Are you doubting that a Leo man wants you to remain as friends?
If you’re interested in dating a Leo man, you’ll need to know how to pick up on the subtle signs that he’s more interested in being friends than getting serious.
Although some men are fairly obvious about their intentions, Leo men often prefer to remain silent.
Luckily, we’re about to discuss 14 telltale signs that a Leo man simply wants to be friends instead of a potential romantic partner.
1) He doesn’t make an effort to spend time with you
How often do you and your Leo man tend to spend time together?
Once a week? Once a month?
If that’s the case, then it might mean that he’s not really interested in having a romantic relationship with you.
Let me explain why.
When Leo men don’t try to spend time with you, it means that they don’t care about you. Instead, they perceive you as a fun and interesting person whom they’re willing to spend time with.
What does it mean?
It means that they’re more interested in friendship than anything else.
So if you notice that he doesn’t make an effort to spend time with you, then you know he’s not interested in dating you.
Leo men prefer to spend time with their friends rather than with their lovers.
If he’s not interested in you, he’ll be very reluctant to spend time with you. He might even try to avoid you if he feels like spending time with his friends.
So, keep this in mind and try not to set high expectations for your relationship status.
2) He’s constantly busy
Yes, I get it that everyone has days when they don’t want to spend time with their loved ones.
But what if your Leo man never wants to spend time with you?
If a Leo man is constantly busy but doesn’t seem to have a full-time job, it’s a clear sign that he doesn’t want to make time for a romantic relationship.
The truth is that Leo men often like to stay busy with friends, family, or side projects, so they have less time to devote to dating.
Because they are devoted and committed to making their lives better.
Leo men have a strong sense of purpose, so they don’t want to waste their time dating a girl who would distract them from their goals.
This means that when a Leo man doesn’t have time to see you or go on dates with you, he’s clearly not interested in pursuing a serious relationship.
What’s more, if he only seems to free up time when you’re not around, he may even be trying to avoid seeing you.
So try to understand whether he’s actually busy, doesn’t have time but wants to meet you so badly, or if he’s just avoiding you.
Because if he’s avoiding you, then it might mean that he just wants you to be a friend.
3) Get help from a real psychic
Okay, you understand that some of the signs above and below prove that a Leo man just wants you to be friends.
But what if you need more guidance on this issue?
The truth is that a surefire way to know for sure is to speak with a gifted advisor.
They can answer questions like, whether he really perceives you as a friend or what to do to make him romantically involved.
The problem is finding someone you can trust.
That’s why I recommend Psychic Source. When I signed up for a reading, they provided me with a unique insight into where my life was going, including who I am meant to be with.
Having tried several online advisors, I think they’re the most caring, compassionate, and helpful network of gifted advisors out there.
Click here to get your own personalized reading.
Not only will a genuine advisor tell you what to expect from your Leo man, but they can reveal all your love possibilities.
4) He’s not interested in getting to know you
Let’s be honest:
If a Leo man isn’t interested in getting to know you, it could mean that he doesn’t want to date you.
Because when a Leo man doesn’t want to get to know you, it means that he doesn’t think about the relationship as a serious one.
Think about it.
Are you certain that a Leo man wants to be with you?
Do you think he’s doing it for the right reasons?
If he can’t tell you why he’s interested in dating you, then maybe it is because he doesn’t want to be with you.
This means that Leo isn’t interested in getting to know you. He just probably hasn’t given much thought to building a relationship with you.
The result?
He might not be able to make good decisions for the relationship and might not be able to take care of his responsibilities towards his loved ones.
That’s why there’s no point in dating him if he doesn’t want to build a serious relationship with you.
But what if you don’t get the right signs? What if he’s not actually interested in you?
Well, I have good news for you. You can help solve this problem by using a psychic to find out whether your Leo man likes you or not. If a psychic tells you that he’s not interested in dating you, then it means that he’s not actually interested in having a relationship with you at all.
So don’t waste time waiting for him to make a move on the first date. Instead, get out there and find someone who will commit to a serious relationship with you from the start!
5) He doesn’t want you in any of his photos
This one is a bit more frustrating than the previous signs.
But here’s the thing:
Sometimes a Leo man might refuse to take pictures with you in them.
If this sounds familiar, you probably wonder why he would not want to take a picture with you.
Well, there’s a good reason for it:
If a Leo man doesn’t want to take pictures with you, then he probably doesn’t think that you’re going to be around in the long run.
Why? Because taking pictures with someone is an indication of liking them. And if he doesn’t like you, then why would he take a picture of you?
And I’m not just saying that because I’ve been told by many readers who have experienced this problem. It’s actually because this is true.
A Leo man will only take pictures with someone if he likes them. If he does, then he’ll make sure that the picture has some special meaning for him and will make sure that it’s something that is worth framing and hanging up on your wall!
The reason is that having a picture of someone else is a guarantee of maintaining their memory.
And if you’re a Leo man, then you know that it’s important for you to keep your memory of people alive.
So, if your Leo man doesn’t want to take pictures with you, then he probably doesn’t want to give them the same importance that he gives to other people.
And this is not necessarily good news.
6) He often makes plans with just the guys
This one is probably the most frustrating of all, but it’s also the easiest to fix.
If your Leo man only makes plans with other guys, then I can tell you with 100% certainty that he doesn’t want a relationship with you.
Why am I so certain?
Well, if he likes you, then he will want to spend time with you. And if he doesn’t want a relationship with you, then why would he want to spend time with you?
It’s actually pretty simple:
If a Leo man regularly makes plans with his friends but never invites you, it’s a clear sign that he’s not interested in starting a romantic relationship with you.
Although some men are social butterflies who aren’t afraid to go out alone, most men who aren’t interested in dating prefer to spend time with the guys.
But if a Leo man regularly schedules plans with his friends and never invites you, he may view you as a buddy and not a romantic partner.
And guess what?
When he never gives you a chance to show him how fun you are, it might be a sign that he may be subconsciously trying to avoid dating you.
And this situation is actually pretty common among Leo men. They like spending time alone, and they’re not particularly interested in having relationships or being in love! This is why they don’t like spending time with women!
7) He has no interest in knowing what you think of him
- Does your Leo man have any interest in what you think of him?
- Does he ask how your day was?
- Does he want to know if there’s anything new?
- Does he follow up on what you say about him?
If the answer is no, then it’s likely that he just wants nothing more than to be friends with you.
The reason is that whenever men aren’t interested in things that go on inside women’s heads, it means that they’re very uncomfortable with the idea of being in a relationship.
And this is why your Leo man may not want to know what you think of him. He knows that he’s not good enough for you, and he doesn’t want to have to deal with his low self-esteem!
But on the other hand, he might care what you think of him either!
If this is the case, then he just wants to be friends with you.
It’s sad but also really common for Leo men to want friendship and not romance, but they don’t want to be friends with women who are romantically interested in them.
But if you want more clarity on this, I’d suggest speaking to a gifted advisor at Psychic Source.
I mentioned them earlier. They have helped me out in the past, and I’ve always found them honest and compassionate in their readings.
So instead of trying to solve all your love problems on your own, speak to an advisor who’ll give you the answers you’re looking for.
Click here to get your own personalized reading.
8) He’s constantly flirting with other women
Most of the time, the most serious relationship problems are actually caused by the fact that a woman is trying to hold onto a man who’s not interested in her.
And this is exactly what’s happening with your Leo man if you notice that he’s constantly flirting with other women.
The simple truth is that if a Leo man seems more interested in flirting with other women than he does with you, it’s because he’s probably not interested in dating you.
While it’s normal to flirt with multiple people in order to find a romantic partner, it’s rare to find someone who flirts with everyone they meet.
So you know what?
If a Leo man is more entranced by other women than he is by you, it’s a clear sign that he’s not interested in dating you. If he only seems to be interested in dating other women, he may view you as a friend and not a potential partner.
The result?
He may be flirting with other women at parties, he may be flirting with other women on the internet, he may be flirting with other women at work, and he may flirt with other women in person too.
And this is why you need to get out of the relationship sooner rather than later.
If he’s constantly flirting with other women, then chances are that he doesn’t want a romantic relationship with you and perceives you as his friend.
9) He doesn’t want to introduce you to his friends and family
If a Leo man would rather keep you a secret from his family and friends, it’s a clear sign that he’s not interested in dating you.
Now you probably wonder why I’m telling you this.
And the reason is that if a Leo man doesn’t want to introduce you to his family and friends, it means that he doesn’t see you as a romantic partner or in a long-term relationship.
Although some men prefer to take their time when it comes to dating, most men want to introduce their partners to their friends and family as soon as they find a serious relationship.
But what if a Leo man keeps you a secret from his friends and family?
If this sounds familiar, it might be because he’s ashamed to introduce you as his girlfriend. He may feel that you aren’t good enough to be with him in front of his friends and family.
Or maybe he’s just uncomfortable with the idea of you meeting his friends and family.
The result?
If he’s ashamed to introduce you to his friends and family, it’s a clear sign that he doesn’t want a romantic relationship with you.
And there’s no denying that this sign means you shouldn’t expect him to start a romantic relationship with you.
10) He avoids making physical contact with you
There’s no denying that most men like to touch each other when they’re dating, right?
But some men avoid making physical contact with their girlfriends because they think it makes them look clingy or desperate.
Let me explain why:
When a Leo man doesn’t make the effort to touch you, it means that he’s not interested in dating you.
So, does your Leo man rarely hug you or hold your hand when you’re together?
If your answer is yes, then it’s a sign that he’s not interested in dating you.
While some men prefer to keep their distance, most men want to show their affection for their partners. If a Leo man avoids physical contact with you, he may view you as a friend and not a potential partner.
Usually, Leo men like to be in control, and if he’s not interested in dating you, he may feel as though he’s losing control of his emotions when he’s around you.
But don’t be alarmed. You can still be friends with him.
The problem is that he might not make the effort to spend time with you either. So, if you want to see him regularly, then you’ll have to initiate contact first!
But before that, make sure that the reason why he never touches you isn’t related to his traditions or religion.
11) He doesn’t like or appreciate you
Do you notice that your Leo man never takes time to give you a compliment or tell you how beautiful you look?
Well, believe it or not, sometimes this is a sign that he doesn’t like you.
Think of it this way: if you’re a Leo man, then you probably have a lot of confidence in your appearance. And if your potential partner doesn’t compliment you, then they may be expressing their lack of confidence in their own appearance.
This means that your Leo man believes that you are more beautiful than he is, and this can be an issue for him.
If he doesn’t compliment you, it could mean that he’s insecure about the fact that you may think better of him than he thinks of himself.
But sadly, it can also mean that he doesn’t like or appreciate you, but he still wants to be friends with you.
12) He’s reluctant to meet your friends
Does your Leo man know your friends? Has he ever met them?
If the answer to either of these questions is no, then your Leo man may be reluctant to meet your friends.
Well, it may be for a few potential reasons:
- He doesn’t think that they’ll like him.
- He’s afraid that they’ll make fun of him.
- He’s concerned that he won’t be able to keep up with their conversation
- He doesn’t want to get too close to you
Yes, avoiding your friends might mean that he doesn’t have any chance with them since he’s not good enough for you.
But it can also mean that he’s not going to be anything more than friends with you, so he’s not interested in meeting your friends.
Keep in mind that while some people prefer to keep their dating lives private, most people are proud to show off their partners to friends.
And if a Leo man is reluctant to meet your friends, he may feel that you aren’t good enough to be seen in public with him. He may want to keep you a secret from your friends because he feels ashamed of dating you.
13) He keeps mentioning his ex(es)
Does your Leo man ever mention his ex or exes to you?
Yes, if you have a friendly relationship, chances are that he has already talked to you about his past relationship.
But what if he keeps mentioning his ex even when you’re not talking about his past relationship?
This can be a sign that he’s still hung up on his ex, and it can also mean that he’s still not over her.
He may be resentful of your presence in his life, and he may want to get back together with his ex. It could also mean that he’s questioning whether or not you’re good enough for him.
And also, he may be questioning whether or not you’re good enough for him.
If a Leo man seems to be more interested in talking about his ex than he is in dating you, it’s a clear sign that he’s not interested in dating you.
While some men prefer to keep negative emotions out of their new relationships, it’s rare to find a man who constantly brings up his exes.
So, if a Leo man mentions his exes more often than he mentions you, he may not be ready to move on from his past relationships. If he’s more interested in keeping you away from his exes than he is in dating you, it’s a clear sign that he’s not interested in dating you.
14) He won’t refer to you as anything but “friend”
And the final sign that he’s not interested in dating you is that he always refers to you as “just friends.”
If a Leo man is more interested in keeping you at arm’s length than he is in being your boyfriend, he may be waiting for you to end the relationship.
Although some men prefer the friendship route, most men want to be in a romantic relationship. If a Leo man only refers to you as a friend and doesn’t express interest in dating you, he may not be ready for a relationship.
So, he won’t refer to you as anything but a friend, and he’s not interested in dating you.
Just imagine a scenario when you meet new people and he has to introduce you to them.
He’ll introduce you as “just friends” and he won’t say anything about how much he likes you or how much he wants to date you.
This is a clear sign that he’s not interested in dating you. And it’s also a clear sign that he just wants to keep you as his friend.
Final words
If you’ve noticed any of these signs in your Leo man, it’s likely that he simply wants to be friends with you.
But if there’s a part of you that still wants to know more, I recommend speaking to a genuine advisor.
And there’s one company that I always end up recommending, Psychic Source. Not only did they blow me away with their accurate reading, but they were also kind and understanding of my situation.
So if you’re tired of wondering about a Leo man’s intentions towards you, get in touch with a gifted advisor and take your future into your own hands. I did, and I’ve never looked back since.
Click here to get your own professional love reading.
Can a gifted advisor help you too?
If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to someone with special intuition.
I know this from personal experience…
A few months ago, I reached out to Psychic Source when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into what my future holds, and the confidence to make the right decisions when it comes to love.
If you haven’t heard of Psychic Source before, it’s a site where gifted advisors help people through complicated and difficult life situations.
In just a few minutes you can connect with a highly intuitive psychic and get tailor-made advice for your situation.
I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my psychic was.