you as he used to feel.

So the solution is simple. You just need to discover what is causing this change in his behavior and make it stop.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Ask him why he’s spending so little time with you lately. (If you’ve been trying to get him to talk, he might have told you that he doesn’t want to talk right now.)
  • Ask him how much time he spends with his friends, and how often he goes out with them. (If your Cancer man has ever talked about going out with friends, then chances are that this is a big part of his social life.)
  • Ask him if any problems between the two of you are making him want to spend more time with his friends instead of spending more time with you. (If your Cancer man has ever talked about having any problems in your relationship, then chances are that this is a big part of his social life.)

That way, you’ll know what the problem is.

9) He doesn’t get jealous when you talk to other guys anymore

Let me ask you an important question.

Did your Cancer partner ever get jealous when other guys talked to you?

If the answer is yes, then chances are that he won’t get jealous anymore when you start talking to other guys.


Because he’s probably not interested in you anymore. Or worse – he decides that your relationship is over.

That’s because Cancer is usually a very jealous zodiac sign. And so, Cancer men are highly possessive.

This means that they usually get jealous when they feel that their partner is getting too close to other guys.

I’m not saying here that it’s a good thing but that’s what they usually do.

So if your Cancer man stops feeling jealous when you talk to other guys, then chances are that he doesn’t want to be with you anymore.

In other words, he’s not interested in you anymore and probably decided that your relationship is over.

10) He doesn’t want to see you as much anymore

This is a pretty simple sign.

When he doesn’t want to see you as much anymore, it means that he no longer wants to be with you. Period. End of story!

Why does this happen?

Well, for one thing – there are no secrets between the two of you, and so he knows what’s going on in your relationship and why it’s changed recently – which means that whatever has happened must have made him not feel as close to you as he used to feel.

So the solution is simple: you just need to talk to him and ask him why he no longer wants to be with you.

If he doesn’t want to tell you why then chances are that it’s because he’s getting bored of being with you.

And that’s a very dangerous sign, which means that you should probably end your relationship as soon as possible.

But if he does want to tell you why then the solution is even simpler:

Just talk to him and ask him why he no longer wants to be with you.

11) He doesn’t feel close to you anymore

Can I be totally honest with you?

This is one of the most dangerous signs that I can give you in regard to your relationship.

When a Cancer man doesn’t feel close to his partner anymore, there are usually two reasons:

The first reason is that he’s getting bored of being with you.

And the second reason is that he’s getting bored of being with you because he doesn’t feel close to you anymore.

In other words, it means that he doesn’t feel close to you anymore because he doesn’t want to feel close to you anymore and not because of something else that happened between the two of you.

That’s why I’m so convinced that it’s a clear sign of your Cancer man losing interest in you.

And what’s more, he probably decided that he’s done with you – he wants to move on.

But if you want more clarity on this, I’d suggest speaking to a gifted advisor at Psychic Source.

I mentioned them earlier. They have helped me out in the past with my relationship problems and I’ve always found them honest and compassionate in their readings.

So instead of trying to solve all your love problems on your own, speak to an advisor who’ll give you the answers you’re looking for.

Click here to get your own personalized reading.

12) He doesn’t invite you to family gatherings anymore

To be honest, this is another sign that your Cancer man doesn’t want to be with you anymore.

If he doesn’t invite you to family gatherings anymore, then it’s because he’s getting bored of being with you and wants to move on.

Well, think about it.

He always used to invite you to family gatherings. His family members would like you, and he would like you.

You all had a great time together and it felt like the perfect match, but now he no longer wants to be with you.

And that’s why he stopped inviting you to family gatherings.

Because he no longer wants to be with you anymore, which is another clear sign of him losing interest in being with you and wanting to move on, which means that this relationship is over

In this case, there’s a good chance that your Cancer man has already dumped you, which means that there’s a good chance that things are already over between the two of you.

He doesn’t want to be with you anymore. So why would he invite you to family gatherings?

It doesn’t make any sense, does it?

It means that he wants to move on and forget about you. And it’s a very clear sign that your relationship will soon be over.

13) He doesn’t compliment you anymore

And here’s another simple question:

Did your Cancer man use to compliment you?

Did he tell you how beautiful or fun you are? Did he tell you how wonderful you are?

If your Cancer man used to compliment you, it means that he was truly interested in you.

But what about now?

Does he still give you compliments?

If he does, then that means that he’s still interested in you.

But if he doesn’t compliment you anymore, then I’m sorry to say that it’s a sign that he is losing interest in being with you.

He is no longer interested in being with someone who isn’t as attractive as him.

And that means that your relationship is over. It’s all over. Your man no longer wants to be around you.

He wants to move on and forget about the two of you so as not to hurt your feelings any more than he already has.

He doesn’t want to be with someone who is less attractive than him and wishes for a better woman so that he can feel more confident in himself again.

But guess what?

It doesn’t matter why he doesn’t find you attractive anymore.

What matters is that your Cancer man is done with you and wants to move on.

14) He harps on the same problems for years

Ever noticed how your Cancer man keeps harping on the same problems for years?

This is a very clear sign that he wants to end the relationship. He’s done with you and doesn’t want to be with you anymore.

And that means that things are over between the two of you.

But why would he constantly harp on the same issues?

Because he’s been thinking about ending this relationship for so long, he’s already made up his mind.

He doesn’t want to be with you anymore and has been thinking about ending the relationship for a while now.

But wait for a second…

What if your Cancer man is really unhappy? What if he’s not using this as an excuse to end the relationship?

What if there are other reasons why he wants to end the relationship?

That’s why you should try to help him fix the problems.

Try to understand his point of view. Try to see things from his perspective.

But if you notice that he harps on the same problems constantly because he wants to end your relationship, then it’s a sign that a Cancer man is done with you.

15) He’s moody and unpredictable

And the last sign that a Cancer man wants to end the relationship is that he’s moody and unpredictable.

This is a sign that he’s not happy with you and doesn’t want to be with you anymore.

He’s moody because he’s unhappy about being with you. He can’t get over the fact that he has to be around someone who isn’t as good as him.

He can’t get over the fact that he has to be around someone who has less personality than him.

He can’t get over the fact that he has to be around someone who isn’t as good in bed as him either.

And yes, unfortunately, he might be thinking all these things about you if he’s really done with you.

And this is why your Cancer man is moody and unpredictable because his brain is telling him all of these things at once, and it makes him unhappy every time he sees you.

And because of this, it makes him want to break up with you right away so that he can move on with his life again.

So, the fact that your Cancer partner is being moody and unpredictable is a sign that he’s done with you and wants to end the relationship.

In conclusion – what you can do about it

So, have you already noticed most of these signs in your relationship? Then it probably means that your Cancer man is done with you.

But here’s the thing – if you truly want to reconnect with your Cancer man, you can’t leave it down to chance.

You need to take action and get them back before it’s too late.

And the best person to help with that is Brad Browning. I’ve mentioned him throughout this article because his advice is the best when it comes to reconnecting couples.

With tips that you can start to use as early as today, what are you waiting for?

Check out his excellent free video here.

Confused about what to do next?

A weird, new way to figure out what to do next is to get advice from the Psychic Love Robot.

This is a very sophisticated tool using advanced artificial intelligence and neural network modeling.

You ask a question and then share additional information about your situation.

The Psychic Robot then tells you exactly what to do.

It’s honestly mind-blowing. And it’s free for a limited time.

Check out the Psychic Love Robot here.

It may tell you exactly what you need to know.


Nato Lagidze

Nato Lagidze

Nato is a writer and a researcher with an academic background in psychology. She investigates self-compassion, emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and the ways people make decisions. Writing about recent trends in the movie industry is her other hobby, alongside music, art, culture, and social influences. She dreams to create an uplifting documentary one day, inspired by her experiences with strangers.

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