How to manifest someone when you’re unsure what you want

Okay, you feel like you need to manifest someone, but the problem is that you’re not sure what you want.

Does this sound familiar to you?

If so, you might be wondering whether you can manifest someone when you’re unsure of what you want.

Surprisingly, there are some ways to attract people even without having clear intentions. And in this article, I’ll explain how.

13 ways to manifest someone when you’re unsure what you want

1) Start with your feelings

Have you ever tried to focus on your emotions instead of your goals while trying to manifest someone?

Start by noticing how you feel about the person that you want to manifest.

Is this person a positive or negative influence in your life? Is there something about them that annoys you? If so, focus on that.

For example, if someone annoys you and it makes you feel bad about yourself, then it’s pretty likely that they’re not a good match for your life at all.

In fact, they’re probably a bad influence on your life.

So if they’re not a good match for you and make you feel bad about yourself, then it’s likely that they won’t be any good for your life either in the long term.

They might even be harming it in some way! It doesn’t take much thought to realize this… but most people aren’t very logical when it comes to their emotions anyway!

So, here’s how you should start manifesting someone when you’re not sure what you want:

Start with your feelings.

And this is the first step in manifesting someone when you’re unsure of what you want.

You see, there’s a difference between wanting something and wanting it badly. A desire is something that feels good or sounds good to you.

On the other hand, a craving is something that feels bad or sounds bad to you.

And even if you don’t know what you exactly want from this person, at least you’re certain about this feeling of craving, right?

If they are mixed up, then no matter what happens, they will not feel like they should be fulfilled, and that makes it hard for them to come into your life.

But if they are clear and strong enough in their desires, then they can attract anyone who can make them feel better than being alone.

And this is how manifesting someone when you’re unsure of what you want works!

2) Be mindful of your beliefs

Let me ask you a question.

What is the thing that limits your attitudes and beliefs from imagining something clear about the person that you want to manifest?

Well, if you’re not sure about what you want, then it’s because of your beliefs.

Your beliefs are the thoughts that limit your imagination.

And the more you believe that what you want is impossible, or that it’s not worth having at all… the less likely it will be for this person to come into your life.

To manifest someone when you’re unsure of what you want, all you have to do is change your beliefs about this person so that they seem possible and worthwhile.

If these beliefs are strong enough and clear enough in your mind… then they will attract any person who can make them feel better than being alone!

But you know what?

Sometimes you don’t even need to change your beliefs. All you need to do is to be mindful of your beliefs.

But how can you do this?

Well, just try to be aware of your beliefs, and you’ll see that they all come from your past experiences.

Your experiences are the things that you’ve experienced in your life. And these experiences define the beliefs in your mind.

So if you want to manifest someone you’re not sure about, start by recognizing your beliefs and becoming aware of yourself.

And this is how manifesting someone when you’re unsure of what you want works!

3) Get help from a real psychic

The signs above and below will give you a good idea about manifesting someone when you’re unsure about what you want.

Even though you’re unsure about your intentions, one surefire way to manifest someone is to speak with a gifted advisor.

They can answer questions like when you can start and what you should focus on while manifesting someone.

The problem is finding someone you can trust.

That’s why I recommend Psychic Source. When I signed up for a reading, they provided me with a unique insight into where my life was going, including who I was meant to be with.

Having tried several online advisors, I think they’re the most caring, compassionate and helpful network of gifted advisors out there.

Click here to get your own personalized reading.

Not only will a genuine advisor tell you how you can manifest someone when you’re unsure what you want, but they can reveal all your love possibilities.

4) Look at your dating history

Even if this might sound a bit weird to you, you can manifest someone when you’re unsure what you want by looking at your dating history.

This is because of the law of attraction.

Want to know how the law of attraction works?

Basically, the law of attraction states that whatever you focus on, you become more and more like.

So if you focus on having a boyfriend, then you’ll attract one.

But if you focus on not having a boyfriend, then your chances of attracting one will go down.

Essentially, the more positive energy you put out into the universe, the more it will work to give you what you want.

But here’s the thing:

When you’re trying to manifest a new love relationship, one of the first places to look is at your dating history.

Looking at your past relationships can give you some insights into what you’re currently attracting in your love life.

And it can also help you identify what you’re looking for in a future partner.

If you’ve had a few failed relationships in the past, you may be attracting the same type of person with whom you’re currently involved.

And you may be repeating the same pattern in your love life that’s causing these failed relationships.

Sounds like you?

If so, you might want to consider what’s causing this pattern in your love life. And then, you can take steps to change it.

For example, if you’ve had a pattern of dating people who are emotionally unavailable, you may want to take steps to change that pattern.

This could include working on your own emotional availability. And it could also involve changing the way you view emotionally unavailable people.

So if you want to attract someone when you’re unsure about what you want, just be positive!

Positive thoughts and vibes are like magnets for attracting people into your life. And if this person is the one for you, then they will eventually come into your life!

5) Focus on what you do want in a relationship

Okay, you’re unsure of what you want in a relationship, but you do know what you don’t want, right?

So focus on that.

By focusing on what you do want in a relationship, your subconscious mind will be guided to attract the type of person who has those qualities.

And if you’re trying to manifest someone who’s emotionally available and is fun to be around, then your subconscious mind will be guided to attract that person into your life.

And if they’re not emotionally available and fun to be around, then they’ll eventually go away!

If this sounds like something that would work for you, then try it out!


Because it’s important to pay attention to both your current relationship and the kind of person you’re currently attracting.

And it’s also important to pay attention to what you do want in a relationship.

It’s easy to get caught up in what you DON’T want in a relationship. But it’s also important to pay attention to what you DO want.

When you’re manifesting a new love relationship, it helps to write down what you want in your ideal partner.

So, take some time to really focus on what you want. Don’t worry about what you don’t want this time.

6) Get clear about your specific goals

Are you ready to hear the most crucial part of manifesting someone?

You need to be clear about your goals in order to attract someone in particular.

This means that you need to get clear about what you want in a relationship.

Is this person going to be your soulmate?

Is this person going to be someone who completes you?

Is this person going to be someone who brings out the best in you, and makes you a better person?

Yes, it’s true that you’re unsure about your intentions. But if this makes you anxious, nothing hinders you from getting clear about your goals.

And if you’re not clear about your intentions, then you’ll attract people who are going to be a distraction to you.

And you know what?

Once you get clear about what your goals are, then you can attract someone who is compatible with those goals.

You want to attract someone into your life who’s fun to be around. And they also need to bring out the best in you!

However, it’s also the most difficult part.

If you’re unclear about what it is that you want, then this process can be frustrating and confusing.

So take some time to figure out exactly what you want in a relationship.

What are your goals? What do you want out of life? What do you expect from a partner?

Write down what your goals are and then focus on them while practicing the other steps above.

The result?

When you know exactly what you want, then you’ll be able to attract it into your life. And that way, the process of manifestation will be much easier!

7) Free your mind from unwanted thoughts

Do you notice the presence of some limiting beliefs while manifesting someone?

“I’m not good enough!” “I’m not attractive enough!” “I don’t have what it takes to attract someone!”

These are just a few examples of limiting beliefs. And they’re always present when you’re trying to manifest someone.

But why is this?

Because our mind wants to protect us from pain and suffering. It wants to keep us safe and happy. So, it creates a barrier of resistance around everything we want in our lives.

Are you tired of hearing the same message when it comes to spirituality?

Are you exhausted from trying to always be the best version of yourself, of always trying to be positive?

If so, there’s a reason why:

You’ve been sold toxic spirituality.

Don’t feel bad about it though, so many of us have fallen into this trap. Including the shaman Rudá Iandé.

In this incredible free video, Rudá explains how his initial approach to spirituality did more harm than good. Now, with over 30 years in the field of spirituality, he hopes his experience can help others avoid the same mistakes.

So what makes Rudá trustworthy? How do you know you won’t get more of the same toxic crap?

Well, Rudá isn’t going to tell you how to practice your spirituality. Instead, he’s going to give you the tools to find empowerment from within.

Every exercise in the video will put you back in touch with your core self, step by step.

So if you’re ready to take that step, click here to watch the free video.

8) Focus on the qualities you want in your ideal partner

Another way to manifest a new love relationship is to focus on the qualities you want in a partner.

When you’re manifesting something, it’s important to be very specific.

But the problem is that you’re unsure about what you want, right?

Still, when you focus on the qualities you want in a partner, you’re being very specific, whether you try it or not.

For example, if one of the qualities you want in your ideal partner is that they are emotionally available, you can use this quality in your manifestation process.

You might wonder what this quality is and how it applies to your ideal partner. Or you can write down your thoughts and ideas on this topic. It can be helpful to do both.

In either case, the goal of this step is to get you to focus on the qualities you want in your ideal partner.

If you don’t know what qualities you want, then it’s time to do some soul searching!

What are your preferences? What do you look for in a partner? What type of person are you attracted to?

You may have noticed that there are certain characteristics that attract people into relationships. For example, when it comes to love and attraction, people usually go after someone who:

  • Is attractive
  • Is loyal
  • Is friendly and nice
  • Is kind and loving
  • Is fun and playful
  • Is compatible with them in every way!

And so on!

These are just a few examples of what attracts people into relationships, but there are plenty more!

So if you know what characteristics attract the type of person you want, then you can easily manifest someone even when you’re unsure about your clear intentions.

9) Just manifest feeling good

And now I’m going to introduce one more solution for manifesting someone when you’re unsure what you want.

This solution is simple. Just manifest feeling good.


Well, after all, we all want to feel good, right?

The key goal of manifestation is to get something we want. And we need something in order to feel good.

So if you want to manifest someone, just be clear about the feeling you want.

The idea is that when you focus on the feeling that attracts people into relationships, your subconscious mind will make all the necessary connections in order for your desires to manifest. And sometimes it works!

So what are you going to do?

Work on just feeling good. Manifest your positive emotions and soon you’ll realize that the feeling you wanted has manifested.

10)  Focus on the energy of your desires

Have you ever tried to check your energy before jumping into the process of manifestation?

Well, if you haven’t, you should know that your subconscious mind is very powerful. It can pick up on your intentions even when you’re not aware of them!

So guess what?

If you want to manifest someone and you’re not sure what you want, try checking your energy to see if there is a connection between the feeling you want and the energy you have.

Try to feel the energy of your desires. If there is a strong connection, then your desires are probably attracting people into relationships.

This means that whatever feeling you have, even if it’s a bit vague at first, it’s probably attracting people into relationships.

The thing is that all of your unconscious desires have their own energy. It’s inside you and it can be expressed at any time in real actions. And you need to focus exactly on this energy while trying to manifest someone.

What does this mean?

Well, if you want to manifest someone and you’re not sure what you want, focus on the energy inside of you. You can do that by keeping your attention in the present moment.

You can do that by keeping your attention in the present moment. Whatever it is that attracts people into relationships will happen automatically as long as you stay in the present moment and focus on your desire.

Just keep checking your energy and soon you’ll see that the feeling is attracting people into relationships!

11) Be thankful for what you receive

One more important thing while manifesting someone is to be thankful for what you receive.

Let’s see how it works.

When you manifest someone, your subconscious mind will create the connection between you and that person.

And when you manifest someone, you are creating a kind of magnetic field around yourself. You’re attracting people into your life by creating this magnetic field.

It feels that it’s “worth it” to create this connection. It’s worth it because you’ve created a strong feeling inside of yourself that attracts people into your life. And it feels like this energy will be returned to you in the form of people who are attracted to your desires.

This is how the law of attraction works!

But if you don’t feel thankful, then the manifestation of your desires will be difficult.

So, try manifesting someone and keep in mind that you’re manifesting them just because of your desire. Don’t forget to feel thankful for this!

You can do that by feeling grateful while focusing on the energy inside of you and being thankful for the feelings that attract people into relationships.

12) Let go of external resistance

Ever tried to neglect external resistance that hinders your desires?

I agree, it’s not easy.

No one can do this without effort. But did you know that manifesting someone when you’re unsure about your desires is impossible without letting go of external resistance?

Let’s see why.

External resistance is an obstacle to manifesting your desires.

It’s an obstacle that sometimes comes into your life when you’re not sure about your desires.

When you create a strong feeling inside of yourself, it feels like the energy will be returned to you in the form of people who are attracted to your desires.

And this attraction feels great! But sadly, external resistance is an obstacle when it hinders this process from happening.

But you know what?

It’s your confusion that is also an opportunity for you to let go of external resistance by focusing on the energy inside of you.

So, try to let go of everything that hinders your manifestation. Trust your power and the process will eventually work out!

13) Send out positive vibes and positive messages

And finally, if you want to manifest someone in your life, then it’s important to send out positive vibes and positive messages.

This means that it’s important to focus on the positive energy inside of you and the energy that attracts people into your life.

It’s important to send out positive vibes and positive messages because it makes your manifestation much easier.

And it feels like this energy will be returned to you in the form of people who are attracted to your desires.

What do I mean by positive vibes?

Well, it can be anything that provokes positive energy.

It can be a positive affirmation, being grateful for the feeling of love, or doing something that you’re grateful for.

Whatever it is, just make sure to focus on the positive vibes that are inside of you and the energy that attracts people into your life.

And when you do this, it feels like this energy will be returned to you in the form of people who are attracted to your desires.

Eventually, you’ll see the result of your manifestation without even knowing what exactly you want.

Not knowing can actually be helpful

My additional tip for manifesting when you’re unsure of what you want is to enjoy the fact that you don’t know your exact desires and intentions.

Believe it or not, sometimes, not knowing can actually be helpful because it allows you to be open to what life has to offer.


Because not knowing something brings adventure, passion, and excitement, doesn’t it?

And when you’re open, things will eventually come into your life that are exactly what you want.

You’ll have a feeling of excitement and energy when this happens because it feels like the universe is giving you exactly what you want.

Final words

Overall, it’s possible to manifest someone without knowing what you want in a relationship.

All it takes is a little bit of effort, self-awareness, and intention. With these things in place, you’ll be one step closer to manifesting the love relationship you’ve always dreamed of.

But if there’s a part of you that still wants to know more, I recommend speaking to a genuine advisor.

And there’s one company that I always end up recommending, Psychic Source. Not only did they blow me away with their accurate reading, but they were also kind and understanding of my situation.

So if you’re tired of wondering about how to manifest someone without being sure what you want, get in touch with a gifted advisor and take your future into your own hands. I did, and I’ve never looked back since.

Click here to get your own professional love reading.

Can a gifted advisor help you too?

If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to someone with special intuition.

I know this from personal experience…

A few months ago, I reached out to Psychic Source when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into what my future holds, and the confidence to make the right decisions when it comes to love.

If you haven’t heard of Psychic Source before, it’s a site where gifted advisors help people through complicated and difficult life situations.

In just a few minutes you can connect with a highly intuitive psychic and get tailor-made advice for your situation.

I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my psychic was.

Click here to get started.

Nato Lagidze

Nato Lagidze

Nato is a writer and a researcher with an academic background in psychology. She investigates self-compassion, emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and the ways people make decisions. Writing about recent trends in the movie industry is her other hobby, alongside music, art, culture, and social influences. She dreams to create an uplifting documentary one day, inspired by her experiences with strangers.

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