Still seeing your ex in your dreams? Can’t seem to get over them?
Just because your relationship ended doesn’t mean that that door is closed forever. There’s still a chance for you to get back with your ex.
Spiritually attracting your ex back into your life starts from within yourself.
While this might sound counter-productive, it actually isn’t.
When you focus on your spirituality, you’re more able to send high-frequency, positive vibrations into the universe.
That is what’s going to attract your ex once more to you.
Continue reading to learn these 13 spiritual ways to rekindle your relationship with your ex.
1. Understand Why You Want Your Ex Back
The first thing that you need to do is to ask yourself why exactly you want your ex back.
The universe is going to give exactly what it asked of it, so caution is required.
To positively return your ex to your life, your intention must be pure.
That means that it shouldn’t be because you want to break their heart in the future as an act of revenge.
Negative intentions will only bring negative outcomes.
Positively charged reasons why someone might want to have their ex back in their lives is because they want to spend their hours with them.
The negative version would be because they need to.
Another positive might be because you genuinely see goodness in your ex and that the breakup could’ve been avoided; now you know what you need to do to avoid it from happening because you genuinely love them.
2. Visualize Yourself Together With Them Again
When you try to visualize being with your ex again, try to imagine as much as you can. Picture their face, their name, what you’re doing when you’re together.
After painting a vivid mental picture of them in your mind, focus on what you might feel in that moment.
Practicing visualization techniques is common for people wanting to attract not only their ex but their dreams too.
3. Get Help From a Real Psychic
The spiritual ways above and below will give you a good idea of how to get your ex back for good.
But a surefire way to know for sure is to speak with a real love advisor.
However, I know how important it is to stay away from fake “experts”.
That’s why I recommend Psychic Source. They provided me a unique insight into where my life should go, including who I was meant to be with.
Having tried several online advisors, I think they’re the most caring, compassionate, and knowledgeable psychic network out there.
Not only will a genuine advisor tell you how to get your ex back for good, but they can reveal all your love possibilities.
Click here to get your own love reading.
4. Repeat Positive Affirmations
Clearing away feelings of anger and sadness will help you spiritually bring your ex back to you.
One way to help you do this is to repeat a positive affirmation daily.
These positive affirmations will help prime your mind to attract your ex.
The more that you repeat a positive affirmation to yourself, the more you get to believe in the spiritual process.
The more you believe in the process, the more likely it is that the universe will reward you with the thing that it knows you may want and need.
Examples of these positive affirmations are: “My ex and I are meant to be together”, or “We are bound to be together in the end.”
5. Let Go Of The Past
When you want your ex to return to your life, you need to clear the way for them.
You need to welcome them with positivity and love, not the regrets and the pains of the past.
That’s why it’s important that you come to terms with what happened before.
There’s no point in holding a grudge, or playing the blame game. This is negative energy that you’re sending out into the universe.
No amount of mental, emotional, or spiritual energy is going to rewrite your shared history.
You are also not chained to the past. By looking inward and connecting with your spirit in the present day, you’ll be able to forge the future that you want, one that may include a positive second chance with your ex.
6. Focus On The Present Moment
When you spend your time waiting for your ex to return, you’re essentially delaying your happiness. That doesn’t have to be the case.
Instead, focusing on the present moment and being mindful will help you find happiness faster.
The past is covered in regrets and heartbreak; the future with anxieties and uncertainty.
But when you come back to the present moment, you allow yourself to connect with your spirit more, and feel the bliss that can’t be felt looking backwards or forwards.
You will begin to radiate positive energy. This is what’s going to help attract your ex back.
7. Meditate On It
Staying positive and calm is key to attracting your ex back. A simple and effective way to become calmer is mediation.
Find a quiet space in your home or outside — somewhere away from the noise of everyday life — and allow yourself to be with your thoughts.
Let your spirit and mind run free within you. Focus on your breathing and mentally scan your entire body as you sit still.
Beginners might find it difficult since their minds will still be too active.
But you must remember to simply let your mind and body just be. Relax. Calm down.
Eventually, you’ll find the calmness and positivity you need to bring your ex back to you.
8. Forgive Yourself
Whatever has taken place in the past is final.
You can either spend your days blaming them for causing the break up or blame yourself for not maybe not being a good enough partner.
Understand that playing the blame game won’t do you any good moving forward in your life.
One of the most difficult steps to attracting your ex back is learning to forgive. Forgive them. Forgive yourself.
It might take a few days, months, or even years. But once you’ve learned to forgive, your spirit will feel nourished, making you ready to give your relationship another try if the universe plans for it.
9. Stop Trying To Contact Them
Begging or even guilt-tripping them back into your relationship isn’t going to send the positive energy you need to form another relationship with them.
Doing so might actually make your situation even worse.
Although it’s natural to feel bitter about the relationship and angry at them, there’s no need to continue contacting them about it.
By setting boundaries for yourself, you give yourself the space that you need to look inward and reflect on yourself.
This is the time to find and get to know yourself again.
If you feel really uncomfortable about completely cutting your ties with them, you can always mute them on social media or recruit your friends to help stop you from contacting your ex.
While it might be painful, in the grand scheme of things, it will be better for you.
10. Be Grateful For Your Life Right Now
The universe always wants you to be happy. It also wants to know that you’re happy with what you already have.
But it’s all too common for people to take everyday experiences for granted. We forget about the gift of being alive and healthy or the gift of friends and family.
Learn to be grateful for the small things in your life right now. It will send a positive message to the universe.
In turn, the universe might reward you for your positive energy. Ways to begin being grateful for is by creating a gratitude journal.
At the end of each day, try writing down 3 things that you were grateful for that day.
It can be large but it can also be really simple; you can be thankful for the sunny weather or that the restaurant had your favorite food available for you.
11. Accept Your Emotions
If you feel heartbroken about your relationship, you shouldn’t feel the need to suppress it. If you feel sad, let your tears flow.
You shouldn’t feel guilty for the emotions that you feel because they’re inherently uncontrollable. The best thing you can do is to truly feel them.
By giving yourself the chance to truly feel your feelings, you’re better able to process it.
When you do so, you will come out of it feeling much stronger, sending a positive message to the universe.
12. Take Yourself On A Date
Treat yourself and show yourself the love that you deserve. Your single life is the perfect time to get back in touch with your spirit.
Nourishing our spirit is something that people tend to forget to do, which is why they feel unhappy in their lives.
Take this time to nourish yourself — not just physically but spiritually and emotionally too.
You now have the freedom to visit any place that you want to go without having to wait up on anyone.
Eat at the restaurant that you feel like eating in. Do the activities that make you feel good about yourself.
13. Allow The Universe To Run Its Course
There is only so much that you can do. At the end of the day, the universe will ultimately decide whether you are both meant to be or not.
Try not to take it personally. Although you may want your ex back, the universe may have bigger plans for you.
While you may wallow in your heartbreak right now, the universe might be giving you this moment to work on yourself.
Now is your chance to come to terms with your insecurities and show yourself the love that you deserve.
If or when your ex returns, they’ll see you as an entirely different person — a better version of your previous self.
In Conclusion
Hopefully, the spiritual steps above will shed some light on how to get your ex back for good.
But if there’s a part of you that still wants to know more, I recommend speaking to a genuine, professional love advisor.
And there’s one company that I always end up recommending; Psychic Source. Not only did they blow me away with their accurate readings, but they were also kind and understanding of my situation.
So if you’re tired of wondering how to get your ex back for good, get in touch with a legit advisor and take your future into your own hands. I did, and I’ve never looked back since.
Click here to get your own professional love reading.
Can a gifted advisor help you too?
If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to someone with special intuition.
I know this from personal experience…
A few months ago, I reached out to Psychic Source when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into what my future holds, and the confidence to make the right decisions when it comes to love.
If you haven’t heard of Psychic Source before, it’s a site where gifted advisors help people through complicated and difficult life situations.
In just a few minutes you can connect with a highly intuitive psychic and get tailor-made advice for your situation.
I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my psychic was.