Recently, a friend introduced me to Manifestation Magic, a Law of Attraction program by Alexander Wilson:
- A program uses sound wave technology to help users reach their optimal vibration for manifesting their desires swiftly and effectively.
- This program, created by psychology expert Alexander Wilson, who has spent thousands of hours learning from spiritual masters, consists of an ebook, audio tracks, and bonus materials designed to help users manifest their desires in various aspects of life, including work and relationships.
- All you need is to listen to one 15-minute track daily, and the program promises to eradicate negativity and transform your desires into reality.
It sounded intriguing, so I decided to give it a try, albeit with a hint of skepticism.
After all, I’m open-minded but always rational, and concepts like these sometimes raise an eyebrow.
In this Manifestation Magic review, I’ll be sharing everything you need to know about this popular manifestation program.
I’ll cover what you’ll get, my personal experience with it, and its pros and cons.
By the end of my review, you’ll be equipped to decide if this program, which requires an open mind, a commitment to daily practice, and a willingness to listen to the audio tracks, is the right fit for you.
Before diving into the details, let me share my final verdict:
My verdict
I got a lot out of the Manifestation Magic program.
Although I’m naturally skeptical of programs like these, I found the material to be practical, helpful, and actually quite enjoyable.
My life is more on track for having read the books and listened to the audio tracks in the program. I still don’t think you can manifest anything (like a million dollars), but I now believe you can bring happiness and a positive attitude into your life by following the principles I learned.
If you’re still hesitant, then Manifestation Magic has a 60-day money back guarantee. So you don’t have a lot to lose by trying it out.
Before we jump into the review specifics, let’s first take a moment to understand what manifestation means.
What is manifestation?
Before I go into detail with the program, I feel it’s important to have a good understanding of what manifestation is actually all about.
Manifestation, quite simply, is your ability to visualize your true destiny and desires, and cause them to become a reality. It is based on the premise that whatever you focus on acts as a magnet, of which you will attract more of.
If you think your partner will break up with you, it will become a reality.
On the other hand, if you send thoughts out that your partner is becoming more loving and considerate, and is going to propose to you, then by projecting these positive, affirming thoughts, that will happen.
The other key element of manifestation is that the universe does not know time.
This means that the things you desire were meant to happen to you, and by manifesting these ideas, it will speed up their delivery.
When you manifest, you say these thoughts and desires as statements that have already happened. ‘Today was a really happy day’ rather than ‘I hope I’m happy today’.
A little bit of universe manipulation perhaps?
What is Manifestation Magic?
Manifestation Magic uses sound wave technology that lets you reach your optimal vibration in order to manifest your desires more quickly and effectively.
The program comprises an ebook and a selection of tracks that you are to listen to.
Skeptical? Don’t worry, so was I at first, but it turns out, there’s actual scientific research to support it.
Entertainment for your Brain
I’ll be honest—this part boggled my mind a bit!
It turns out that your brain has the ability to synchronize its brain frequencies to outside stimuli—most commonly, sound. There have been many studies carried out on what frequencies are best for students working on exams, as well as those that are more effective for meditation.
When it comes to meditation, you will often hear of the term ‘brainwave entertainment’, which is a scientifically proven way to influence your conscious focus and awareness by listening to tracks.
That’s pretty incredible I think.
Digging deeper into brainwave entertainment
Now you know the science, let’s take it one step further and explore how Manifestation Magic uses that. The tracks that you download and listen to each day take this science even further with..
New harmonic ‘pulsing’
The Manifestation Magic tracks include harmonic pulsing allows your brain to reach those deep, perfect states for quick and effective manifestation.
Hypnotic Suggestions
Based on feedback from members, the tracks also include ‘hypnotic suggestions’ which help to alleviate common fears. Apparently, this is particularly effective when it comes to fears about money.
Who doesn’t need help with that?
Quantum Freedom Technique (QFT)
To top that up, the tracks also use the ‘Quantum Freedom Technique’ (QFT) technology to help you tune your vibrations into your desires.
Who is Alexander Wilson?
The Manifestation Program was created by Alexander Wilson.
He has a pretty impressive set of credentials, ranging from a masters in psychology, to an extensive catalogue of blogs and ebooks.
He’s also spent thousands of hours practicing with a range of spiritual masters in order to fully understand manifestation. Luckily for us, he’s put all his knowledge and practice into this program – saving us all a lot of learning time!
How much does Manifestation Magic cost?
Current prices start at $27 for the basic Manifestation Magic package: the jumpstart ebook, the tracks and, currently, a new corona ‘rescue’ pack.
The pack promises a 60 day money back guarantee, which I think is pretty generous.
If you want to invest a little more, the $37 dollar package also includes a selection of bonus tracks as well as lifetime access to the app which means you can access the entire program on your smartphone.
This app really appealed to me, as in today’s crazy busy world, saving 5 minutes by simply pressing play on the app could be the difference between making this a consistent habit or not.
If you want to go all out, there’s a further $97 dollar package, which comes with a whole host of items such as tracks to help you sleep and a ‘spirit whispering’ course.
My personal experience with the program
With some intrigue and a hint of skepticism, I started off on my ‘magical’ manifestation journey. I’m all about self-improvement and I’m old enough now to be open minded about how that improvement comes about.
Yes, this Manifestation Magic review was written by someone who has actually taken the program in full.
Let me take you through my experience.
The download
The download was easy. No waiting for a delivery, no having to pay for shipping, just a simple download.
The package was actually a little more than I expected. Firstly, there was a ‘Jumpstart Guide’, then the all intriguing tracks, but as well as this, there was the ‘coronavirus rescue pack’ which contained a selection of books and a 10 minute sound bath track.
The books
Personally, I got a lot from the bonus books – they were a good ‘refresher’ of some of the familiar concepts such as the Laws of Attraction, and it was written in a brief, accessible manner.
If the concept of manifestation is new to you, or you haven’t read books such as ‘The Secret’, these are a good place to start. If you have, they will refocus your mind, and get you back on the manifestation bandwagon.
One of the books also contains some cool healthy recipes to help you build your immunity, health and well-being. Now, I wasn’t expecting that!
Although it says that you don’t need to read these bonus books in order to have manifestation success, I highly recommend them.
Jumpstart Guide
This is basically a super short instruction manual that will get you all set and ready to go. Clear, simple, informative. It gives you what you need to start your manifestation journey and to tap into your desires.
The tracks
I don’t really know what I was expecting from the Manifestation Magic tracks, but I can only describe them as calm, hypnotic tracks that resemble something that you might listen to in a spa. At first I found myself struggling to last the full length of the track, without my mind wandering, but I did enjoy listening to them.
As time went on, the actual listening to the tracks gave me space to be mindful. They helped me to form the habit of daily manifestations, and to move my mind away from the more negative thoughts.
As the tracks became more embedded into my daily routine, I felt a growing sense of confidence as I worked my way through the program.
Did the sound waves deepen my manifestations to optimal success? Well, this one is hard to prove or disprove, but they certainly didn’t hinder it.
The Chakra Power system
This is made of 7 audio tracks. The idea is that you listen to one a day and it will clear away negative thoughts that drain your vibrations and get in the way of you achieving your true desires.
These tracks were the part that really tapped into some of the things I had been looking for—removing financial stress and fears, the feelings of being out of control and lost.
Deep Sleep Bonus Tracks
For me, listening to the daily track in the morning was enough, and to be perfectly honest, I don’t have many problems when it comes to sleeping. However, if sleep is something you battle with, I think these tracks can help you a lot.
Did Manifestation Magic work for me?
Did I feel less negative after taking the Manifestation Magic program?
Yes – particularly when it came to money problems.
Did I have more success at work?
Did my relationships improve?
Surprisingly, this is the one I saw the biggest impact on, and that a lot of my manifestations centered on.
Overall, I found myself feeling more in control and far more in tune with my desires and goals. I noticed myself saying ‘yes’ to more opportunities at work, to taking bigger risks in moving forward relationships and definitely letting go of that financial fear.
Maybe this is because I had more faith in the Universe, or maybe I just had more faith in myself. I felt happier and my relationships were better for it.
Will Manifestation Magic help you?
I’m confident Manifestation Magic can help anyone in the same way it helped me.
However, to really know whether it is the right program for you, I think you should ask yourself the following questions first:
How opened minded are you?
There is one main prerequisite for the program to work: your belief system.
If you can believe in the power of the program, and also in your ability to improve your thinking system, then I genuinely think that this program will have a powerful positive impact.
However, if you go into this program with a negative attitude and cynicism, then you will prevent yourself from fully engaging in the experience, and I imagine that it will have little effect.
Are you willing to make this a habit?
Despite having the word ‘magic’ in the title, the program DOES require you to do some work. Firstly, you need to read the book, and then you must listen to the daily tracks and commit to daily manifestations.
That said, what you put into this is what you will get out of it.
How do you feel about listening to a daily track?
This one really falls down to preference. If you enjoy listening to music, then this could be perfect for you. If you’d rather stick needles in your eyes than listen to an audio track every day, you may be best finding something else.
My top tips for ultimate manifestation magic (and it doesn’t involve a wand!)
Here is what I think you should do to get the most out of Manifestation Magic, and manifestation more generally.
READ the books
Now, I understand. You’ve spent the money, you’ve got the download and you want to speed on to the tracks and get going with your manifestations. But trust me, slow down.
Take the time to read the books and refresh your knowledge and understanding of the laws of attraction, tune in your health, and you will give yourself the grounding you need to continue your journey.
Start your day with the track
When I first started with Manifestation Magic, I just planned to listen to the track ‘at a good time in the day’, which inevitably, never came.
I found myself about to go to bed, with the realization that I hadn’t got round to listening to the track, and scrambling to do it before bed. As you can imagine, this normally resulted in me listening to the first 5 minutes before falling asleep!
After a few days of failure, I decided to set my alarm, and do it first thing in the morning. This made all the difference. I found myself actually starting the day by considering what I wanted to achieve and focusing my mind on that.
Not only did this make me feel positive, but it also gave me a lot of clarity about what I wanted to get out of the day.
Know what you want from the Universe
Before I stated my manifestations, I sat down and thought long and hard about what I actually wanted in my life. Was it a better relationship? Was it a promotion? Was it a happier self?
By doing this, I felt that I had more direction when I came to manifesting my desires, because I actually knew what they were.
Are you ready for the magic?
Magic is a strong word, and this program is NOT going to be your fairy godmother in disguise unless you put in a bit of time and effort.
However, what it will give you is a strong foundation of tools and resources to propel you along a manifestation journey that will help you to realize your desires and dreams.
What I liked most about Manifestation Magic
I got a lot out of the Manifestation Magic program. Here are the things I liked the most:
One book. One track a day. One daily act of manifestation. That’s all there was to this.
It’s easy to use and simple, which in my mind, makes it far more achievable. The bonus tracks and books really gave the package added value, and made it feel like a more rounded experience.
The tracks are enjoyable and relaxing, whilst giving your brain a little manifestation boost at the same time. You’re guaranteed to come away feeling calmer and more focused.
The gift that keeps on giving
The program is no fad. It’s designed to become part of your daily ritual that will promote consistent, long term growth and positive change.
The program does not have a time limit, can be used consistently, and you will not run out of material after a few hours.
All of the extras
In particular, I loved the ‘coronavirus rescue pack’ that Alexander Wilson had put together. I really feel that this gave the package an ‘all-round’ experience, helping me to give my diet and immunity a boost along with my brain.
Lots of customers say that they notice results in just 24 hours. I’d maybe say it took me a few more days to notice the difference, but that’s still a pretty impressive result.
The drawbacks of Manifestation Magic
As much as I liked the program, this wouldn’t be an honest Manifestation Magic review if I didn’t point out the drawbacks I found.
Time commitment
To do this well, you need to give up at least 20 minutes of your day, and personally, I would say this is best done in the morning.
By all means, this is based on personal preference, but the guidebook does recommend you listen when you are fresh, and I feel that the manifestations make more sense to do at the beginning of the day.
Now, 20 minutes a day isn’t a huge deal. But it’s still something you’ll need to incorporate into your daily routine. This program isn’t a magic bullet that will instantly change your life after 2 minutes.
Too money centered
A lot of the adverts and testimonials for Manifestation Magic focus on how you can ‘manifest wealth’, with people saying that they woke up to find 100 dollars randomly in the mail, or they made an extra 10,000 dollars last month due to the program.
To me, this felt superficial—surely the concept of ‘speaking to the universe’ goes a little deeper than money?
Arguably, by using manifestation to increase positivity, set clear intentions, and ask the universe for what you want, this may lead to success or happiness, and ultimately monetary gain. However, I feel that asking for an extra lump of cash is in some way abusing the universe.
I feel that once you move beyond this sales pitch, the product itself goes much deeper.
Only digital
Manifestation Magic only comes in digital format. If you prefer hard copies of everything, then this could be a drawback for you.
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