Wondering if your Scorpio man has feelings for you?
For all the good Scorpio men possess, their inability to face their feelings for a specific person is what can make or break a relationship.
If it becomes too much for this man to deny his feelings for you, he will have an undeniable urge to confess them and pursue you.
However, there are many signs that could indicate that a Scorpio man might be fighting these feelings and staying away from pursuing you.
Here are 15 signs that a Scorpio man is fighting his feelings for you.
1) He holds back from being alone with you
Scorpio men are known for their ability to occupy the centre of attention and draw everyone’s eyes to them.
If this man has a crush on you, he will probably be the first one to reciprocate when you invite him out for a chance to get to know each other better.
Instead, if he delays or is reluctant to accept your invitations and is always coming up with an excuse as to why he can’t go, it might mean that he is fighting his feelings for you.
He will not be spending hours or days on his own just to spend time with you alone.
He might be afraid of his own emotions and desires and prefers keeping things casual in case he decides that pursuing a relationship with you isn’t worth it after all.
This way, he doesn’t risk getting hurt.
2) He is always watching you from afar
This is another sign that a Scorpio man is holding back his feelings for you.
As the saying that “the eyes are windows to the soul” goes, if a man is always looking at you with his eyes filled with deep longing, he has to have deep emotions for you.
As he watches you from afar, he does so with an expression of indifference.
The rules are simple:
He will watch you whenever and wherever possible but he won’t make any moves because he is afraid of the outcome.
He may be able to keep the feelings hidden from others but the thoughts from his mind are constantly nagging him enough to make him feel guilty about them.
For example, in social situations, he will keep an eye out for a chance to approach you but will never take it.
I’ll explain more in my next point.
3) He keeps you at a distance in social situations
Social situations are crucial for Scorpio men when the purpose is to win over a girl.
He will probably be introduced to you by friends and make a great first impression.
He will be charming, polite, attentive and show great interest in getting to know you better.
But, here’s the kicker:
If he has been fighting his feelings for you, the moment his friends leave him alone with you, the entire charade will stop.
Instead of staying to talk with you longer or invite you out on your own, he will make up an excuse about needing to leave.
If it’s possible for him to escape without seeing or talking with you again, he will do so without hesitation.
He will not engage in any other conversations when there are people around.
His behavior might be part of his way to express his private emotions.
4) He avoids eye contact with you
In case he has fallen for you, he will most likely be the one to look at you first when meeting new people.
He will not let anyone else do it for him.
Even if he doesn’t want to, he will most likely turn around to look at you every now and then.
In his mind, he may be on the verge of making a move on you but his emotions won’t allow him to actually do so yet.
If he is interested in you, he will be looking at you with an expression of deep longing and admiration.
However, if he is fighting his feelings and trying to get away from them, his eyes will look anywhere but at you.
He will look as if he avoids even making eye contact with you because it’s too much for him to handle.
He might be looking at you with his eyes constantly but that’s just an illusion.
Think about it.
Scorpio men are usually experts when it comes to hiding their feelings.
In fact, they are so good at it that people tend to consider them as cold or indifferent individuals.
For him, not looking into your eyes means that he is capable of keeping his true emotions hidden even from the person he is interested in most.
5) He avoids getting in deep conversations with you
Another sign that your Scorpio man is avoiding you or fighting his feelings for you is when he avoids having deep conversations with you.
He will treat this as a casual meet-up, saying only necessary things, and will not go any further than that.
In most cases, he will not engage in any other conversations and, instead of continuing the one you two were having, he will simply stop it.
His intuition might be telling him to just keep things casual between the two of you.
Because if he tries to go deeper into your relationship, there is a high chance that his feelings for you will take over him.
He won’t be able to hold them in anymore.
Scorpio men are very stubborn when they fall for someone.
When he is trying to resist his feelings and stay away from you, he will do so without any weakening.
He might even have a weird sense of pride when it comes to not opening up too much but he will still notice your feelings for him.
6) He doesn’t go out of his way to talk with you at work
Scorpio men are usually friendly and always ready to help others.
They can be found everywhere: from the cafeteria to the break room and the parking lot.
If a man has fallen for you, he will probably be the first one to talk to you when he sees you at work.
He won’t be afraid of losing his reputation by being seen with you.
He will probably even sit next to you and if given the chance, will ask for your number so that he can call or text you later on.
However, if this Scorpio man has been fighting his feelings and trying to stay away from you, he will avoid talking with you whenever possible.
His mind wants him to make the first move but his heart is preventing him from doing it.
Because he’s afraid that you’ll reject him and it will result in his deepest feelings being shattered.
As a result, he will try to avoid any possible rejection and keep things casual between the two of you.
7) He has a strange sense of humor
If you two were talking and suddenly he starts making jokes that don’t make sense, that’s a sign that he is fighting his feelings for you.
For example, if you are talking about what you like and dislike in a potential partner, he will use every opportunity to make jokes at your expense.
He might say something like “I bet your exes were fools if they didn’t bring their A-game” or “I hope your future boyfriend is a real man.”
Any relationships you had before him will be used as material for his jokes.
However, he will try to keep them neutral so that no one notices what he really thinks about it and about you.
Scorpio men are known to be very serious most of the time so it is important to pay attention when they are trying to lighten up the mood and tell jokes.
Usually, they will do this when they want to distract their minds from thinking about something else.
Like their feelings for you or their current situation in general.
They might also try to use this as an excuse to escape from an awkward situation with you or avoid talking about things that have emotional connections for them.
8) He is not interested in spending time together
Scorpio men are the opposite of what you’d expect them to be: they don’t prefer hanging out with people or going out on dates with them.
Scorpio men are very introverted and will usually try to avoid social gatherings.
They might do this especially when they have had bad experiences in the past.
If he is aware of his feelings for you and he chooses to keep it a secret, he will probably get even more distant from you and make excuses not to spend time with you or go out with you.
His mind doesn’t want him to spend time with you because he doesn’t want to get hurt again, while his heart will try to convince him otherwise.
As a result, he will not spend time with you and things might get very awkward between the two of you.
He might even avoid talking to you, especially if you try to talk about some personal subjects.
Sometimes, a casual meeting at work will be enough for him to know that he can’t handle your relationship and decide to stay away from it.
9) He is secretly jealous of your previous boyfriends or partners
Even though Scorpio men are not the type of men who will openly show their jealousy towards your past boyfriends, they will probably be secretly jealous of them.
A man who is fighting his feelings for you will not be able to control the thoughts and emotions that come up in his mind whenever he thinks about your previous relationships.
He will be very curious and even ask questions about them.
He might think about how different your relationships were with other men and how these men were better than he could ever dream of being.
If you were talking and suddenly he starts saying that “your other boyfriends must be idiots” or “you must be very smart to have dated so many men,” then that’s a sure sign that he is fighting his feelings for you.
Usually, Scorpio men are very protective when it comes to their partners.
They will try to keep them safe and away from other men that can harm them.
In fact, they will go as far as getting jealous of them if they see their partner dancing with someone else.
They will also know whenever any guy tries to hit on their partner… which I’ll get into details in my next point.
10) He notices every new guy that approaches you
Scorpio men are very jealous and will always notice every new guy who tries to talk to their partner.
They might even get upset by it.
Since they know how insecure they are, they will also notice every time you try to go out with another guy and make excuses not to go out with them.
They won’t be able to hide their jealousy and will probably try to end any possible relationship between the two of you.
They will probably try to stay away from you when you are talking with another guy because they don’t want to hear about it.
Therefore, if you suddenly receive a call from your Scorpio man and he tells you to check out this new guy in the office or anywhere else, then that is another sign that he is out of denial.
He will start trying to find out more about him and try to figure out whether or not they are compatible with you.
And it might end up hurting his feelings.
He’ll probably even talk about this other guy to show his concern for your safety and worry about other guys hitting on you.
11) He is concerned about your safety
Even though Scorpio men are the jealous type, they will also have a strong sense of responsibility for their partners.
They will always care about keeping them safe and secure and won’t tolerate any unsafe situations to happen.
Scorpio men will try to keep their partners away from any people who can harm them emotionally or even physically.
If you ever receive a call from your Scorpio man and he tells you “be careful,” then that’s a sure sign that he is fighting his feelings for you.
He will worry about you, your physical safety and his own emotional stress.
He will be worried about other men harming you or trying to take advantage of the situation.
Not just that.
He might even sound like an old lady telling her daughter stories about how dangerous guys can be.
12) He tries to encourage you to stay away from your ex-boyfriend
If your Scorpio man is aware of his feelings for you and he knows that you are dealing with a broken heart, then he will be concerned about your well-being.
He’ll probably try to encourage and inspire you to get a new start.
He wants you to be happy and will try to convince you that your ex-boyfriend was not right for you and that everything is going to be alright now.
If you were talking and suddenly he starts saying that “your other boyfriends must be idiots” or “you must be very smart to have dated so many men,” then that’s a sure sign that he is fighting his feelings for you.
He will talk about these guys in a way to make them look like idiots, stupid or useless and show his concern for your safety.
He might even offer you advice about them, especially if they’ve hurt him in the past.
Then he tries convincing you that it was a mistake to have dated them and tries convincing you to stay away from them.
It’s also his way of trying to convince himself that they are not good enough for you.
13) He will keep mentioning that he “misses you”
If your Scorpio man is trying to stay away from you, then that doesn’t mean he will stop caring about you.
He will try to find a way to keep holding on to the love that he feels for you.
Scorpio men will try to find every opportunity to see and talk with you, even if it’s only for a few minutes.
If he asks you how your days have been going and you say “I’m just busy with work and I miss going out” then he’ll mention how much he misses seeing or spending time with you too.
A Scorpio man who is fighting his feelings for you will try to distract himself from thinking about how much he really loves and cares for you by stating how much he misses your company.
Or he might even try avoiding going home because “he can’t stand being around all those empty walls.”
14) He always wonders what you are doing
If your Scorpio man is fighting his feelings for you, he will try to find a way to distract himself from being aware of how much he cares for you.
He might go out of the house just to keep himself busy or even work longer hours just so that he doesn’t have time to think about you.
Or, sometimes, he might even call you and ask you what you are doing.
He might tell you “I’m just wondering what you’ve been doing” or “I miss your company.”
Scorpio men will try to keep their thoughts about you and their care for you alive by saying these kinds of things.
They’ll try finding a way to start thinking about their love for you and the fact that they don’t want to lose it.
15) He’s always talking about you… a lot!
If your Scorpio man is trying to stay away from you and not let his feelings for you get too strong, then that doesn’t mean he won’t talk about you.
He will still try to find a way to keep talking about you and your relationship in order to keep his love for you alive.
His heart might be trying hard to deny the truth, but his mind is tired of holding him back.
He knows that he has a problem when it comes to his love for you.
He also knows that he is in love with you and he’s aware of the fact that he will always keep thinking about you.
Whenever this kind of situation happens, your Scorpio man will try finding ways of distracting himself from thinking about you.
He might even try avoiding being alone by asking friends over for dinner or inviting them to go out to the movies just so that he doesn’t have time to think about how much you mean to him.
Bottom line
If your Scorpio man is fighting his feelings for you, then that doesn’t mean that he’s not in love with you.
It might just be a sign that he is nervous and uncomfortable talking about it and especially when it comes to showing his feelings.
He might need some time to be alone and to use his imagination in order to get used to the fact that he loves you.
The truth is that Scorpio men are always feeling guilty about their feelings and they feel so much more responsible than other men because of their strong sense of responsibility.
They will try every opportunity they can find in order to keep their love alive as long as possible.