33 undeniable signs you share a deep soul connection with someone

At some point in life, we all encounter people who bring a special spark to our existence.

They leave an indelible mark on our minds and hearts and make us feel like the world is a wonderful place after all.

You can have a deep soul connection with someone who is not just your best friend or lover; it’s someone with whom you share a profound intimacy and understanding.

These connections are usually intense and brief, but their impact will remain with you for the rest of your life.

If you have found someone that has made such an impression on you, I’ll take you through the top signs that you have a unique deep soul connection with them. Let’s jump right in.

1) You immediately feel like you’ve known them for years

When you have a deep connection with someone, you will feel like you have known them forever.

You can sense an immeasurably deep connection with someone when you first meet.

You may speak to them for the shortest time, but in that short time, you already feel like they have been intertwined with your thoughts and feelings.

2) You naturally gravitate towards them

If you find that you are naturally pulled toward someone and can’t quite understand the reason why it can be because you have a deep soul connection with them.

Your heart might be beating faster just because they’re nearby or sitting next to you at a party.

You feel like you’re at home in the presence of someone even if you’re an introvert.

3) You both love long, deep conversations about anything under the sun

Most of us are used to conversations focused on trivialities, banalities, and gossip, so if you have meaningful conversations with them, it’s a sign that your relationship is on another level.

What most people don’t know is that a deep soul connection with someone who can not only listen to such banal nonsense but also engage in it with you with full attention and patience.

Their enduring interest in mundane facts is a sure sign that they are closely connected to you.

4) The connection between you is so strong sometimes you feel like they might be inside your head

If someone seems to know what you are thinking before you utter a word, it can be a sign that you share a deep soul connection.

It is if, by some kind of magic, you feel as if they can read your mind as well as you can theirs.

You can’t stop thinking of them, and it’s not just because you fancy them; it’s because there’s a real depth to the connection between your spirits, hearts, and minds.

Is this feeling overwhelming? Are you afraid that you are obsessing over them?

While this article explores the main signs that you share a deep soul connection with someone, it can be helpful to speak to a relationship coach about your situation to make sure you aren’t overthinking it or bordering on something darker.

With a professional relationship coach, you can get advice specific to your experience.

Relationship Hero is a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people through rare situations like finding someone who connects with you in a way unlike another.

How do I know?

Well, I reached out to them a few months ago when I met someone who changed my world.

After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship and how to relax and enjoy it.

I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my coach was.

Click here to get started.

5) They make you laugh a great deal

If you can laugh with someone, it’s a sign that your soul can be entwined with theirs. Laughter is a universal language that can be interpreted in many ways.

You are both at ease when you’re having fun together and making each other laugh.

Who else can make you feel better when the world feels like it’s crashing down around your ears?

6) You feel relieved when they call

When you have a deep soul connection with someone, it can feel like a relief to hear from them.

However much we try to block out feelings of loneliness, most people tend to feel it more strongly when they are by themselves.

So when someone makes an effort to reach out, it feels like a great deal of tension is being released.

7) You feel possessive over belonging to them

Someone you are close to can make you feel as if they own a part of you, which can be a sign of a deeper connection. This might feel like a flood of possessiveness.

It can be a sign that you want to maintain a strong connection.

If someone inspires you this much, it is the feeling of a deep soul connection with them.

You might not understand why you feel so strongly, but it is because of the bond between you.

8) You can’t contemplate life without them

If there’s any possibility of a future without this person in it, and you begin to feel deeply anxious and unsettled at the thought, then it could be because someone special has made an impact on your life.

It’s so strong that it never occurred to you what life would be like without them in it.

A deep soul connection with someone can cause a person to flounder without knowing what to do without the other person in it.

9) You worry about them even when they’re in a faraway location

You may not feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety, but you are well aware that your significant other is out of your reach.

This can be an indicator of a deep soul connection with that person.

The thought that they might suddenly disappear from your life starts causing you to feel anxious and unsettled.

You may find yourself worrying about their whereabouts long before there is any real cause for concern.

10) You can’t stop thinking about them when they are away from you

If someone gives you butterflies and keeps on popping up in your mind, it’s a sign that you have a deep connection with them.

The feeling of wanting to tell someone something every time they pop into your mind is also a sign that you have a deep soul connection with someone.

11) You make sacrifices for them without even realizing it

Not everyone makes sacrifices for the sake of those they love.

But if you feel compelled to make sacrifices even when it doesn’t feel right, this is because there’s a deeper connection between your heart and mind.

If you are also aware that this is a sacrifice, it is a sign that there might be a deeper connection. Your choice to make the sacrifice may indicate there is.

12) Everything they do or say makes you feel like you are the main focus in their life

Most of us have experienced being so completely taken care of and treated like dirt by someone we were involved with but never felt good enough for.

If you end up feeling this way when someone takes an interest in your life, it can be a sign that there’s something deeper between you two.

This feeling manifests when someone is so selfless that you feel as if you are their main focus like you are the most important person in their life.

These people often date people who abuse them or treat them like dirt.

You’ll almost always find that they only have this deep connection with someone who treats them badly.

13) You both find each other fascinating and are curious to know what makes them tick

If you feel like you are as fascinated with someone’s life as you are and seem to have an insight into everything that is going on around the globe, this could be another sign of a deeper connection with each other.

Your relationship never feels dull. They are constantly surprising you with their wit and charm and personality.

14) You always manage to be amused by the same things.

If your seemingly ordinary date manages to make you laugh at something silly and mundane, it might be a sign that there is a deeper connection there.

This is because you find them amusing, and it’s not because they made some kind of witty joke or popped out of nowhere to say something funny.

15) You feel like you are always saying the same things to them

It may seem like you have said almost the same thing over and over again, but if you feel like there is a lot of common ground between you, it could be a sign that there is a deeper connection.

You both share similar senses of humor and the same sense of thought. You can’t think of anything he or she says any differently when it comes from their mouth.

16) You can’t pull yourself away from them for long enough

If you find yourself constantly thinking about your partner or when they are not with you, it might be another sign that there’s something deeper between the two of you.

Your senses always seem to be in tune with their emotions, and they feel like they are always with you.

You can’t think of anything that they might say or do without thinking of them first.

17) You have no idea what you would do without them in your life

If you would have to pick up the pieces and move on with your life and all your friends, family, and loved ones without them, then it could be a sign that there is something deeper between the two of you than just a strong friendship.

You would be completely devastated if this person left your life forever.

Does this person make you feel anxious and panic?

Relationships can be confusing and frustrating. Sometimes you’ve hit a wall and you don’t know what to do next and are left with a feeling of fear.

I know that I was always skeptical about getting outside help until I tried it out and it helped a great deal.

Relationship Hero is the best site I’ve found for love coaches who aren’t just talking. I highly recommend their guidance.

They have seen it all, and they know all about how to guide people through the intense feelings of finding a deep soul connection.

Click here to check them out.

18) You start noticing a lot of things about them you never noticed before

If you find yourself noticing the little things about them and also find yourself infatuated with the way they look, this could be another sign that there is something special between you two.

You might suddenly find yourself interested in their likes, dislikes, and even habits.

This could also be an indicator that there’s more than just an emotional connection with this person.

19) You both feel like you connect more deeply than anyone else in your life

If both of you are introverts and at times struggle to make friends and end up feeling alone in the world, then it could be a sign that there is something special between the two of you.

It can feel difficult to form meaningful bonds with others, but if you can do this easily it can be because you are both aligned.

20) You are forced to leave because of distance and time constraints and find it more difficult to cope than it can be a sign that you have a strong soul connection with this person.

If you have ever thought about ending a relationship because of distance and time constraints, this could be another indicator that there is something deeper between you two.

If you feel like someone is taking over your life or if they are responsible for you staying in your current location, then it might be a sign that there’s something special at play here.

21) You can’t stand the thought of being away from them for even a single second

If you feel like you are made to spend every single second with this person, and would be devastated if you had to spend time away from them, then it might be a sign that there is something deeper between the two of you.

You would be so devastated and lonely by the idea of having to reschedule your social life once again because they are busy at work, or when they leave on a business trip that they wouldn’t want to reschedule.

If you feel this way it could very well be a sign that there is something special at play here.

22) They seem to be your other half

Most of us have experienced a deep connection with someone that seems to be the physical embodiment of our soul or even missing another part of ourselves.

It can truly feel as if you just have so much in common with each other, that there is no way it can be a mere coincidence.

If you can’t explain why you can sense what the other is thinking and feeling most of the time, then this could very well be a sign that there is something special at play here.

23) You want to be your best

If you feel like your partner is constantly pushing you to be the best person, do more, or have more, it could be a sign that there is something deeper behind that push.

This can manifest in many ways such as telling you to go for a voice recording practice or forcing you to make this huge change in your life because they know what’s good for you.

24) They are your number one cheerleader

If they are constantly cheering for you and always make sure that everyone around them knows how lucky they are to know them and how much they love and care about them, this could be another sign that there is something more at play here.

You might have a connection deeper than with anything else that you have experienced.

You might even find that your partner is the reason you are motivated to do well in life.

If they are always telling you how great a job you did and encouraging you to do more, then it could be a sign that there is something more at play here.

25) You can’t seem to get away from them

You will feel like there’s nothing else in the world that can make you happier than being with them and spending every single second together. If this is the case, it doesn’t matter what happens, the only thing that matters is that the two of you will be together if it all ends tomorrow.

If you feel this way and it makes you feel better about life, then it could be a sign that there is something special at play here.

It can be so strong that even the thought of being apart from them for even a second can make you sad.

26) They are always on your mind

This sign occurs when you think about your other half non-stop and feel uplifted and inspired.

This is one of the clearest signs you’re in love with someone, but in this case, it’s not necessarily love.

It’s the feeling of missing them when they are not around that makes it clear to you that there’s something more between the two of you than just an ordinary friendship.

27) You feel as if you can be yourself around them

This is a true sign that you have found someone special.

You might even find that this person is the only one you feel like you can be completely honest with and who doesn’t judge you.

This can be a real blessing in your life and make it feel like this person truly “gets” you and accepts every single part of your being, including all of your flaws.

28) There is mutual openness and respect

You might even find that the two of you are always doing things together and sharing things and keeping a strong sense of respect for one another.

This can be something that can be difficult to understand if you’re on the outside looking in, but it doesn’t warrant judgment.

If you feel this way even though it is strange for others to see, then it could very well be a sign that there is something special at play here.

29) You are both consciously aware of it

If you have discussed it with each other and both agree that there is a connection between the two of you that is deeper than any other you have experienced before, then this can be an obvious sign that there is something special between the two of you.

You both see it and feel it and aren’t afraid to tell one another.

This kind of openness and honesty is rare.

30) There’s a common bond

If there is a common bond between the two of you that makes it clear that there’s something special, it could be another sign that there is something more going on here than just a regular friendship.

Some examples might include mutual interests, shared history, or similar beliefs.

There is something that holds the two of you together that is bigger than yourselves.

31) They are your opposite

If this other person seems to be your polar opposite and you feel like they bring out the most in you when they are in your life, this can be a sign that things are not as they seem with them and there is something more going on at play here.

Having someone to challenge and point out new insights can only come if you have inherent differences and perspectives. So enjoy exploring them.

32) They make you feel special

When you have a deep soul connection with someone, they make you feel special and improve your overall mood and happiness.=

It’s another true sign that you share a deep love for one another that is not just a friendship.

33) You want the relationship to last forever

If you and your partner want the relationship to last forever, then this might not be a normal occurrence in real life, but it certainly feels like you have a deep bond that is important to both of you.

The only thing that matters is that the two of you will be together for as long as possible if it ends tomorrow.

Remember to relax and enjoy the experience

Deep soul relationships are intense, real, and fulfilling, but they are also rare to find. So it’s easy to feel like it is serious and to stress yourself out over it.

Remember that relationships are in your life to enjoy.

If you have already found someone who has left a deep soul impression on you, there is nothing more that makes sense than to try to keep that relationship alive.

The way I see it you have two options:

  • You can make yourself feel sick trying to do all the right things to hold onto the relationship and experience it as you think it should be
  • Or you can build your confidence in it to be open and vulnerable and allow the relationship to unfold as it is meant to

Even if we do everything that we think is right, the relationship can fall apart and change.

But why not learn how to enjoy and be at ease with the interaction?

I’ve been in your position before, and there was one thing that helped me get to the root cause and resolve this – the free Love and Intimacy video by the world-renowned shaman Rudá Iandê.

Rudá doesn’t smooth things over, he gets real, and he digs deep into the relationship you have with yourself and how it impacts the relationships you have with others.

So if you’re ready to finally overcome your feelings of fear and worry, check out his incredible free video here.

It can help you to reframe your mindset and find new ways to enjoy this beautifully touching experience that you have before you.

This bond is something to be celebrated. And the more you feel confident and explore how it teaches you about yourself and your patterns, the more you will be able to grow and love more deeply.

It’s a perfect reminder to work on the most important relationship you have all of your life – the relationship you have with yourself.

Can a gifted advisor help you too?

If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to someone with special intuition.

I know this from personal experience…

A few months ago, I reached out to Psychic Source when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into what my future holds, and the confidence to make the right decisions when it comes to love.

If you haven’t heard of Psychic Source before, it’s a site where gifted advisors help people through complicated and difficult life situations.

In just a few minutes you can connect with a highly intuitive psychic and get tailor-made advice for your situation.

I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my psychic was.

Click here to get started.

Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing for Nomadrs to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.

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