14 consequences of selling your soul (and how to get it back)

Do you think you have sold your soul to something else

If so, you probably understand that it does have specific consequences.

The truth is that sometimes we sell our souls to our desires, higher powers, a particular person, or anything else. It can have a lot of spiritual and physical consequences.

Does this sound familiar?

Then chances are that you’re wondering how you can get it back and restore your principles, morals, beliefs, and everything that makes you who you are.

Keep reading because this is an article about recognizing the 14 consequences of selling your soul and understanding the ways to get it back.

1) You will be lonely

Believe it or not, the first sensation you might feel after selling your soul is loneliness.

It’s like you’re no longer part of the human race.

You may feel that you’re not part of the world anymore and that your soul is no longer yours.

You may feel like being with people is just a waste of time, especially when they won’t share cor beliefs.

In other words, you might feel that you don’t fit into this world anymore.

Does this sound like you?

If you sell your soul to something, chances are that now you feel lonely.

Of course, you’ll still have friends and family, but you won’t feel like yourself anymore. You’ll feel like a different person.

And this feeling of being a different person after selling your soul is something that many people experience.

While it may seem scary at first, it’s important to remember that you’re still yourself, and you can still make positive changes.

It’s just that now your focus is on something different, and you’ve opened yourself up to new opportunities and experiences as a result.

But instead, it usually results in a sense of shame, guilt, and regret.

You’ll feel like you’ve lost something important that you’ll never get back.

You might even think that selling your soul is the only way to get the love that you crave.

But this isn’t true at all.

There are ways to get back what you lost, which we’ll talk about later in this article.

But feeling lonely after selling your soul is one of the most common consequences of doing this.

2) You’ll feel like you’re less than human

Have you recently had thoughts like these?

“I don’t deserve happiness.”

“I’m not a real person. I shouldn’t be happy. I should be sad and angry all the time.”

This is a common belief among people who sell their souls.

And it’s especially true for those who sell their souls for money, success, and power.

They think that the way to get what they want is to become someone else and pretend that they have no feelings at all.

That way, no one will reject them or hurt them again.

This is why many people have trouble with relationships because they can’t relate to other people’s emotions or values. And because of this belief that you aren’t a real person if you feel happy, excited, or love-filled emotions.

If you feel these emotions, you’re not real. You’re just pretending.

So even though they may want to feel these things, they can’t because they think that those feelings aren’t real and that if anyone finds out about them, it will destroy their reputation and make them look like an imposter in front of the world.

The result of this thought process is guilt, shame, fear, anxiety, depression, loneliness, obsession, addiction, self-loathing, low self-esteem, etc…

Either way, here’s one of the most common consequences of selling your soul:

You might feel like a robot, or that you’re not even human anymore.

You might think that you’re not worthy of being treated with respect and kindness and that you have no right to complain or demand anything from anyone.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way. You can feel human again, and it will only take a little bit of effort on your part.

You can restore your sense of humanity and make yourself worthy of being treated with respect again.

All it takes is a little effort on your part to feel the way you used to feel before selling your soul. But first, we need to understand what happens when you sell your soul.

3) What would a gifted advisor say?

The signs above and below will give you a good idea about the consequences of selling your soul.

But a surefire way to know for sure is to speak with a gifted advisor.

They can answer questions like, what will happen after you sell your soul or how you can get it back.

The problem is finding someone you can trust.

That’s why I recommend Psychic Source. When I signed up for a reading, they provided me with a unique insight into where my life was going, including how I should react to things that concerned me.

Having tried several online advisors, I think they’re the most caring, compassionate, and helpful network of gifted advisors out there.

Click here to get your own personalized reading.

Not only will a genuine advisor explain the consequences of selling your soul, but they can help you get it back.

4) Your moral compass disappears

After you sell your soul, it’s hard to feel good about yourself.


Because you’ve sold your soul. You’ve given away your soul to someone else, and you don’t even know it.

And now, you have no sense of right and wrong.

You’re not sure what’s okay or what isn’t anymore.

You don’t feel any emotions that would indicate what kind of person you are or where your moral compass lies.

And that can be very confusing and unsettling for anyone who feels themselves to be a moral person.

The result?

Your moral compass disappears.

The truth is that when you sell your soul, you lose your moral compass.

You used to have a clear idea of what is right or wrong, appropriate or inappropriate, but now you find yourself having no idea at all.

The reason behind this is that your soul is the thing that keeps your moral compass working, so if you sell it, your compass will stop working.

That’s why you should never rely on your soul to be your guide because it is a very valuable thing, and if you lose it then you will have nothing to guide you and you could end up doing things that you would regret.

And that’s not a good thing, because, without it, you’re going to have a hard time deciding what is or isn’t okay.

You can’t even tell the difference between right and wrong.

That doesn’t mean that you should give up on the idea of being a moral person.

It simply means that you need to re-establish your moral compass. You need to find out where your moral compass lies again.

5) You feel lost and empty inside

Do you feel like you’re lost? Do you feel empty inside? Do you feel like something is missing from your life?

If so, chances are that these feelings are consequences of selling your soul.

You may be missing the connection with the Divine because you sold your soul.

Maybe you feel empty inside because you’ve sold your soul, and now there’s nothing left to give.

It’s a strange feeling to have no sense of yourself anymore. You don’t feel like yourself anymore, and that can really throw off someone who is used to feeling like themselves.

And if you don’t feel like yourself anymore, then what does that make you?

It makes you an outcast, a freak show, and a person who doesn’t fit into society or God’s plan for the world.

It makes you an outcast from the world of humanity and God’s plan for the world.

And it makes it impossible for God to do anything in your life or for anyone else to help you find whatever it is that’s missing from your life because they’re not going to want anything to do with someone who can’t even find themselves anymore!

That’s not very nice!

If you’re used to being a certain way, and then all of a sudden you start feeling like you’re someone else, it can be very disturbing.

For example, if you’re used to feeling confident and used to making the right decisions, and then you start feeling lost and confused, you might have sold your soul to something.

If you feel like something is missing from inside, you might want to take a look at how you are living your life and if you are doing things that are not you.

Sometimes we do things that make us feel like we have to live up to other people’s expectations, but if you do that too often then you might start feeling empty inside.

But if you sell your soul, then there’s a very good chance that you will feel lost and empty inside.

In fact, the more things that you give away to others in exchange for money and power, the more likely it is that you will feel this way.

6) You struggle to make decisions

Let me take a wild guess. Recently you had trouble making decisions.

You were worried about what to do and you were not sure of yourself.

You feel a little lost, confused, and afraid.

And now you probably wonder why you feel this way and how you can explain it.

Well, in this case, you should now that it’s because you sold your soul to something, and now you don’t know who or what to believe in.

The fact that you struggle to make decisions might signify that you have sold your soul to something.

The simple truth is that making decisions is an essential part of life, and if you are completely lost and confused while making decisions, then you might have sold your soul.

You have to remember that when you sell your soul, you also sell your power to make your own decisions.

If someone else owns your soul, they have complete control over you and can make all your decisions for you.

This is why you might be struggling to make decisions in your life.

You feel like you have no choices or that there are no good choices left for you anymore.

But there are choices! You just need to look for them again!

There’s always a way out of the confusion!

You just have to be willing to let go of anything holding you back from making the right choice.

So keep in mind hat you might have sold your soul if you feel like you are struggling to make decisions.

7) You can’t free your mind

So, you can’t free your mind from unwanted thoughts, right?

You are trying to figure out what to do, and you are not sure of yourself.

And now you might wonder why you feel this way, and how to explain it.

Well, that might be one of the consequences of selling your soul.

Is there any way to free your mind from these thoughts?

Yes, there is! But let me ask you something important first.

Are you tired of hearing the same message when it comes to spirituality?

Are you exhausted from trying to always be the best version of yourself, of always trying to be positive?

If so, there’s a reason why:

You’ve been sold toxic spirituality.

Don’t feel bad about it though, so many of us have fallen into this trap. Including the shaman Rudá Iandé.

In this incredible free video, Rudá explains how his initial approach to spirituality did more harm than good. Now, with over 30 years in the field of spirituality, he hopes his experience can help others avoid the same mistakes.

So what makes Rudá trustworthy? How do you know you won’t get more of the same toxic crap?

Well, Rudá isn’t going to tell you how to practice your spirituality. Instead, he’s going to give you the tools to find empowerment from within.

Every exercise in the video will put you back in touch with your core self, step by step.

So if you’re ready to take that step, click here to watch the free video.

8) You start lying to yourself and others

Perhaps not surprisingly, one of the most obvious consequences of selling your soul is that you start lying to yourself and others.

Just admit it. You’re lying to yourself.

Well, don’t get too upset about it. You are not the first one to do it.

You can also lie to yourself and others without even realizing it.

I mean, you might tell yourself that you’ve made the right choice when you bought your soul back from the devil. But deep down inside, you know that’s not true.

You start telling yourself that you’re not doing enough, or you’re not doing it right, or you’re not being good enough.

You start telling yourself that the world has more meaning than it actually has.

You start letting others believe things that aren’t true.

And all this starts to build up a wall between you and your true self. A wall that only gets bigger and bigger as time passes by.

Sounds scary, right?

The thing is that if you sell your soul, you will start lying to yourself and to others.

The first sign that something is wrong is when you start lying to yourself.

You will start ignoring your feelings and your true wishes, and instead, you will start doing things that you don’t want to do.

This is a sign that someone else owns your soul and is using it to make decisions for you.

When someone else owns your soul, they can use it to make decisions for you, and one of the things that they can use it for is lying.

If someone owns your soul, they can make you lie to yourself and to others.

So, when you start lying to yourself, you are probably lying to others as well.

You might be lying to your friends and family members about your intentions or about the things that you do.

9) You become isolated from society

Have you noticed that you’re becoming more and more isolated from society?

Or that you’re not able to keep in touch with your friends and family?

It’s because you are selling your soul.

You won’t be able to keep in touch with those people because they can no longer be trusted.

They are not the friends that you want them to be, and they will not be the friends that you need them to be.

Your soul is now owned by someone else, and they will use it for their own benefit.  They can no longer do what you want them to do, so they will just push you away from your friends and family.

You won’t have the energy or the time to spend with them, so they will eventually get pushed out of your life as well.

This is a very common story among people who sell their soul.

Wondering why it happens?

Well, if you are normally a very social person, but you suddenly become completely isolated from society, you have to ask yourself if you have sold your soul.

Sometimes we sell our souls to something, and we don’t even know it.

We just know that we suddenly withdrew from everything that we used to enjoy.

If you suddenly withdraw from your social life because you are afraid to do anything, this might be a sign that you sold your soul.

You have to stay away from everything that you used to enjoy because you were given an order to do so.

10) Your physical health declines

It might seem a bit surprising but sometimes problems in your physical health can accompany the fact that you sold your soul.

You might notice that your physical health has declined if you sold your soul.

Sometimes we sell our souls to abusive partners and people who manipulate us so that they can keep us under their control.

If someone owns your soul and they are trying to hurt you, then they can damage your physical health just by controlling your thoughts and actions.

So, if you notice that your physical health has declined, then you should ask yourself if you have sold your soul.

You will be deprived of the energy that you need to live a healthy life.

You will not be able to spend time with your friends and family because they cannot be trusted anymore, so they won’t be able to help you when you need it most.

You will not have the energy or the time to do things that are healthy for your body.

This is why many people who sell their souls often complain about poor health, and this is why they often turn to unhealthy substances to help them cope with their pain and stress.

And you know what?

That’s why you need to understand how to get it back to avoid such unhealthy consequences of selling your soul.

11) Something bad happens to you or a loved one

If you have sold your soul, then bad things can happen to you or to a loved one.

In general, bad things are inevitable if you sell your soul because selling your soul is an act of surrendering yourself to a higher power.

You cannot control something that you do not own, and that is why something bad can happen to you or to someone dear to you.

If someone owns your soul and they are trying to hurt you, then they can do anything they want with it because they own it.

They can use it against you anytime they want.  They can also use it against another person if that person has sold his/her soul too.

This is why some people who sell their souls feel very powerless when something bad does happen to them or someone close to them.

Sometimes when we sell our souls to someone or something, it is not only us who suffers.

The person who owns our soul can use us to do bad things to other people, and they can also use us to do bad things to ourselves.

The person who owns your soul can use you to do something bad to another person, and then they can also make you do bad things to yourself.

This is why many people who sell their souls turn into victims and allow others control over their lives in order for them not to feel pain any longer.

12) You lose sight of the bigger picture

If you sell your soul, chances are that you won’t see things in their proper perspective anymore because you’re so focused on yourself, your life, and the future.

That’s why it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture when dealing with this problem.

But there is a way to regain a sense of perspective again.

I recommend looking at all sides of an issue before making a decision or taking action on it because sometimes there are multiple sides to an issue that need to be taken into account before making a decision or taking action on it.

So, expect to lose sight of the bigger picture when you sell your soul.

13) You’ll lose your identity

When you sell your soul, you might feel like the person you used to be is gone.

You might feel like you don’t know who you are anymore.

The result?

You lose your identity.

You might lose the ability to make decisions for yourself because someone else owns your soul and can decide for you what to do.

You might also feel like nobody really cares about what happens to you anymore because they think that you don’t have a soul or they think that whatever happens next is out of their hands and they can’t do anything about it.

This is an illusion though, so don’t worry too much about it.

There are still people who care about what happens to us even though we sold our souls, and there are still people who want to help us turn our lives around if we need help.

There are still ways that things can change for the better in our lives, even if we sell our souls.

You will just have to keep fighting for it until it comes true, but it will happen eventually if you keep trying hard enough and strong enough too!

14) You will not be happy with who you are now

If you sell your soul, it means that there’s something that’s more important than who you are and what makes up your character and personality.

And if this is the case, then it means that there’s something else out there for you to sell for happiness or success in life.

This can be just about anything, from money to a car or house, or even a family member (or some people do it for their careers).

Whatever it is, chances are that this “something else” will make you unhappy with who and what makes up YOU!

It will make everything else seem useless in comparison! And if this happens, then it means that you sold your soul without even realizing it!

This can be very hard to understand because we don’t want to admit that we’re desperate for something else because we really don’t know how much we need or love ourselves yet.

So we convince ourselves that we don’t need anything else because we’re happy with who and what we are.

But the truth is that you’re more than happy with who you are, but something else is making you unhappy.

15) You realize what you had was worth more than anything else

And finally, you will realize that what you had was worth more than anything else.

Yes, you probably don’t like this idea, but if you sold your soul and experienced all the negative consequences we’ve just discussed, you probably realize that what you had was worth more than anything else.

You are now free to appreciate and love everything that you have from now on because you know what it means to be happy with yourself and who you are.

And if this only happens after your soul is sold, then it means that the thing that made you unhappy before will be replaced by the thing that makes you happy now!

So if your soul gets sold, just think about all these things and don’t agree to sell it!

When you are experiencing all these things, you might feel like you have no control over your life.

You might feel like you are being controlled by someone else and you might feel like you don’t know who you are anymore.

But the truth is that you do have control over your life, and you can get your soul back.

As long as you still have your soul, you can get it back.

Once you realize that what you had was worth more than anything else, you will be able to get your soul back.

All you have to do is take a look at what you are doing in your life and make sure that you are doing things that are you.

How to get your soul back after selling it?

Now let’s focus on what matters the most: ways to get your soul back after selling it.

It is needless to say that getting your soul back is not going to be as easy as it sounds, but if you follow the steps listed below, you have a high chance of getting it back.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t get your soul back if you haven’t done everything listed below, but it’s a good starting point.

  • Take care of yourself so that nothing bad happens to your body/mind/soul again
  • Spend time in nature
  • Try to reconnect with your past
  • Get rid of negative people in your life
  • Travel
  • Offer help to people in need
  • Try to be more social and make friends with new people

But sometimes, using these tips and getting your soul back is hard.

In this case, you might need help from an experienced advisor to help you bring your soul back.

For this, I recommend speaking to a genuine advisor.

And there’s one company that I always end up recommending, Psychic Source. Not only did they blow me away with their accurate reading, but they were also kind and understanding of my situation.

So if you’re tired of wondering how you can get your soul back after selling it, get in touch with a gifted advisor and take your future into your own hands. I did, and I’ve never looked back since.

Click here to get your own professional reading.

Confused about what to do next?

A weird, new way to figure out what to do next is to get advice from the Psychic Love Robot.

This is a very sophisticated tool using advanced artificial intelligence and neural network modeling.

You ask a question and then share additional information about your situation.

The Psychic Robot then tells you exactly what to do.

It’s honestly mind-blowing. And it’s free for a limited time.

Check out the Psychic Love Robot here.

It may tell you exactly what you need to know.


Nato Lagidze

Nato Lagidze

Nato is a writer and a researcher with an academic background in psychology. She investigates self-compassion, emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and the ways people make decisions. Writing about recent trends in the movie industry is her other hobby, alongside music, art, culture, and social influences. She dreams to create an uplifting documentary one day, inspired by her experiences with strangers.

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