review (2023): Does it actually work?

The word numerology used to make me feel a little lost and slightly spooked.

When friends told me they have had their numerology chart done, all based on the letters of their name and their date of birth, I just couldn’t quite buy into it.

I’ve always been quite skeptical about this sort of stuff.

But as I got older, I realized that we spend a lot of our time trying to figure out what on earth we are doing with our lives.

There is no easy guidebook called “How to Live Your Life.” It dawned on me that numerological charts are one possible solution.

So I decided to dive into one of the leading numerology sites,, to find out more. And I was surprised with what I found.

Read my complete review to see if it could enrich your life, as it has mine.

What is numerology?

Before delving into itself, I’ll quickly explain how numerology works.

Numerology is the study of the numbers in your life. It looks at the numerical value of your date of birth, the letters in your name, and important words in your life.

The science of numerology is an ancient art that can help you achieve your highest potential in all areas of your life. As I discovered, it’s not a gimmick and is actually the subject of serious research.

The website

Mike Madigan founded the website. He was a brilliant mathematician who wanted to promote the old science of numerology. is a free online resource (although there are paid options more about that below) for people to educate themselves about numerology. It has an active online community, enabling you to connect with like minded people.

I found the website to be quite refreshing, as I noticed lots of different conversations and subjects about life. Everyone wants to create the best life for themselves and focus on how they can develop.

The website is easy to use. You could be reading about how to calculate your Life Path number in the training area, and the next minute, reading a blog post or listening to a podcast.

You can sign up with minimum fuss to receive a free video numerology report. All you need to do is give your name and birth date, and sends you an email straight away.

You’ll then know your Life Path number and find out more about your destiny, which is related to your talents and abilities.

The Life Path number is key for you to use in all areas of your life, such as your career, health, love, relationships, etc.

Also, contrary to what I initially thought, your number is unique to you. So, if somebody ends up with the same number as you, you still have different life paths and destinies.

Once you have signed up, you’ll also receive regular numerology lessons via email.

You can buy more in-depth reports for specific areas you want to focus on in your life, such as Love & Relationships, Career & Wealth, Health & Well-Being, etc.


Who can benefit from

numerologist review free report

If you’re very skeptical about products like this, is probably not for you. But I think there are many people who can benefit from its products.

Here are some examples:

  • Anybody who would like to reach their full potential and would like some help on the way.
  • If you believe in destiny and would like to know more about yours.
  • For people who love planning and creating goals, so they can take it to the next level.
  • People who feel stuck and want to make sense of their lives.
  • Curious people, like myself, who are open to learning new systems and ideas.
  • You enjoy talking about this subject in a vibrant community.

Want to know what 2021 has in store for you? Click here for access to your free personalized video numerology report.

Who am I?

I’m in my 30s now, and although I’ve lived a full life, I know that I still have a lot of things to experience.

I sometimes wonder where I will be in 6 months, or even in 2 years. It’s exciting to think that there are so many possibilities and opportunities out there in the world.

But are we really doing the right things in life? Will our plans truly help us reach our full potential?

I like the idea that with some prior knowledge, you could plan your future more carefully. I’m sure we all would like a little guidance at times, wouldn’t we?

I’ve always been on the skeptical side about things like numerology, but anything that can help me with my big life plans and show more suitable options is absolutely worth a go.

That’s why I decided to review and share my thoughts with you.

I figured a numerology report is like having a guardian angel that can guide you. It can highlight potential hurdles on the way and point you in a better direction.

I was happy to receive my number and learn more about my current life and my future path. It was quite insightful, and I found that it opened other possibilities in my life.

You need to have an open mind for this system to work for you. So, if it doesn’t feel right for you, it probably isn’t.

But what do you have to lose?


What’s available on

Most of the products on are detailed life reports. But you can also buy astrology forecasts, video-guided rituals, and horoscopes.

Here is a quick summary of the main products on the website:

Personality Decoder Report

The Personality Decoder report is 36 pages long. It’s a more detailed report than the free report you receive when you first sign up for

The report is completely personalized. It is suitable if you want to make some major decisions in your life and take control of your destiny. The report gives detailed information on the 5 most important numbers taken from your chart.

Daily Numeroscope

The Daily Numeroscope report is sent daily to you via email.

The idea of the daily message is that you can use it as a guide. The reports can help you make confident decisions. So, you do not have to worry about making any errors. The report includes an angel message, crystal reading, daily number, lucky color, and your ruling planet.

Deluxe Numerology Report

The Deluxe Numerology Report is the most accurate numerological chart that they offer. It comprises 60+ pages and gives a detailed and personalized reading using your date of birth and name. The report covers areas such as secret strengths, your true nature, and undetected talents. 

Annual Numerology Forecast

The Annual Numerology Forecast comprises of 50+ pages of predictions for a full year. It is a personalized forecast so you can make decisions to improve your life. As it is a yearly forecast, you benefit from being able to look far into the future so you can make the right choices.

Cosmic Collection

As mentioned previously, offers more than just numerology reports.

The Cosmic Collection is a detailed horoscope that looks at all the different areas of your personality. The collection includes a complete astrology report and 3 bonus reports as well. The reports give personalized guidance on things like your career, health, purpose, and romantic relationships.

Monthly Astrology Forecast also offers a monthly astrology forecast. Astrological readings are like numerological readings, as they work on your birth date. They can help you understand more things about your astrological sign. Sometimes, astrological readings can also help you understand your numerology reports as well.

The forecast is personalized and details the different astrological events that will happen in your life every month. It can help you handle any changes that are coming and plan for any potential problems. You can also get excited about the surprises that are forecast to come your way.

The Monthly Astrology Forecast includes your core chart aspects, key transits, and planetary influences that can affect you.

Manifesting With Numbers

The most expensive product on is the Manifesting With Numbers video program. The video modules help you unlock the secret manifestation power of numbers. It is based on numerology and gives you access to the 10 most powerful forces of the Universe (numbers 0-9).

I’m an open minded guy but still consider myself quite rational and skeptical about gimmicks. While I don’t think you can manifest $1 million into your life just want manifesting it really hard, I think manifestation is a useful tool for self improvement.

You can read my 15-Minute Manifestation review here or my Manifestation Magic review here.

The difference with is that it uses the power of numbers for manifestation. Once you have access to the numbers, you can use them to manifest things into your life. The program includes activation rituals, audio mp3s, transcripts, 16 video modules, and 4 bonuses.

Are you curious about the repeating numbers in your life? Grab your free repeating numbers handbook from here.

How much does it cost?

There are many free reports on the most popular being this personalized numerology report.

The more advanced reports range from $7 to $247. If the reports don’t give you what you’re looking for, there is a very generous money-back guarantee of 365 days.

Here is a further break down of the prices:

  • When I signed up to receive my free report, I received emails offering me the full Personality Decoder report for $7. But if you opt to buy this without signing up, it will cost you $29.99.

  • The Daily Numeroscope report and Monthly Astrology Forecast are $7 per month.

  • The Annual Numerology Forecast is $39.99.

  • The Deluxe Numerology report is $77.

  • The Cosmic Collection Horoscopes is $37.

  • The Manifesting with Numbers video program is $247.


What I liked about

It is easy to see why is the most popular numerology website online. Here are some of the positive areas that I liked about their site.

Access To A Thriving Community

Engaging with people who enjoy the same subjects is a fantastic way to learn and grow. Numerologist has a huge community. They already have 2 million subscribers, so they must be doing something right.

Also, they have a massive fanbase on Facebook, with over 770,000 followers.

Experts in their field

If you were a little skeptical about these subjects, you could rest assured that not only is numerology science based, but works with leading experts in each field. You will find prominent astrologers, energy healers, and tarot card readers on their website.

Free numerology report

If you are somebody that likes to “try before you buy,” you can sign up for your free numerology report to get a feel to how it works. Also, you don’t have to give any detailed personal information or bank details to receive this, just your email address name, name, and birthdate are enough.

Lots of resources to pick from

The website is a hive of information. The blog posts are up-to-date and are a useful source of informative content to help you learn more about your life path. They also have a training section, podcasts, and a YouTube channel to support your personal development.

What wasn’t so good about it

A review wouldn’t be complete without the things that weren’t so good about it. Here are a couple of things that I didn’t like as much.

Customer service

If you have an issue and want to email customer service, you might have to wait up to 48 hours. This wait is quite long compared to other companies. However, you could always telephone them instead.

The free report

You might be disappointed when you receive your free report as it does not give you all the full details of the report. You would need to pay to receive all the information. However, it is common for companies to do this as a teaser, but it might annoy some people.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Numerology is a fascinating subject and consequently raises many questions. Here are answers to the most common questions I found online.

What is

Numerology is an ancient science that looks at the connection between events and numbers in your life so that you can reach your full potential. is a resource website dedicated to giving detailed information about numerology. It offers in-depth numerology reports for personal development.

Is it legit?

Yes. Although the subject is a little controversial in some quarters, is a legitimate and ethical website. It has a whopping 2 million subscribers and has over 770,000 followers on Facebook.

Is reading numerology accurate?

As the numerology reports are very personal, it would be hard to verify the accuracy of other people.

However, I found the report did pinpoint events that had happened in my life and gave suggestions for the future that made sense to me. There are also thousands of positive reviews online from happy customers who have used the site successfully.

How do you read a numerology chart?

It can be a complicated process. A numerologist can understand the inner workings of a numerology chart. However, it is possible for you to quickly calculate the first set of numbers.  

For example, you can add up the numbers in your full date of birth to find your Life Path number. Just keep adding them up till you get to a root number. You can sign up for free to to have your Life Path number easily calculated for you.

Is worth it?

Yes. If you are open to esoteric subjects, this will be right up your street. You will learn more about yourself, and it will certainly help you to plan your life better.

It is one of the best websites on the internet for numerology. So, if you are new to this subject, it is the perfect place to start and learn more about it. If you are very skeptical about such products, this is probably not for you, as you need to be open to the advice and information. review: My verdict

In my introductory email from, they explained that they give “clarity, calm, and inspiration” to people. I would certainly agree with them on this statement.

All the correspondence I have received from them, and the items I have read on their website are very inspirational and give clear directions.

Although I might not be a 100% believer, it has certainly opened my eyes to other things I can do in my life that I had not thought about previously.

The information provided is valuable as it makes you think in more detail about your future and how you can get there.

But you must be open to the advice if you want to benefit from it and see a positive difference. has a significant social media presence and thousands of positive reviews online. The company projects a professional image, which sets it apart from the other scam sites online.

You could use the site and its detailed reports to help plan your life. Also, you could make new friends in a thriving community who think the same as you. It is a double whammy of pure positivity.


Disclosure: This review is brought to you by the Nomadrs review team. In our reviews, Nomadrs highlights products and services that we believe will be interesting for our readers. These reviews contain affiliate links. This means that if you buy anything after clicking on these links, we may receive a commission from that sale – at no extra cost to you. However, Nomadrs is very selective about what we review and these affiliate links do not influence our verdict on a product. Read our full affiliate disclosure here.

Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing for Nomadrs to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.

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