Mindvalley 10x Fitness Review (2023): Is it Worth it?

Can you imagine achieving peak fitness with just two 15-minute workouts per week?

It might sound too good to be true, but that’s precisely what the Mindvalley 10x Fitness course claims to deliver.

Unlike your typical YouTube fitness videos, this course zeroes in on the human body’s adaptive response mechanism to develop highly optimized exercise routines.

Here are the core findings to keep in mind:

  • Mindvalley’s 10x Fitness course promises peak fitness with two 15-minute workouts per week, focusing on the human body’s adaptive response mechanism to optimize exercise routines.
  • The course incorporates a holistic approach, covering not just exercise but also nutrition, vitamins, and sleep to impact overall health.
  • Mindvalley offers the 10x Fitness course as a digital access program for $349 or as part of their annual All-Access Pass for $499, which includes access to all Mindvalley programs, workshops, mentoring classes, and a community app.

Throughout this article, I’ll be sharing my personal opinions on the course and weighing its value for the cost.

But before we get into the nitty-gritty, I’d like to present my take on the Mindvalley 10x Fitness course and whether it truly revolutionizes the fitness game.

The Verdict

After giving Mindvalley’s 10x Fitness course a try, I must say it’s been a refreshing and effective way to achieve top-notch fitness results with minimal time commitment.

With only two 15-minute workouts per week, the course emphasizes slower movements to ensure proper breathing and form, which greatly reduces the risk of injury.

Coaches Lorenzo Delano and Ronan Oliveira offer clear instructions and fantastic demonstrations, making the program accessible and practical for people at various fitness levels.

I wholeheartedly recommend the 10x Fitness course to anyone looking to elevate their physical condition without sacrificing too much of their precious time or resources.

Now after disclosing my verdict about the 10x Fitness course, let’s delve into the specifics of this review:

Why I decided to try it

That’s me…before lockdown hit!

Like most people (especially after the last crazy year), I gained a lot of weight eating my way through the holidays.

And like everyone else who feels guilty about gaining the extra pounds, I decided that fitness should be one of my new year resolutions.

I want to get my body into tip-top shape and make exercise a regular habit, but I have two problems:

  1. The gyms in my area are closed due to the coronavirus outbreak and I’m still isolating myself at home.
  2. Even if the gyms were open, I barely have enough time in the day to go there for a workout. I feel like I’m always busy and the opportunity to exercise often passes me by.

So when I heard about Mindvalley’s 10x Fitness course, where they claim they can teach you how to cut down your exercise time to 30 minutes per week, I thought it might be the godsend I was looking for.

Before I signed up for the program, I did a bit of research.

I simply couldn’t believe that you can significantly transform your body with only two 15-minute exercise sessions per week.

Here is what I learned:

  • Mindvalley had been researching a new fitness process for a few years now.
  • They wanted to learn how you can create rapid, muscular gains and strength in the quickest and most efficient way possible.
  • Aside from that, they also wanted to see what it would be like if you create an exercise regimen around the body as a whole, rather than dedicating one day to a separate part.

With this research they put together the 10x Fitness system, which combines building lean muscle mass with other benefits like cardiovascular health, fat-burning, and anti-aging elements into one system.

Mindvalley took a look at how our ancestors enhanced their endurance and longevity while being chased around by predatory animals.

The exercise plan they came up with taps into the body’s ability to continually adapt to intense environments and activities.

Aside from the science of 10x Fitness, I also appreciate how they took a very holistic approach to the course.

They didn’t focus only on exercise but also incorporated nutrition, vitamins, and sleep which affects your overall health.

I was really encouraged by the reviews of people who took the class because even though they were constrained for time, the 10x Fitness course really transformed their bodies and how they looked at themselves.


What is Mindvalley?

Before I go further and discuss the 10x Fitness course, it’s important to explain what Mindvalley is. Mindvalley is an online learning platform where instead of sitting down for a class, you go on a Quest.

Quests are gamified courses that help you complete your classes and improve in a shorter amount of time.

Although Mindvalley doesn’t offer as many courses as other online learning platforms, each Quest is taught by acclaimed professionals from all over the world, so the production value for every Mindvalley lesson you take is absolutely top-notch.

Want a quick way to discover the best Mindvalley course for you? This Mindvalley quiz by Ideapod will recommend the perfect course based on your goals.

Take this great quiz here.

How much does Mindvalley cost?

If you only want to try one course like 10x Fitness, the price for Digital Access is $349 and you can get the program on all devices.

Click here to access 10x Fitness.

However, the annual Mindvalley All-Access Pass is $499, giving you better value for your money.

You get to unlock 30+ Mindvalley programs on lifestyle, well-being, and spirituality — with only a $150 difference.

Aside from accessing all Mindvalley programs, you would also gain entry to Mindvalley’s exclusive workshops, mentoring classes, and community app.

You check my review of the Mindvalley All-Access Pass here.

What 10x Fitness is all about

The 10x Fitness system is the result of trying to improve the formula of total fitness workouts for over 4 years.

You’ll learn fascinating things about health and fitness during the course, including how the human body can adapt to supercharge your strength, longevity, and agility through exercises that trigger the body’s evolutionary mechanisms.

A large portion of 10x Fitness is dedicated to debunking and replacing faulty exercise myths such as:

Myth #1: A workout should leave you sweaty and exhausted:

Contrary to what is taught to many exercise newbies, some exercises are incompatible with your goals and can be a needless waste of time and energy.

The 10x program lets you learn how to work out more effectively by activating a key evolutionary mechanism in your body.

Myth #2: The more you work out, the fitter you get:

People generally advise us to commit more time to exercise if we want more results, but that’s not always necessary.

You don’t always have the time or motivation for working out, meaning your workouts would be inconsistent.

With 10x Fitness, you’ll understand how to get fit in a smaller amount of time.

Myth #3: You need to work out daily or at least every other day:

A regular workout won’t let your muscles reach the right threshold of intensity, nor will they have enough time to repair and strengthen themselves.

The 10x Fitness program shows you how to achieve stronger muscles with a 3-day rest period.

Myth #4: Any kind of exercise is good:

While it’s true that it’s better to have some kind of physical activity than nothing at all, different types of exercise achieve different things.

A resistance training program like 10x strengthens your body overall by building up its vitality and mobility through the muscles.

Myth #5: You can’t get in shape without hitting the gym:

Reliance on gym machines and equipment can hurt your fitness plan because you won’t always get to go to the gym.

Part of 10x teaches you how to replicate the results at home at any time using only resistance bands, dumbbells, a pull-up bar, and a yoga mat.

Myth #6: Women should avoid weight training to look bulky:

As women have a limited amount of testosterone in the body, they aren’t compatible with gaining a huge amount of muscle mass.

Gymnasts and bodybuilders require specialized diets and fitness regimens to achieve their gains.

The approach of 10x Fitness allows women to have toned muscles and a lean, well-proportioned shape.

Who 10x Fitness for?

If you are:

  • A busy person who doesn’t have a lot of time for exercise
  • A fitness junkie who wants to explore something new
  • An older man or woman who wants to take care of their body

… then the 10x Fitness course is perfect for you.

Really, the only person who might not gain much out of this course is someone who is already content with who they are and what they’re doing.

However, if you’re someone eager for personal improvement, then you are an ideal student.

Human bodies begin to degrade slowly once we reach 30 years old, as we gradually lose a lot of our skeletal muscle mass.

As this loss adds up over the years, our muscles become too weak to support our weight — which is why many older people suffer major injuries or even death after a bad fall.

The 10x Fitness program allows you to build upon these muscles and maintain an active lifestyle, which can increase your lifespan by 3 – 5 years.

The great thing about 10x Fitness is that you can try it at virtually any age or fitness level.

Mindvalley even has a case study on a 70-year old man who tried the 10x Fitness program and really got back into shape.

Of course, you should at least be at a moderate level of health and fitness so you can keep up with the basic resistance exercises.

It’s also important to note that the 10x Fitness program is designed to burn fat and build muscle, rather than weight loss.

The goal is really fitness and shaping your physique so you can get rid of stubborn, excess fat.

Some benefits you can expect to achieve after the 10x Fitness course include:

  • Feeling more youthful and less exhausted
  • Optimizing your strength and muscle mass
  • Achieving peak endurance and athleticism
  • Becoming more confident about your body and what it can do
  • Increasing your longevity and turning back the clock on your body

What’s really cool about the 10x principle is that you don’t really have to do additional exercise outside of it, which is why you end up saving a ton of time.

There’s no additional cardio, aerobic, or resistance training.

Of course, you’re still welcome to do other sports or activities like swimming and yoga, but it’s a matter of personal preference.


Who are Lorenzo Delano and Ronan Diego de Oliveira?

Mindvalley’s 10x Fitness course is taught by two fantastic instructors: Lorenzo Delano and Ronan Diege de Olieveira.

Lorenzo Delano is an expert in the fields of exercise physiology, educational psychology, and moral philosophy.

He is also a developer of mastery learning technologies, where he tries to map out the most effective learning paths for achieving complex development goals in a shorter time.

As a fitness instructor, he specializes in muscle growth, strength development, rapid and permanent weight loss, and overall health and fitness restoration.

His goal is to discover and bring together the best knowledge and practices in all his fields of expertise to help people redefine their health.

Lorenzo Delano achieves his goal as a co-creator of the 10x program, where he synthesizes everything he knows into a hyper-optimized approach to fitness.

Ronan Oliveira is the other co-creator of the 10x Fitness course and the Head of Health & Fitness at Mindvalley.

As an international trainer for personal performance, leadership, and design thinking, his experience has led him to work with the leading experts in various fields.

Even more inspiring than his credentials is his fitness journey. Previously, Ronan Oliveira was stuck in a job that stressed him out with overworking.

He was always sick or tired, with unstable moods and poor mental focus.

He wasn’t getting enough of the exercise, sleep, or nutrition he needed.

At his breaking point, he first tried conventional exercises with no real results.

After he got into a more science-based approach to fitness, he was able to transform his body and win several athletic competitions, including first place at the Viper Challenge — the largest obstacle circuit race competition in Asia.

Both of the instructors are expert speakers who are really well-versed in how to achieve better health through personal agency.

They encourage and motivate students as you attempt the 10x Fitness methods and it definitely feels like they understand where you’re coming from and why you want to get in shape.

Their energy also motivates you to perform each exercise well.


What you get with the Mindvalley 10x Fitness class

Much like any Mindvalley Quest, you receive a ton of content and support if you choose to sign up for the 10x Fitness class, including:

  • 12 weeks of video content for total body transformation, from coaches Lorenzo Delano and Ronan Oliveira
  • Detailed instructions for performing all core 10x exercises
  • Four (4) live Group Coaching Call sessions with the Mindvalley Health & Fitness team
  • Access to the 10x course across all devices (desktop, tablet, and Apple TV)
  • Access to the Mindvalley smartphone app (Apple or Android) for on-the-go learning
  • Lifetime access to the 10x online Student Community
  • Lifetime access to the entire program and all bonuses

The 10x Fitness program is divided across 12 weeks, as follows:

Week 1: The Warm Up

For this week, Lorenzo and Ronan introduce you to the core exercises and philosophies that define 10x, which will be used throughout the program.

Aside from 6 core exercises, they instruct you on the proper techniques like form, breathing, and tempo to maximize each exercise but minimize injury.

You also get a 10x body assessment to measure where you are so you can safely transition to where you want to be.

Week 2 – 4: Your Transformation Begins

At this phase of 10x, you begin applying the 6 core exercises to your bi-weekly workouts.

Lorenzo and Ronan teach you how and when to increase the intensity of your training.

You will also learn how to eat for fitness and how to increase your weights to accelerate muscle improvement.

Finally, Lorenzo and Ronan debunk myths about male and female training so you can understand what it takes to optimize results for your sex.

Week 5 – 9: Sculpting Your Dream Body

Once you have built a strong foundation, the next phase of 10x brings you to a more advanced level.

You will learn 9 additional exercise techniques so you can target specific muscle groups and shape them according to your preferences.

Lorenzo and Ronan show you how to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time, plus teach special techniques and concepts to increase intensity and perfect your body’s tone for a slim, strong look.

Week 10 – 12: Living Your 10x Lifestyle

In the final phase of 10x, you will map out your perfect workout by taking all the concepts you learned in the previous weeks about optimal exercise and supporting habits.

Lorenzo and Ronan walk you through designing a personal workout and nutrition plan that is customized to your lifestyle, schedule, and fitness goals.

Lastly, you will learn how to optimize your recovery window with sleep, the final tool for improving muscle mass development.

Other Mindvalley fitness classes you may be interested in

In case 10x Fitness is not for you or you would prefer to try something different, Mindvalley has plenty of options for Body Quests.

Why not try:

  • The Longevity Blueprint: An easy-to-follow body conditioning program designed to help you look and feel younger by combining the latest in scientific breakthroughs and traditions from the world’s longest-living cultures. Check out my review of it here.
  • The Mastery of Sleep: A customizable sleep design program that helps you learn to sleep better every night, reducing insomnia or dependence on sleep medication.
  • The Next Evolution of Health and Fitness: A special Mindvalley Quest under their Wildfit brand, which aims to transform your perception and relationship with nutrition

You get access to these courses (and every course on the Mindvalley platform) if you sign up to the Mindvalley All Access Pass.

Considering the All Access Pass costs $499 and 10x Fitness costs $399 (and all other Mindvalley courses) I personally think that it’s a no-brainer to get the All Access Pass.

I’ve been through over 15 Quests on the platform now and I’d be lying if I said that they weren’t all at least slightly transformative.

In terms of investment and production, Mindvalley doesn’t hold back. You will never feel like you’ve been robbed.

Is 10x Fitness worth it?

I found that the 10x Fitness Mindvalley course was definitely something refreshing because of how they focused on achieving the best results in the least amount of time possible.

As they have removed the unnecessary (and sometimes risky) elements to resistance training, you learn something from each video that you can immediately try — regardless of your current physical condition.

You focus on slower movements so you practice correct breathing and form, which really minimizes the chance of getting injured.

As the course is taught by Lorenzo and Ronan, who formulated the exercises, everything is explained well and demonstrated excellently.

With two 15-minute workouts per week, you will feel great because your body is not going through the same wear-and-tear you experience at the gym.

The whole course is extremely practical and allows you to live your fullest life without sacrificing too much of your time and resources.

Overall, I highly recommend Mindvalley’s 10x Fitness course to anyone who wants to bring their body to peak condition.


Confused about what to do next?

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It may tell you exactly what you need to know.


Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown

I'm been through a lot, come out the other side, and I'm here to reveal everything I've learned. If I can help even one soul from my spiritual reflections, then my work here is done. Some people call me a spiritual warrior or an enlightened soul, but I'm just a humble guy that wants the best for humanity. If you want to get in touch with me about my writings, don't hesitate to hit me up on my Twitter (@lachybe). Namaste.

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